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The Carthy Bar Angle.


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I see what Seabass is getting at, the angle of the bars hurt your wrists so you want them in the same position but without the obscene angle?

But the angle is the whole point of the bars being like that so that when you're stood on the back wheel they are in a comfortable position, if you did it your way then when you're stood on the back wheel the bars would be rolled too far back would they not?!

I don't have a problem, don't forget I did 12 years of riding seatless bike around the world, why would I have a problem with something I did for most of my life? What I do have a problem with is people stating things that are not true. You DON'T need to have your bars at extreme angles if you don't want to. I understand some people like it and some people can use it for their advantage and I'm 100% totally cool with that.

"the bars need to be at that angle to improve the posture on the back wheel" Tell that to everyone out there who does well at comps who doesn't have that angle, Kenny is probably the best rider out there and he gets on fine with a more normal position. I don't think his posture looks bad.

i meant to put it how isitafox put mate, i just worded it incorrectly. i mean to gain the benefit of running a similar set up the bars need to be forward to gain the extra reach on the bars when the bike is on the back wheel. hope this has cleared things up. sorry.

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Terrible life advice, you mean. If the whole of your life really revolves around sex then you clearly need to re-think your method. Getting the protractor out and doing drawings might lead to drawing something that makes lots of money. Say, a bridge. Once it's been built and you get paid obscene quantities of money, your odds of catching the prize at the end of the chase are significantly improved.

Unless it's actually the chase you enjoy - in which case fair enough, carry on.

shat-ap you nobber. Just a bloody joke.

why has this forum gone so downhill? granted 95% of people on this forum are up for a laugh and join in the jokes. but theres always some miserable f**k that dont.

but i've had time now to re-think my silly ways and now i see you are right, Laurence mate you should be getting your trowl out and building bridges, not getting your protractor out and doing drawings.


Any one can have sex, it's more impressive when people buckle down and do something useful and intelligent with their time as apposed to just doing what our primal instincts tell us.

yeah because when i pull a girl in a bar i take the back to my place and dazzle them with my mathematical abilities.

... and before anyone starts crying, ^thats a sarcastic joke and i do actually agree with him.

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if you take into account whate geometries most of us rode back in the days when there were no pogosticks,and a few people were going big though,i find that bar angle discussion a little...special.

you can feel if your bike fits nearly perfect,and have to go the compromise to adapt to the downsides of the setup.

the people i met had never!!! the same setup like me.

so i think its wrong to get orientation from other peoples bikes.

its a unique thing to everybody to have the bike fitted right,in my opinion.

Edited by FamilyBiker
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if you take into account whate geometries most of us rode back in the days when there were no pogosticks,and a few people were going big though,i find that bar angle discussion a little...special.

you can feel if your bike fits nearly perfect,and have to go the compromise to adapt to the downsides of the setup.

the people i met had never!!! the same setup like me.

so i think its wrong to get orientation from other peoples bikes.

its a unique thing to everybody to have the bike fitted right,in my opinion.

Well said

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I was in Hull on a ride today. had a go on Barrys Koxx Sky2 with Carthy style bars. When riding it just feels weird would feel so awkward for the run for backwheels etc. Got it on the back and it seem to handle well.

Might give it a try myself not excessively like carthy style. (Please don't sheath me, dip me in chocolate and feed me to lesbians please) lol

Edited by Andeee
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your avatar tells the story clear...

Dont know what you are talking about ;)

Back to topic: I know multiple riders who tried carthys bar angle(including myself)

It !can! be really helpful when you are a competitive rider, cause you often need a bit of extra control on the backwheel.

But if your name is not Gilles or carthy it will mainly f**k your abillity to do smooth riding.

Pedal ups and sidehops to rear wheel are really really hard with this setup.

Edited by Kirtar
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I'm pretty sure jack didn't wake up one morning and change his bars to that angle. He did it gradually, it suits his style. I suggest everyone just let's their riding style develope naturaly and not see what the best riders do as they do not copy they just adjust to themselves. Interesting first post though, it does puzzle me on why it feels better but not worth producing something to compair with it.

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