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If You Had 6 Million Dollars, What Would You Buy?


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A bed that was long enough so I wouldn't have to hang my feet over the end all the time.

Ah I hate that! I have to literally have my head at the wall so my feet are just on! I've already spent my 6mil on the Mini, can you buy me one too? :P

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6,000,000.00 USD=46,500,004.61 HKD (hong kong dollars)

I'll move back to Hong Kong, via first class plane (concord if they were still alive).

Buy a mansion, pay it in cash. Mini cinema room, games room with all the consoles I can buy, the beastiest PC around, an arcade room, a snooker room, a pool room, a 7 star hotel like room as my bedroom decked with biggest HD TV I can buy (or projector), a swimming pool in the back garden, a music studio filled with les pauls, EPS, PRS, Ovations, mesa boogie stacks, stacks of effects, a 10 car garage with lambos, ferarris, porshes, a initial D style trueno AE-86, other sensible everyday cars a ariel atom, a go kart, a super bike. A room full of models. Any room left a bike rack with trial bikes.

Build myself a couple of mods, 24"s, maybe a stock.

2 labrador puppies, 2 kittens.

Build a proper trials park for all the riders in Hong Kong, free entry but take donations for maintenance.

Buy another house/mansion for the rest of my family.

Live off the rest, get a job somewhere so I don't feel useless.

That's about it for now I guess. I'll be a happy boy after all this.

Edited by weirdoku
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would buy an awsome pad in london and a zonda thats all i would want really

I'd build a big pond filled with 6 million dollars worth of water next to my house, steal a supertanker and put it there. Then I'd demand 7m for revealing it's location.

lol lot of effort for small payback?

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Alternatively, take it out in £1 coins and make a f**k off big tower. I'd probably cheat and use a bit of glue on each one to help it. But yeah: Substantial tower. Maybe get it in pennies and make a beasting bottom part to it, then have it taper up. If it's £4million or so, that's a fairly substantial amount of height. And most definitely worth it.

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I had 300 1p pieces and 200 2p pieces in a tub in my flat at uni. Tried stacking them up. Got a fairly large amount of height on it with loads left over, but they get well tech to balance. C'est la vie.

I'm pretty sure having $6million would focus my mind on the task at hand though.


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