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Please Help Athletics


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I've started doing athletics for my school and the main things I do are 100m and 200m sprint.

So far I've been doing well but my legs are dying. They really, really hurt. And I'm expected to do this most days.

I know this is muscle development, but do you know anyway to speed it up?


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Just work hard your legs shouldnt really tire for 100m and if you want to be good at 200m you have to sprint whole 200m which gunna cause you to tire the more you do it the easyer itll get on your legs and it will also increase your leg strength and therfore speed. Eating more protein ie meat will help in gaining muscle but dont do this in excess as at your age it could affect growth and stuff so basically its just work hard at it and eat well, and during exercise drink lots water and eat lots of high energy foods before during and after.

Edited by tom aky
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Just work hard your legs shouldnt really tire for 100m and if you want to be good at 200m you have to sprint whole 200m which gunna cause you to tire the more you do it the easyer itll get on your legs and it will also increase your leg strength and therfore speed. Eating more protein ie meat will help in gaining muscle but dont do this in excess as at your age it could affect growth and stuff so basically its just work hard at it and eat well, and during exercise drink lots water and eat lots of high energy foods before during and after.

Its not so much tiring

Thanks for advice :)

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When your running don't just use your legs, your arms are a important part to. I used to be a VERY quick 100m sprinter, but I wanted to be build for rugby put on more muscle, went out of pratise and lost it. What you need to do it run like normal, then really over exagurate with your arms, pump them really hard. If you were running, right foot forward, punch the arm as hard as you can with your left arm, keeping them tucked into your hips. At first it will feel really weird but the longer you do it the more you will get used to it !

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Yeh i do athletics long jump 100 , 200 .Eat alot of protein foods , also carbs. If your serious about the sport , go to the gym , do some squats with heavy weight to

get your strength up key is to get as strong as you can with little mass as possible so bout 6-8 reps , also need strong lower abs do raise your legs when running , etc.

Its also important to stay supple so do alot of stretching to get maximum stride length. Also plymetrics help speed. This is what i do at my club anyways.



Edited by Deonn h
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The best thing that worked for me around your age was to really concentrate on explosive movements on my rest days. Squat down to get your hands on the floor and jump as high as you can and reach to the sky as you get to the top of the jump as explosively as you can. Do this a good 10 times or so, and then do the same but focus on moving as far forwards as you can at the same time, and again but backwards. Put other directions in as well if you want, just remember to keep it explosive and land as nicely as you can. Keep it nice and low impact compared to a proper sprint and it also shouldn't hurt as much over time.

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It's the thighs that hurt, you know that buring pain? Not tiredness

Whats wrong with over develpoing muscel at 14?


it rapes you for later life because you are still growing

also,thats just muscle ache, nothing you can do about it other than train, either by running more ofter or for faster, further.

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