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Tf Computer Nerds (Gamers, Overclockers, Server-Ists Etc)


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Photos of screens are never great. That plus the angle of the monitor relative to the lens will play a part. Assuming the monitors are all the same and colour settings are right they're likely putting out the right shit.

Ref: Game adjusting for bezels: It's all about shrinking the bezel, surely?

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That shit just snowballed. :lol:

The monitors are calibrated, it's just the angle. These monitors are notoriously bad for viewing angles.

I've got 3 monitors for several reasons, it's a workstation first and gaming rig second so 3 monitors is better than 1 for me. Also when I bought them, the super wide/curved monitors weren't even out yet and last time I looked they were wayyyyy too expensive for me.

I could adjust to account for bezels but I can't be arsed. You don't see them to be honest, the left and right just fill your peripheral vision. It's for emersion not accuracy. :P

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You need to play arma3 with head tracking on that shit :)

Not my kinda game to be honest, I've always liked cartoony fake reality stuff more than stuff based in reality. :P

Minecraft, GTA and Crysis are my bag, COD and Battlefield and Arma and stuff bore me.

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Photos of screens are never great. That plus the angle of the monitor relative to the lens will play a part. Assuming the monitors are all the same and colour settings are right they're likely putting out the right shit.

Ref: Game adjusting for bezels: It's all about shrinking the bezel, surely?

Well yeah in a perfect wold.

Although the monitor we have in our living room pretty much doesn't have one at the sides.

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Pair of AF120s for my floor intakes. Never used them but I have to do something to get more air into the case. My graphics cards are getting rather hot.

You have a pair of SP120s? Non LED I presume? You are aware they're like the best rad fans out at the moment right? :P

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Pair of AF120s for my floor intakes. Never used them but I have to do something to get more air into the case. My graphics cards are getting rather hot.

You have a pair of SP120s? Non LED I presume? You are aware they're like the best rad fans out at the moment right? :P

I've got a pair of Noctua Industrial PPC NF-F12s on my rad. :wink:

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Anyone know how to seach on Google without getting customised results based on cookies/magic etc?

Open a secret/incognito browser.

My fans arrived, and oh my f**k are they loud. I cannot believe how loud these "quiet edition" fans are! If they were PWM then fine, because then the fan could be slowed down or stopped simply without the LEDs being affected, but as they're voltage controlled turning down the fan speed dims the LEDs. Slightly annoying that.

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Maybe I just expect too much... Is it possible to make computers actually silent?

Might have to get clever with the wiring on this build. I want to be able to control the fan speed of all fans, and turn the LEDs on and off separately... Could achieve that with some mods.

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Mine isn't completely silent but it's pretty damn close. The mechanical hard disk is only a year old so not an old clunky thing that chatters and grinds, the cpu fan is silent at idle and only ramps up when the cpu is heavily loaded, no games really cause it to ramp up. The gpu is passively cooled by the two 600rpm 140mm intake fans which run on minimum (auto pwm controlled via a built in thermocouple), they've got leds in them that can be turned on and off and they only cost 3 quid each :D The antec psu is typically very quiet.

It is completely open to atmosphere so no noise barriers or deadening, you can hear it when sitting in the cupboard (where the computer is) but only just. On full load stress testing you can hear it from about 4 foot away but that's it :)

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Tried them on some rubber mounts I found in my special toolbox and it's much quieter now. The fans are still very loud at 12v but on a controller they're much better. Still thing Corsair f**ked up by making them voltage controlled instead of PWM though. Noobs.

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Maybe I just expect too much... Is it possible to make computers actually silent?

Might have to get clever with the wiring on this build. I want to be able to control the fan speed of all fans, and turn the LEDs on and off separately... Could achieve that with some mods.

i have a zalman tnn500af sitting in the corner of my room. Cpu/Chipset/GC/PS passivly cooled ;)

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i have a zalman tnn500af sitting in the corner of my room. Cpu/Chipset/GC/PS passivly cooled ;)

Not sure I would want to passively cool a 4.7ghz i5 :D

Also that thing looks bigger than the walk in cupboard that my computer is in!

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Maybe I just expect too much... Is it possible to make computers actually silent?

That would be an interesting project. SSHD, remove the fan from the power supply and pray. Buy the biggest heatsink you can find and remove the fan. Remove all the case fans. And then underclock the processor until you get to a steady 70c. :lol:

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I can run my i5 @ stock 3.2ghz passively, it's not as cold as normal but still well within limits. SSHDs aren't silent as they have a platter drive, SSDs are on the other hand ;)

If you uncased the psu and find a big enough heat sunk it would run passive just fine :)

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