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21St Birthdays.

Little Yoshi

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Right since i jsut had my 21st a wee while ago I would like to know what you lot did/planning for yours!

Mine was just a piss up with friends at the local. Had to do 21 shots in a line but due do them using different glasses turned out they were doubles.... There is a vid of this that will be going up shortly.

So any more intresting story?

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spent 2 nights in manchester with all all the boys. Was over ten of us. First day went indoor paintballing in some grim warehouse but was f**king ace! I got caned off in the last game though. Went on the piss both nights. awesome time, wont ever forget it!

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I started out with some quiet drinks with a few mates which ended up being alot of shots. on the way out of one of the bars I pissed on a shutter which happend to be next to a police station, half way through the piss I was tapped on the shoulder I turned around to a policeman. I remember thinking "what bad luck" I was so drunk they took me in and fined me which I was trying to get out of by telling them a joke, that didn't work though. I haven't payed the fine to this day god knows how much it was.

After that we got chased by a Morrocon with a big machete.

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