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The Car Thread


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Basically an informal/unofficial Retro Rides meet on the beach there, happens twice a year on a sunday in March and October. This year it's March 24th, normally starts at 10/11. It started fairly small but the last couple of have had a few hundred cars at them, and an amazing selection. Everything from beach buggies, to V8 powered celica's, hot-rodded land-rovers, the usual VW's and minis, old fords, old BMW's, old Vauxhalls, etc.. Basically it's worth coming to if you can be arsed with the trip.

If you don't know Brean Sands, it's basically a very big wide flat beach which is technically a public car-park, hence how it gets away with being 'unofficial' technically it's just a bunch of people parking, not a show as such. Really cool location:

A couple of my photos from one of the last ones:



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So the head is warped and the head gasket has blown on the A3, but in such a way that at idle it doesn't over heat or over pressurize. But as soon as you start driving the pressure goes through the roof and the water in the head boils and the block/radiators/temp sensor stay at perfect running temp. It's all a bit weird.

This much mayo from 10 mins of idling at running temps -


Last night I picked up potentially the best freebie known to man.






A complete, brand spanking new head. Which was fully rebuilt using genuine parts, skimmed and pressure tested. All the guy wants in return is my old head which is f**ked anyway to swap over the timing gear to his new AGU head. And for me to clean his car for him...

This head was on an AUM Golf which had a water pump failure like mine and needed a new head.

Then a week after the head was fitted it was rear ended and written off.

So fingers crossed, Audi will be fixed soon and better than ever :)

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So the head is warped and the head gasket has blown on the A3,

A complete, brand spanking new head. Which was fully rebuilt using genuine parts, skimmed and pressure tested.

2 things :lol:

you don't know the head is warped, just that something is wrong.

And why would you rebuild a brand spanking new head :lol:

Glad you're getting it sorted :P

Eurgh, this thread is just pages of the same old car. Why can't we just have some other cars on here that are actually interesting?

Because nobody else seems to have anything to say about their cars?

Can't blame Jardo for being the sole poster of car pics, I have WAAAAAY more pics than I actually post up on here, but I tend not to bother any more, because it strikes me that nobody really gives a shit.

Even my build thread on ASN gets very few replies now, still several hundred views every single day, but because the development of the car has now gone way beyond 'typical' stuff that other users could see themselves doing to their own cars, nobody ever bothers to reply any more, aside from comments like 'cool' and single lines.

Same case on another build thread on ASN for the most amazing meticulous GT30 powered S3, it's beyond what many others would attempt, so actually gets less discussion than a 'which air filter' thread.

Shame really.

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The trouble is any other posts get lost in his seemingly endless posts of nonsense, or he comes along and just slates anybody elses car cos its not his A3/whatever he owns at the time, therefore it must be shite. Due to this there is very little point posting on here about our cars or for help anymore as it just becomes a bitch fest. It's a shame as this was a great thread before he came back.

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I agree Paul. I should post more about mine, but I often forget to take pictures of what I do until its right at the end! I don't tend to rant and rave about mine either, because its "just another 1.8t", and sadly nowadays, unless you do something really out of the ordinary, people just dont care, so its a waste of time writing about it. Sad really :(

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well why don't you start spamming about your broken sweedish soot chucker, or about how you buy engines from one friend then sell them onto another friend for twice the price, we could all learn a trick or two from you if you shared the secret :lol:

unless you do something really out of the ordinary, people just dont care, so its a waste of time writing about it. Sad really :(

I don't know George, people don't seem to care when you do something different either. I sometimes just think I'm writing to myself....

unless you do something really out of the ordinary, people just dont care, so its a waste of time writing about it. Sad really :(

I don't know George, people don't seem to care when you do something different either. I sometimes just think I'm writing to myself....

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It's not my fault George was desperate to get rid of an engine for less than its worth? He wanted rid quickly, I bought it, you wanted an engine, you bought it, simple? I'm not sure how that relates to what I originally said anyway.

My car isn't broken, I found out why it had thrown a fault and it was all stemming from when my rather new battery failed and that had produced a fault code that prevented my glow plugs from engaging. I got my torrent version of tech 2 on it, tested shizzle and cleared the codes, it starts perfectly again and has been running super sweet apart from that :) My engine seems to be the only diesel that doesn't chuck soot ;) MOT guys are always impressed

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I don't post my car because all I've been doing to it for the past few months is making it look worse. However, between now and the end of May I plan to tidy it right up so I'll start posting up pics if anyone gives a toss about an old motorway cruiser with drug dealer wheels (Y)

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Well f**k the lot of you to put it bluntly.

Maybe if you pulled your fingers out of your arse and actually did something with your cars maybe you could post stuff in here instead of just seeing me post and then moaning about it.

I have done more to my car in the last two months than I have seen from you lot for years; so instead of getting on my back about my weekly updates why don't you guys do the same so we can all share a common interest. I'm not bragging, I'm not saying I am better than you. I am saying this is a car thread for talking about cars, not bitching at me for talking about cars.

This thread used to be awesome, the likes of Sam, Fred, Steve, Alex, Prawn, Simon, Bucky, Andy, hell even Seamons posting proper meaty updates on an almost daily basis. I used to be amazed at the quality of cars in this thread, better than most proper car forums!

That seems to have fizzled out now, the only people left are Prawn posting properly meaty updates, Robin posting cool stuff and Seamons moaning. :(

There are people on this forum who haven't a f**king clue about motors who only come in this thread to take the piss out of me, if those types could kindly foxtrot oscar and leave us proper petrol heads to chat about cars it would be awesome.

We're all guilty of it, myself included. But lets all quit being c**ts and post some car stuff....




Hot hatch test on Top Gear, what would you pick?

Edited by Pashley26
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Wrong thread... :P

Maybe I'll take some pictures and videos at the weekend then, might give me something to do! :P I'm more of a "do-er" than a "write-up-er"! Maybe we should all do like a profile thing for our cars, where we put a few pictures, and list the specs/detail the modifications...maybe 3 favourites or something.

My only suggestion Jardo...if lots of people are saying the same thing, it must be true!

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I got my torrent version of tech 2 on it, tested shizzle and cleared the codes, it starts perfectly again and has been running super sweet apart from that :) My engine seems to be the only diesel that doesn't chuck soot ;) MOT guys are always impressed

Is that the fully-capable proper tech 2 program? That could program a VIN number into an immobiliser, say? Can I get a copy?

Well f**k the lot of you to put it bluntly.

Maybe if you pulled your fingers out of your arse and actually did something with your cars maybe you could post stuff in here instead of just seeing me post and then moaning about it.

I have done more to my car in the last two months than I have seen from you lot for years; so instead of getting on my back about my weekly updates why don't you guys do the same so we can all share a common interest. I'm not bragging, I'm not saying I am better than you. I am saying this is a car thread for talking about cars, not bitching at me for talking about cars.

This thread used to be awesome, the likes of Sam, Fred, Steve, Alex, Prawn, Simon, Bucky, Andy, hell even Seamons posting proper meaty updates on an almost daily basis. I used to be amazed at the quality of cars in this thread, better than most proper car forums!

That seems to have fizzled out now, the only people left are Prawn posting properly meaty updates, Robin posting cool stuff and Seamons moaning. :(

There are people on this forum who haven't a f**king clue about motors who only come in this thread to take the piss out of me, if those types could kindly foxtrot oscar and leave us proper petrol heads to chat about cars it would be awesome.

We're all guilty of it, myself included. But lets all quit being c**ts and post some car stuff....




Hot hatch test on Top Gear, what would you pick?

On the other hand there are some people who don't have the means to modify cars to that extent, who only need a few questions answering. It doesn't seem worth coming in this thread because you get swamped or otherwise overlooked.

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Profile thing is a rad idea, like a recap for the new members.

3 pictures, one exterior one engine and one interior.

Short sentence on what we love about the car.

Short sentence about the spec.

Short sentence about the future plans.


Edited by Pashley26
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Is that the fully-capable proper tech 2 program? That could program a VIN number into an immobiliser, say? Can I get a copy?

I can't find the original torrent file to give you, its pretty limited in what you can do (not full on tech 2). I'll have another play this week and see if it can do that, but I doubt it!

Profile thing is a rad idea, like a recap for the new members.

Agreed. There are some interesting cars on here that we don't see enough of, it's be cool to see whats going on with them

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