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The Year 2009


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With 2009 slowly coming to an end, one can look back at the whole year and sum it up.

What's it been like for you? Anything very good or bad happened? Had fun / bored the shit out of yourself? Any important changes?

For me it was by far the best year in my life for a number of reasons:

- Had lots of fun riding trials

- Did my bachelors degree, started masters course

- Business going well

- Started drifting

- Had a loving gf

- Travelled around the country

- Met lots of great people

- Apart from the last month, been happy non stop all year

I'm pretty sure there was a thread like this somewhere, could have been last years though.

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Mines been ok.

Had ups and down, money issues, Major bike issues:P and lots of others things.

But it has had it's good times for example: Schools going rediculously well, mates have been legendary, Not got bored and quit trials yet. :P

I'm cusious of knowing what others' have been like.

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For me 2009 has been a real corker.

- Graduated from uni with a 2.1, capping of a 3 years of mayhem.

- Drove to Mongolia on the mongol Rally which was amazing

- Travelled from Mongolia all the way to Kuala Lumpur on the train going through China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.

They were the major high points for me.

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Lost my job

No money

Dole scummer for 6 months

Good bits though

Got a job making proto exhausts for most of the big car companies

Got some sick ranchu/ lionhead goldfish that I can watch for hours

Turned 22

Got an advent calendar :D

Edited by Si-man
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been pretty shite for me...

1, Lost my granmother 10 days after my birthday.

2, My dad lost his business.

3, Then he had a mental break down.

4, My bike got stolen

5, Lost a good mate in a motorcycle accident

But on the plus side this year

1, Got a promotion at work

2, Learned to bar spin

3, Joined trials forum!

4, Met some good friends

5, Got back into downhilling

But i will be glad when 2010 arrives and i get my hands on a 24"

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f**k. You just reminded me that this year is almost gone!!

1, Finished first year of uni, made it to second year.

2, Been riding for over a year now, what? A YEAR ALREADY?!

3, Been a bum during the summer holidays, worked, tried to save up for money for driving lessons but wasted it on crap.

4, First semester of 2nd year at uni almost over, trying to do a project now infact. :(

5, Time's gone really quick for me in the last 3 years.

Edited by weirdoku
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Meh, good but bad.

-Riding improved massivly, had a good riding year, now stopped.

-Got a new job working for the nhs

-Found a new love about half way through this year, of which is poker, basically took over my life.

-Bad point of poker is its took me into casinos (obviously), so i dabbled into the roulette and gambling side of it which is shit.

-Started to learn to drive which is good :D, hoping to be passed by new year.

Bout it really.

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Overall it's been pretty good.

- Got good grades at Uni.

- Had some half decent gigs come in.

- Made some crazy progression with my bass playing.

- Finally nailed the 'jazz chords' on guitar.

- Songwriting is taking off.


- Financially I've been pretty stable too.

There have been some crap times yeah, but although this year has gone really fast, it's been good! :)

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Some good and some bad this year!

started it off with a broken wrist, was in cast from half way through december into mid feb which sucked ass!\

Been fairly bumpy with the GF at some points but we're still together and things are getting a lot better!

Started to really enjoy riding again which is wicked! Not half as good as I used to be and been riding BMX a lot more but still! Only problem is because of weather and uni i've not been able to ride much at all, this has a god point though in that when I do get to finally ride I really really look forward to it and enjoy it just that little bit more!

Been skint all year :(

because of the longgggg terms at uni i'm looking forward to the xmas holidays even more than I usually do which is great :D

so yeah.. pretty mixed year!

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Shit for me.

Lost job at the start of year

dole dosser for ages

started college which i hate

parents split up

had to move house now i live near nobody that i know

quite a few friends abandoned me

and other things i'm not going to share over a public forum.

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It's been........ Different?

Bad points:

I've moved away from the only place I've known for the majority of my life. I hate where i live right now with, i have no job, no friends and ultimatly nothing to do with my day.

Moved back to oxford for 6 months and hated it purely because of where i was living and what i was doing, my weekend consisted of 5 days on the computer, Shopping on saturday in the day time, getting wankered from 4pm friday to 5pm sunday week after week after week (Sounds ok but gets mega f**king boring)

Lost a very close friend.

Had to grass another close friend up to the police and possibly attend court as a witness at the start of next year.

Few medical issues (Also had to have surgery on my shoulder which hurt like f**k)

Broke up with my Girlfriend of 4 years.

Good points:

Broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years

Moved back in with my family which has it's high points :P

Dropped nearly 3st of fat and put on some muscle, got pretty fit.

Moved up 2 belts in Judoooo. (Hopefully 3 by the start of 2010......)

Got the most wicked sick bearded dragon you could every imagine.

New laptop.

Had some amzingg piss ups :P

Got a car.

Had the most amazing weekend ever back in July which i'll never forget for as long as i live.

Shoulders all good and working.

Meh, good and bad but the bad stuff has weighed out the good stuff so i'd be happy to forget this year.

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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Started uni, which isn't all I wanted it to be. Too much work and no play at all for a first year....

Hardly ridden trials at all, so i've lost a load of weight, fitness and can't ride for shit.

Loosing touch with all my real mates, and only really see the new uni ones, who really aren't arsed.

Meh, hopefully 2010 will be better. I can't wait for this year of uni to finish. I'm gonna spend the summer getting back in with my mates from round here, then move out for the second year.

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Been suffering from depression from about mid December last year... Since then I've broken up from a 13 month relationship, f**ked almost all the tendons in my body due to RSI so severe I may indeed need my tendons replaced in my wrists. Given up Cycle trials. Been skint all year. Got back with said girl above, only to be f**ked around for a few months on and off. Got very close with another couple of girls which f**ked relations between me and the ex. Blown all chances.

Didn't get the british chamionship mototrials win due to a major mechanical problem, would of had it otherwise.

Upside... I'm getting a meet and greet with this;


Before going to see her and her band in concert in 4 days :)


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Ruined a 2 year relationship, crashed my car, been cheated on, got drunk tooo many times, started smoking, got a shit job i dont even want, been on anti-depresants, had my car smashed in by some fanny, hurt myself too many times on my bike and now just been shit up so bad by paranormal activity i cant sleep haha

So, in a word, Shit...

Roll on 2010, please be better than this year....

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It's been a mixed bag for me.

I had to move out of the parents / brothers house which sucked - I missed my brother when he moved to Brighton and I had to rent a flat which drained all my money. Because of that I had to sell my CDJ's and a few other possessions. On the plus side, I learned a lot about independance and looking after myself.

Work has gone well, trips to customers in the UK and France, got my passport sorted and planned to get my driving license early next year.

I now live with my oldest brother and a mate in a really nice house in the town centre which is going well.

Buying a new camera now that I have more money.

In summary, I wouldn't say that it's been good or bad really.

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