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Fighting/brawling For Fun?


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Keep to the rules.

What rules?

EDIT: If you mean forum rules, then it's not up to you to tell me that. Report my post if you think there's a problem and let the mods deal with it...

Edited by JD™
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if you're gay then this is probably quite fun..

nar on a serious note though, i don't see the point except you're trying to prove a point that you're 'arder and thats what kids do back in school. but i am fully up for a fight with absolutely drunken dicks thats cocky.


I think your totally missing the point that fighting is fun, you don't need to be beating 10 shades of shit out of someone, just a little spar, take a few knocks, hand a few out in a totally friendly way is a laugh, shake hands afterwards and go for a pint to look through the inevitable camera video replys. Me and my friend still argue about that vid I posted, with the punch i do on like 12 seconds, wether or not it would have knocked him out / knocked him down / do nothing bare knuckle lol

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but why bother with someone you know when you can just spark out relentlessly on some random twat thats somehow been rude or in some way offended you? fighting can be fun and i do love to adrenaline you get from it, but i just don't see much point with a mate as i always think you're somehow 'holding back'. fighting for a mate or with a mate, now thats gangster y'all... B) bad boys for life.


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don't think that matters when they're the first ones being a fanny to you, rudeness just isn't neccessary. you don't hit people for no reason simps.

And violence solves nothing and more likely will end up with you either 1) getting arrested and getting a criminal record or 2) ending up in hospital when the first guys friends jump in or track you down later on and smash you round the head with a metal bar rendering you 3) dead.

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And violence solves nothing and more likely will end up with you either 1) getting arrested and getting a criminal record or 2) ending up in hospital when the first guys friends jump in or track you down later on and smash you round the head with a metal bar rendering you 3) dead.

I think violence can solve quite a good few issues, in fairness going up town on a friday youre guaranteed to come across some kind of confrontation at some point and its just your decision on how to solve it.

As for criminal records its very rare to get caught fighting in town and get arrested, and probably just as rare for people to start feuds over a pissed up fight.

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And violence solves nothing and more likely will end up with you either 1) getting arrested and getting a criminal record or 2) ending up in hospital when the first guys friends jump in or track you down later on and smash you round the head with a metal bar rendering you 3) dead.

i think every possible case that could happen there is just taking it to the extreme.... it does happen especially when you're out and im sure most people will retaliate when started on, its just human. you'd do it for yourself and for your mates, sometimes even for people you don't know. personal justice? haha


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don't think that matters when they're the first ones being a fanny to you, rudeness just isn't neccessary. you don't hit people for no reason simps.


You should like one on the thousand cunts I am forced to share clubs with when I go out. What do you call rudeness? Spilling a drink on your leg? Looking at you funny? Bumping into you? I would never hit anyone in town for being rude to me.... not at all.

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You should like one on the thousand cunts I am forced to share clubs with when I go out. What do you call rudeness? Spilling a drink on your leg? Looking at you funny? Bumping into you? I would never hit anyone in town for being rude to me.... not at all.

think this is getting a bit personal now, first of all there's no need to directly call me a cunt, simply because of our differing opinions..

opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one but i think you've just slightly crossed the line there.

and second of all yes the listed activities that may occur in a club can be rude and you will know when they're doing it on purpose and has attitudes towards 'starting a fight' and it always happens, i'd never start a fight in a club, if i have a problem with people i either deal with it or get to a point there it is just ridiculous and talk to them about it, yet most of the time this leads to a classic push accompanied by a "you f**kin what" etc etc. then whatever happens happens and it is for a 'good cause'.


p.s. i love how much effort you went through all that effort to make sure the word 'cunt' shows up.

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think this is getting a bit personal now, first of all there's no need to directly call me a cunt, simply because of our differing opinions..

opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one but i think you've just slightly crossed the line there.

and second of all yes the listed activities that may occur in a club can be rude and you will know when they're doing it on purpose and has attitudes towards 'starting a fight' and it always happens, i'd never start a fight in a club, if i have a problem with people i either deal with it or get to a point there it is just ridiculous and talk to them about it, yet most of the time this leads to a classic push accompanied by a "you f**kin what" etc etc. then whatever happens happens and it is for a 'good cause'.


p.s. i love how much effort you went through all that effort to make sure the word 'cunt' shows up.

He wasn't calling you a cunt, he was merely saying you sounded like one of the people he knows to be cunts in your post. I personally agree with him from that one post.

Don't start fights, finish them.

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think this is getting a bit personal now, first of all there's no need to directly call me a cunt, simply because of our differing opinions..

Its not different oppinions its different actions, which are 2 totally different concepts, if someone was rude to you and you stabbed him, would that be a different opinion or something wildly different?

opinions are like arseholes

Urm.... Ok....

and second of all yes the listed activities that may occur in a club can be rude and you will know when they're doing it on purpose and has attitudes towards 'starting a fight' and it always happens.

If your drunk who are you to really guage which is which? In my genral experience if someone wants to start a fight they will do more than all the things I listed, however if they are doing it to try to start a fight by doing one of those things, if you react to them then YOU are the one causing the fight, last night I was in a club drunk and everyone was walking round, "thinking they were IT" but I was out for a good night not to get in a fight and ruin the night for everyone.

if i have a problem with people i either deal with it or get to a point there it is just ridiculous and talk to them about it, yet most of the time this leads to a classic push accompanied by a "you f**kin what" etc etc. then whatever happens happens and it is for a 'good cause'.

I'm not sure what you mean by "deal" with it, but your just sounding like a classic tool who over reacts to a small guesture of agression in a club and just causes a massive problem, "cos' you think ur ded arder dan dem bruv."

I'm not innocent of night fighting in a club, but i usually get into one for the right reasons, i.e. someone punching one of my mates out the blue for no reason, punching me, pushing me over. If any of them happen then sure kick off, but from what youv'e put up here you don't just want to rough someone up a little bit you want to

spark out relentlessly on some random twat thats somehow been rude or in some way offended you?

Which is just plain stupid, if you get in a fight you rough them up, get them down then leave as sharpish as possible, and end up having a shit night / few weeks trying to avoid any heat on you, not "sparking out relentlessly on a random twat"

p.s. i love how much effort you went through all that effort to make sure the word 'cunt' shows up.

i love how you did it 2ce in your own post.


If you see this man in a club do not approach him he is highly volitile and will beat you up for no reason, he is also dead hard.


Edited by Simpson
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Its not different oppinions its different actions, which are 2 totally different concepts, if someone was rude to you and you stabbed him, would that be a different opinion or something wildly different?

Urm.... Ok....

If your drunk who are you to really guage which is which? In my genral experience if someone wants to start a fight they will do more than all the things I listed, however if they are doing it to try to start a fight by doing one of those things, if you react to them then YOU are the one causing the fight, last night I was in a club drunk and everyone was walking round, "thinking they were IT" but I was out for a good night not to get in a fight and ruin the night for everyone.

I'm not sure what you mean by "deal" with it, but your just sounding like a classic tool who over reacts to a small guesture of agression in a club and just causes a massive problem, "cos' you think ur ded arder dan dem bruv."

I'm not innocent of night fighting in a club, but i usually get into one for the right reasons, i.e. someone punching one of my mates out the blue for no reason, punching me, pushing me over. If any of them happen then sure kick off, but from what youv'e put up here you don't just want to rough someone up a little bit you want to

Which is just plain stupid, if you get in a fight you rough them up, get them down then leave as sharpish as possible, and end up having a shit night / few weeks trying to avoid any heat on you, not "sparking out relentlessly on a random twat"

i love how you did it 2ce in your own post.


If you see this man in a club do not approach him he is highly volitile and will beat you up for no reason, he is also dead hard.

don't think im getting my point across that well, maybe im yellow whatever.

drunken lords might do more in a club to start a fight, who cares, my point is that they're doing enough to piss you off.. i fully understand when you go out there's always twats pushing and stuff and i can tolerate it to a point where somebody will do something which is totally unecessary ie. kicking you in the shin or something (maybe a bad example). then you react, like i already said, i normally tap on their should and ask them to chill out or back off but if they were wanting a fight in the first place then they'd always used the opportunity to start.

i'm sorry but as much as people say it, no matter how drunk you are you still know what you're doing so i think i would know whether or not the person is being a dick to me or my friends.

and what i meant by 'deal with it' is literally walk away etc.

it sounds like we'd both get in a fight in a club for the same reasons, but maybe i haven't made it clear enough in my previous posts...maybe 'random twats' really meant specfically someone's that not done anything to you. :closedeyes:

well you did start it in the first place and all i had to do is copy?

now as the photo, absolutely no time for that, you seriously love going through fine details to try piss someone off thats had a 'minor' conflict on a forum discussion. end of anyway.


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