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The Year 2009


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Started uni, which isn't all I wanted it to be. Too much work and no play at all for a first year....

Hardly ridden trials at all, so i've lost a load of weight, fitness and can't ride for shit.

Loosing touch with all my real mates, and only really see the new uni ones, who really aren't arsed.

Meh, hopefully 2010 will be better. I can't wait for this year of uni to finish. I'm gonna spend the summer getting back in with my mates from round here, then move out for the second year.

I thought of good things that happened, I got a motorbike on the road. Briefly. And I got meself a new bestest friend who's amazing and always knows how to cheer me up. :P

I just realised that I've also had nothing but firsts so far this year at uni, apart from one 2:2 on a writing test, which is rediculous because I can't write. So not all bad there either.

Discovered Nightwish. :P

Edited by Muel
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Got married. Haven't seen my friends or family through all of this year. Started doing comps again. Generally boring.

Dude, you got married. If that doesn't make 2009 the best year of your life so far then you married the wrong girl.

EDIT: My year hasn't been too bad. I have completely changed my life and my friends but it's worked out ok. Obviously I've wanted to kill myself when TF has gone down, but other than that I've felt generally ok.

Edited by JD™
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i got my driving license :D

kept my job all year till the pub closed

got it back though :D

my bike is fit as f**k

I've joined a gym and i havent skived from going yet :D

got laid quite a bit more this year

riding has improved

4 out of 4 uni's have offered me a place next year

my grades from last year in college mean i have an easyish year this year :)


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Had my up's and downs.

More downs though :/ Just some really shit things I don't even like to think about.

Good stuff is:

Got a new bike which I LOVE!

Just started to get into DH which i'm loving too!

Got a new job in LBS, my boss is the most sound person i've ever met.

Had money to spend on stuff i like for once in a LONG time!

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Im ending 2009 happier than I started it.

Spent the first 5 months living with my ex girlfriend because we had signed a contract together, fooled around with her a bit while she had a new b/f and finally moved out with things a little better between us before she abused my trust a final time. Now I'll acknowledge her presence but have no desire to be around her at all anymore. Done, Dusted, I look forward to 2010 being a year without her involvement.

Went home for the summer and launched the boat my Dad and I restored, after not sailing properly since I was about 12, I got hooked again. Spent most of the summer on the water, when I wasn't back at uni doing resit's.

Got back into Uni after a pretty hard year personally.

Joined the Uni Sailing club and got put onto the Team with a brilliant team mate. Made tonnes of friends there and have had some of my best times at uni with them. Slightly disappointed I didn't join earlier.....

Found some Peace in my mind, I had been struggling with depression for about a year up until september, and have become much more self aware as a result.

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Best year so fair I reckon.

Good riding at the start of the year, few comps, went to europe a few times, all that

Got a job doing exactly what I want to do straight out of uni with a load of cool people.

Graduated from uni

Gf stuff is all good.

New car, new bikes, yeah all good really.

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Dude, you got married. If that doesn't make 2009 the best year of your life so far then you married the wrong girl.

Well yeah it is great, but there's a lot more to it than that. I'll be happier about it next year hopefully. :)

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Had its ups and downs.

Bad points;

Had a motorbike accident at the start of the year, broken pelvis and shattered shin. Surgery on my calf muscle because it was all hanging out the side.

This cost me a snowboarding holiday to Japan flights alone were over £800 so glad i was staying on a mates sofa not a hotel.

In and out of physio for 4 months.

Nans had cancer twice this year.

Been broke all year due to the accident at the start of the year.

Good points;

In a really good realtionship shes everything i want.

Saved a shed load of money by growing stuff not buying it ( leave it at that)

Bought myself a new macbook yesterday.

Slowely getting the hang of this budgeting/saving money buisness.

Pretty much decided what the next bug thing in my life will be :)

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Thinking of it, I have done quite a lot this year.

Good bits:

- Passed my motorbike test and managed to earn enough money to buy a decent sized motorbike.

- Lost my virginity and had a good amount of girls since.

- Turned 18.

- Started driving lessons with test booked.

- Got my old job back and now holding 2 part time positions.

- Up to date with my college work and uni application.

- Got my first tattoo booked for a fortnight.

Bad bits:

- Mega lack of trials, need to be on that in 2010.

- Lost quite a bit of money when part exchanging bikes, but hell its fun I suppose?

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Had my Fair Share of female encounters

Got into uni

Met some great people down here

Been riding more and loving bmx

Managed to find a way to leave home

Riding is the form I've been looking for

course is going alright


General shit

Pretty average!

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2009 has been a bit shit. my parents split up start of the year. not fun. still in a job i cant stand doing. but don't know what i want to do. f**ked my knee and foot up. so that was 2 months of the bikes. got f**ked over by sum one i liked. good bits are download. was f**king ace times. thats about it. the rest was shit. going to see Nile in 1 week. so a good end to a bad year. let 2010 be the year it all starts to work.

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My mum has beaten breast cancer.

I dont care how crap college has been at times, arguments with the mrs, little fall outs with mates or the bikes having issues.

My mum has beaten breast cancer

and that has made 2009, amazing.

edit: aah crap and now im shedding a tear...

Edited by kyddie
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