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Well, the large threads (like happy and angry etc) were causing the forum to crash, so they've been dropped. Tom & Danny, much as I think they're awesome, have made the mistake of thinking that dropping them will also help build Chit Chat back to the glory days.

A whole 8 threads in here have been posted in today, and one of those is this one. So I say bring back the ability to spout random nonsense/thoughts without using a TF status update - because if I wanted to update my status, I'd use Facebook.

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Seeing another thread it sounds like things will be resolved after the next board update? Hopefully they'll be re-instated when this is out. I don't see why chit-chat needs to have a 'refurb' If there was no problem with servers crashing then i doubt this would have came about. On the flip side, like what seems to have been done with BOTI (7 pages or w/e) does make sense. I mean the angry/happy threads served a purpose, but i don't think people need to read month old posts...?

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Seeing another thread it sounds like things will be resolved after the next board update? Hopefully they'll be re-instated when this is out. I don't see why chit-chat needs to have a 'refurb' If there was no problem with servers crashing then i doubt this would have came about. On the flip side, like what seems to have been done with BOTI (7 pages or w/e) does make sense. I mean the angry/happy threads served a purpose, but i don't think people need to read month old posts...?

Agreed, but posts by Tom recently seem to say they've been meaning to get rid of those threads from day one really. So it seems like now's the time. I know exactly why, technically and from an ad serving point of view, it's beneficial to have many topics - but I also know the amount of active members will plummet if they go down this road. Me included - ultimately all the people I like to interact with on here I have on FB so it wouldn't be the loss it would have been 3 years ago.

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From what I understand big threads do cause issues - PH has the same issues.

Although I think there should still be 'The' threads but closed and archived after a certain amount of posts.

I think Tom said feel free to start a new 'the' thread.

Edited by AndrewEH1
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Being as this is a thread about pretty much nothing, did you get my email in time for your meeting on Thursday? If not, sorry I've been swamped this week interviewing people to make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen! Can definitely Skype with whoever you need me to chat with if needed :) I'm not around my emails this weekend so PM me on here if you want to reply direct (Y)

Edited by JD™
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Being as this is a thread about pretty much nothing, did you get my email in time for your meeting on Thursday? If not, sorry I've been swamped this week interviewing people to make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen! Can definitely Skype with whoever you need me to chat with if needed :) I'm not around my emails this weekend so PM me on here if you want to reply direct (Y)

Yeah I got your email - too late for the meeting I'm afraid as I was in Luton and had no email access, but that's okay. I'll be sending you something on Monday/Tuesday as I need to speak to Comms people to make sure that what we are planning is 'suitable'.

We aren't wanting to rush this so it might be a week or two before there is any movement - if there is any.

Skype? lawls...It will either be email or calls.

In related news: The weeks been hectic...Where's that angry thread...

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Who is this Jardo? I'm lost...

Happy because i have started a new job and it's dead easy and really fun, also well paid. What more can i ask. My freeride bike is finished so if the rain stops i can hit some trails tomorrow as both me and my other half are off! My trials bike should also be finished by the end of the weekend!

Angry because the wind caught the van door and it slammed onto my elbow and it really hurt's. Also seemed to have started a discussion that seem's to be headed in the wrong direction :P

RSQ why is costa coffee so damn addictive?

Random bullshit... So when are you going to be able to buy trials forum merchandise? Like t-shirts stickers etc? Maybe even a trials forum event!?! The new job i have started is with my other half doing corporate sound and visual setup ( i just walk round plugging things in or unplugging them and winding the cable up..) But yeah we have access to some right equipment from stages to full hd cameras mic's mixing equipment lighting etc etc i mean he has a warehouse full off all this stuff and we have full access to it! I'm sure with a bit of thought we could all come up with something...?

Late night thread why can't i sleep i've just done a 15 hour split shift and i feel wired... Maybe i have overdone the coffee? Anyone else up?

And it is pointless starting a thread for any of the above stuff i have mentioned i generally would have just kept it to myself.. LOL I don't know what the glory days were, but alot of the time people probably don't post new threads for the fear of being slated for it? Or no one reply's :P That happens to me alot but i do have a tenancy to rant or chat complete shit that no one reads or really cares about kinda like what i'm doing now. And too still be reading this post you must be as bored as i am right now....

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There's been a few times today that I wanted to post in those threads, but I can't.

Make a new thread about why your happy / angry.

I was looking for the angry thread .. :/

my ex has gone on a right mad one

Make a new thread about why your angry.

Who is this Jardo? I'm lost...

Happy because i have started a new job and it's dead easy and really fun, also well paid. What more can i ask. My freeride bike is finished so if the rain stops i can hit some trails tomorrow as both me and my other half are off! My trials bike should also be finished by the end of the weekend!

Angry because the wind caught the van door and it slammed onto my elbow and it really hurt's. Also seemed to have started a discussion that seem's to be headed in the wrong direction :P

RSQ why is costa coffee so damn addictive?

Random bullshit... So when are you going to be able to buy trials forum merchandise? Like t-shirts stickers etc? Maybe even a trials forum event!?! The new job i have started is with my other half doing corporate sound and visual setup ( i just walk round plugging things in or unplugging them and winding the cable up..) But yeah we have access to some right equipment from stages to full hd cameras mic's mixing equipment lighting etc etc i mean he has a warehouse full off all this stuff and we have full access to it! I'm sure with a bit of thought we could all come up with something...?

Late night thread why can't i sleep i've just done a 15 hour split shift and i feel wired... Maybe i have overdone the coffee? Anyone else up?

And it is pointless starting a thread for any of the above stuff i have mentioned i generally would have just kept it to myself.. LOL I don't know what the glory days were, but alot of the time people probably don't post new threads for the fear of being slated for it? Or no one reply's :P That happens to me alot but i do have a tenancy to rant or chat complete shit that no one reads or really cares about kinda like what i'm doing now. And too still be reading this post you must be as bored as i am right now....

Jesus f**king Christ.

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I could read all of the replies, but I can't really be arsed so I probably shouldn't offer my opinion.

The "thread" threads make chit chat what it is. I don't want to can through 15+ titles of shit, I want to see updates to the climbing thread, the motorbike pics thread, the car pics thread, and that's about it.

They create a sense of community within the trials community, which leads to other stuff that's happened in the past like the car meets or plans for motorbike meets. Now that's gone, I can't see me keeping in touch with the people on here I want to keep in touch with.

Also, it's all very well saying "find a climbing forum then" for example, but I want this community, not a different one. I know lots of climbers, but I want to keep in touch with the climbers I used to ride trials with, and so on.

EDIT: I realise the threads I mentioned are still there, I was just using examples.

Edited by Muel
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Do agree with everyone pretty much.

On a punto GT forum go on now and again in their Chit Chat section they make a new thread everyday for what day of the week it is. It just gets so dull to read, basically like a status update on what they are doing that day. So boring !!

I'm sure TF will go back to how it was with the angry and happy threads as said, they're not perma gone anyway.

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The difference between say 'the climbing/car/photography thread' and 'the angry/happy thread' is that discussions happen in the former, and spam happens in the latter. Is clear that even the people who post in those threads don't care what anyone else has to say, let alone people who don't post in them. "Open thread. Post 'status' update. Leave Repeat".

If you have an angry post to make that is worth making, make a new topic. Instead of going into the angry thread and typing 'hate my housemates' and being ignored, post a new topic "Annoying housemates - what to do?'. It is that simple.

This is a discussion forum, thats what sets us apart from facebook.

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