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Derren Brown.


Did you get stuck by derren brown?  

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  1. 1. Did you get stuck by derren brown?

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Ok, so he has the balls on a podium and tells us some bull poo about how camelot have the legal right to give the results first, which has got to be bollocks because they air it live so it's impossible them not to be first. So that means he does not know the balls (obviously) that also means the balls do not have the numbers on them. Also, he won't have been banned from buying a ticket.

The whole trick is how he got the numbers to appear on those balls. There was actually a good deal of time, the first ball was called, then went though the rest and then he wrote them down (he could have been doing this as the balls came out instead of standing there with his hand over his mouth) so the time from revealing the balls from the first ball comming out is around 1m 10 seconds, and around 30 seconds from the last ball to the reveal.

I guess a lot happened in that time. Although I have no idea what. The podium that the balls were on was a little weird, my best guess would be that there's something inside the balls that projected or marked the numbers on there. Although that doesn't seem very 'Darren Brown like'. But at the end of the day there is only 10 numbers that would end up on those balls, just repeated, making it a little easier that it first seems.

The balls are in numerical order so chances are the last ball is going to be 40 something and the first is going to be a single digit, but there could well have been non of those 20 numbers and he wouldn't leave anything down to chance i don't think.

The way i suspected this would be originally done was that he'd some how have every combination of lotto numbers and just choose the ones that were right.

Edited by JT!
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The way i suspected this would be originally done was that he'd some how have every combination of lotto numbers and just choose the ones that were right.

Do you realise how many different combinations there are for that? He would literally be filming all year for it!

I didn't watch it, but knowing Derren, it has to be something more ingenious than that.

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i can't figure it out, but did any one notice he kept completely still throughout the draw of the balls. he had his hand to his face and just froze. dont know if that has something to do with it.

maybe as it was a fixed camera they overlapped two shots. one a photo of him, the surroundings and balls etc. and the other was a cut out of the tv screen, so the tv was the live feed and the rest just an image, and then he went behind the tv and wrote on the balls and back to his original position. however i dont have a clue how he got back in the exact same position.

so im totally wrong lol


Edited by arw_86
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Think about this a bit...

camera tricks? sketchy editing?

Derren has been advertising this for a while, its build up a pretty big media storm...for him to do this and the end result be editing, it'd destroy his career - this guy has a huge following; I really do find him very entertaining - but I'd feel let down if it were a camera trick, as would many other fans.

However, what is important to highlight (again) is that the guy is an illusionist. We all have the basic skills for it; you can tell if someone is lying to you, you can see it in their body language and their speech, Derren has perfected this beyond what most people can understand.

The general public have a way of completely rejecting anything they don't understand. Of course he didn't predict the lottery numbers - we could all take a shot and get one or two correct, but the odds agains't him for 6 are well stacked.

He talks very very quickly in his acts, he watches people. The show last night when he asked the girl to count down from 500 why the guy had two numbers in his head; he never took his eyes off that guy, my guess is when the girl said the number (i.e. thinking of 45, she said 445) he must have subconsciously had a reaction to that number which got him to predict it...however lottery machines don't have a reaction.

And although there isn't a way he could predict the numbers like that, he's certainly got a very clever method of making you think that he did - beyond any sort of explaination of a projector or editing, I'm sure of it.

I look forward to the show on Friday :)

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Think about this a bit...

camera tricks? sketchy editing?

Derren has been advertising this for a while, its build up a pretty big media storm...for him to do this and the end result be editing, it'd destroy his career - this guy has a huge following; I really do find him very entertaining - but I'd feel let down if it were a camera trick, as would many other fans.

100% agree with you there. A lot of comments on youtube are saying it's split screen as if it's a fact, it's hard not to agree with them though.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was the split screen trick, the camera has a lot of wobbling which could be added as an effect to help hide any flaws with the split screen, he'll probably come up with some incredible sounding system on friday to make it sound cleverer than it is though, I wouldn't believe all the explanations he gives on tv. Personally I've found a lot of his tricks dissapointing, in his truth or dare series I remember being unimpressed by all of them, the only one I can remember right now was when he claimed to make some girl with no piano ability able to play like a concert pianist without ever touching a piano, yet at the end he revealed she was actually a music college student, that's just lying :S He's undoubtedly very good at what he does though and very clever.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was the split screen trick, the camera has a lot of wobbling which could be added as an effect to help hide any flaws with the split screen, he'll probably come up with some incredible sounding system on friday to make it sound cleverer than it is though, I wouldn't believe all the explanations he gives on tv. Personally I've found a lot of his tricks dissapointing, in his truth or dare series I remember being unimpressed by all of them, the only one I can remember right now was when he claimed to make some girl with no piano ability able to play like a concert pianist without ever touching a piano, yet at the end he revealed she was actually a music college student, that's just lying :S He's undoubtedly very good at what he does though and very clever.

Wasn't she a music college student who could play the piano, but suffered from stage fright, he then hypnotized her to forget everything, and then retaught her?

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Wasn't she a music college student who could play the piano, but suffered from stage fright, he then hypnotized her to forget everything, and then retaught her?

Iirc at the start he made it sound like she had never played the piano, and only showed her in her hypnotized state unable to play, so teaching someone with no ability to play that piece would be very impressive. However a music college student with the relevant skills would be able to play that piece straight off if they listened to it constantly for a week like she did, after I watched the show I listened to the piece a few times and could play it straight away, it's a relatively simple piece and is in C major so the easiest key to be able to play it by ear in. All of those flashing colours on the laptop and other stuff was most likely just a placebo effect, you're going to have more belief in being able to do it if you think somehow he's drilling it into you with amazing software.

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I reckon it could have been a split screen on something along those lines. If you watch the video, the cameraman is holding the camera the whole time (its slowly moving) untill the final ball is shown. Then the camera position freezes for a good few seconds and then begins to move again. This time could have been used as a split screen to get the balls changed.

We all know he did not predict those numbers to come up and it is a 'trick'. Would have been more impressive if he showed the numbers before the lottery reuslts, obviously.

Some of his stuff i have been pretty dissapointed with, other stuff is truely genius. Did anyone see the russian roulette one BTW? that was scary too watch....

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