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North Korea


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This is ridiculous:


A chart marked 'U.S. mainland strike plan' appears to show missile trajectories that the NK News web site estimates targets Hawaii, Washington DC, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas.

Are they complete idiots? Who publishes pictures from a "war room" with a big piece of paper labelled "US strike plan"?

Kim is also clearly using an Apple computer and - apparently (read it somewhere else) - a South Korean phone which just adds to the irony.

Furthermore :blink:

The photo, issued by the Korean Central News Agency and widely carried in the international media on Tuesday, was said to show the hovercraft coming ashore on North Korea’s east coast the previous day.

But on closer examination the photograph seems to have been doctored, with images of two hovercraft each used twice and another pasted in.

I know that this is all about propaganda and they would never go to war. The great leader and his generals must be aware of that, after all it's their job unless they're so brainwashed that they actually believe that their arsenal is advanced. But as harsh as it may sound, I'm somewhat hoping that this problem will be resolved properly this time, not by sending more aid for the poor inhabitants of that country.

Edited by Greetings
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I'd love to see a few nukes being launched. Dunno why, just want to see a proper nuclear war. Tubby c*nt won't do anything though, and America would just annihilate them. No one would help, not even China, because they need western trade and expertise. Also America spends more on their military then 3 of the BRIC countries combined.

Edited by ChrisTrials2012
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It amazes me that in a few years time kids will be learning about the time when North Korea tried to intimidate the USA by putting rockets on standby, and by taking pictures in a war bunker.

I'd be interested to see how America deals with it, they can't just unleash hell on North Korea..

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I'd love to see a few nukes being launched. Dunno why, just want to see a proper nuclear war. Tubby c*nt won't do anything though, and America would just annihilate them. No one would help, not even China, because they need western trade and expertise. Also America spends more on their military then 3 of the BRIC countries combined.

China couldn't give a hoot about western trade and expertise you spastic, they have ALL the money, they own america, where do you think Americas 'debt' is too?

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I wonder if Kim Jong-Un will ever dare to attack South Korea or America. In a way I look forward to it because then the problems in North Korea could be resolved, and then there might be a hope for Korea to be one country again. However I'm well aware of how even countries we see as being good countries aren't actually good. It's not necessarily a good thing having America controlling your country. It's also possible that even if North Korea's regime was defeated, someone else with the same ideals would step up and nothing would really change. Also, I hope we never see nukes being thrown around. The guy who said 'I want to see a nuclear war', think about how stupid that is. It's catastrophically retarded to say that. If a nuke hits America, where do you think the fallout will go? The winds will carry it across the Atlantic. If one of america's nukes hits North Korea, the fallout would certainly damage South Korea and Japan.

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I don't think it will happen. The more I find out about North Korea the more I can relate it to Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. It is driven by fear and it starts right at the very top. Everyone must show their dedication to the state/revolution and anyone who opposes it will be 'an enemy of the state.' The propaganda meetings in Cambodia had 4 or 5 higher ups giving 2 or 3 hour lectures and they each tried to out do each other with phrases like 'death to imperialistic pigs' to show their love to the revolution. I suppose any fear that strikes us after knowing the intentions of North Korea is only a fraction of what the neglected public of North Korea feel. It's slightly more scary the intent of Iran (a richer country and more open). The nutcase prime minister Ahmedinijad publicly expressed his views about nuking Israel. I can't imagine what would happen if North korea or Iran were to launch a nuke.

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I agree with the propaganda point - i can see North Korea claiming to have defeated America or some shit without firing a single shot, in the same way Kim Jong Il invented the microwave and did all that other mental shit.

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I wonder if Kim Jong-Un will ever dare to attack South Korea or America. In a way I look forward to it because then the problems in North Korea could be resolved, and then there might be a hope for Korea to be one country again. However I'm well aware of how even countries we see as being good countries aren't actually good. It's not necessarily a good thing having America controlling your country. It's also possible that even if North Korea's regime was defeated, someone else with the same ideals would step up and nothing would really change. Also, I hope we never see nukes being thrown around. The guy who said 'I want to see a nuclear war', think about how stupid that is. It's catastrophically retarded to say that. If a nuke hits America, where do you think the fallout will go? The winds will carry it across the Atlantic. If one of america's nukes hits North Korea, the fallout would certainly damage South Korea and Japan.

This is incorrect, over 500 nukes have so far been detonated on planet earth and one on the moon, it would make no difference to what is happening now.

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With regards to China not caring about America because of them owing them money; If someone owed you money, would you rather they were stabbed? or they got a promotion? I know which I'd rather if I wanted to see my money again.

Also yeah, pretty sure no bombs have been set off on the moon, let alone nukes. There were plans to in the cold war, but nothing came of them. A quick Google says no, and I find nuclear weapons testing pretty interesting and I'd have though I'd have read about that. If it did happen though, any more info? (For the record, I don't like weapons in general, I just like physics. I'm a complete pacifist and can't even begin to understand going to war as anything but a retaliatory measure.)

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China couldn't give a hoot about western trade and expertise you spastic, they have ALL the money, they own america, where do you think Americas 'debt' is too?
I don't think you realise that if you have no one to trade with its very difficult to make large amounts of money. Plus debt means that they are even more inclined to want to see America prevail, at least til they pay them back.
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In a way I look forward to it because then the problems in North Korea could be resolved, and then there might be a hope for Korea to be one country again.

What I find interesting apart from that is to what extent the N.Korean population is brainwashed. When Iraq was "liberalised" (never mind what's going on now) it was clear that the public was pretty happy about the fall of Hussein's regime. If Kim's regime were to fall, would Koreans react positively, or would they start to fight against the imperialist oppressors? We're talking about a country, where the death of their leader was met with ridiculous acts of anguish, but whether they were actually fake or the result of years of propaganda is hard to tell.

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What I find interesting apart from that is to what extent the N.Korean population is brainwashed.

Quite extensively would be my first thought. I bet they'd be afraid to step out of the door without swearing allegiance to fat Kim on fear of being shot. As for the anguish of their leaders theoretical demise, they'd be hysterical. It's rather like Stockholm syndrome, although slightly different circumstances

Edited by bing
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