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Anyone ever had one? I just stumbled upon this subject on Wikipedia, sounds interesting. Never thought the typical movie depiction of a flashback is accurate but it seems to be according to the definition below. Does it really feel like a past experience happening again or is that exaggerated?

A flashback, or involuntary recurrent memory, is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual has a sudden, usually powerful, re-experiencing of a past experience or elements of a past experience. These experiences can be happy, sad, exciting, or any other emotion one can consider. The term is used particularly when the memory is recalled involuntarily, and/or when it is so intense that the person "relives" the experience, unable to fully recognize it as memory and not something that is happening in "real time".

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Sounds like Déjà vu, where the brain will instantly remember an event that is or has just happened. Happens to all of us and is only a glitch in the matrix and nothing to worry about.

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A flashback isn't the same I don't think. Deja vu isn't actually an existing memory but just when a situation seems extremely familiar where as a flashback is more of a reminder of something that actually happened. Like one time I think I had a flashback when I stepped into my grandparent's old garage and suddenly when I walked in I remembered something that had happened 10 years ago (I hadn't been to the house since then), I think the suddenness makes that a flashback.

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It's stated pretty obviously in the quote, You experience a flashback as if it is happening in real time. A dejavu is simply the feeling that you have experienced the event before.

I have never really experienced a flashback. But have experienced similiar things; I could be walking on the street daydreaming, and I get completely absorbed in the "dream", a moment later I "wake up" and it is as if the daydream lasted a long time, while it was actually about 10 seconds. I have a hard time remembering what I really did in those 10 seconds.
I had this a while ago when I was walking to a friends house, and when I "woke up" I could not remember walking the last few blocks.

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a guy i used to work with had a flashback while at work, from when he was in afghan. looked pretty traumatic for him.

i was talking to him about flashbacks a while ago and he was saying you're aware of your surroundings during it (as in where you are now), but your thought process reverts to the flashbacks time frame. thus effectively reliving a previous time/event.

was baffled with the whole thing when it started, didn't last too long either but i wouldn't want to have one.

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Had a friend go absolutely mental whilst having one, was so scared for him. The way he explained it was horrific, like the same thing repeating over and over and over and over and over and you can't get out of it and when you try it just gets worse.

I have mild flashbacks, expecially when im really ill. I have the same reoccurring image in my head and I can only explain it as im a room. I am the room, not a person. And it slowly ever so slowly gets filled up with balloons of like fat? But I can feel them filling me up as the room and I start to choke (this is me now in real life) whilst a voice is talking to me. It's the same voice and I've had it since I was veryyyyyy young, maybe around 6 or 7. It is so nasty.

It actually came back to me the other night whilst I was sleeping but I forced it out. Had a really bad one a few months ago at my friends. Also gets triggered by other stuff.

Edited by dann2707
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Does it really feel like a past experience happening again or is that exaggerated?

To answer your question, yeah it feels like the same experience over and over again. And it feels EXACTLY the same everytime. And it feels like everything around me is going around in a circle then coming back to the same point again, like time isn't real and nothing has just happened. Like it's just all one big conspiracy. Sounds f**king stupid when I try to explain it.

I'm no Dave anscombe btw, fully here on the planet haha.

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It's stated pretty obviously in the quote, You experience a flashback as if it is happening in real time. A dejavu is simply the feeling that you have experienced the event before.

I have never really experienced a flashback. But have experienced similiar things; I could be walking on the street daydreaming, and I get completely absorbed in the "dream", a moment later I "wake up" and it is as if the daydream lasted a long time, while it was actually about 10 seconds. I have a hard time remembering what I really did in those 10 seconds.

I had this a while ago when I was walking to a friends house, and when I "woke up" I could not remember walking the last few blocks.

That's quite common. I know i do it driving sometimes. You then realise that you went through 2 roundabouts :w00t:

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