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Tv series?


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I know there's a topic about the best films but I am yet to see one about tv series.

I watch a lot of tele on catch up but I'm running out of ideas, these are the tv series I've seen and a few reasons I enjoyed them;


Action packed, high tech gadgets, relatively good story and two young ladies wearing tight clothing.. Who can complain?;)


Didn't really enjoy this..


The Walking Dead, i mean, who doesn't like this?


It's my kind of humour

-New girl

Zoeey Deschannel.. Enough said

-How I met your mother

Again, my kind of humour as well as


-Two and a half men

That's all that springs to mind at the moment

What I'm asking is for people to comment their favourite tv shows and a reason why as I've run out and need more ideas of thins to watch;)

Edited by The_Zulu
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terminally ill cancer sufferer Walter White is a massively over qualified and underpaid chemistry teacher with a disabled son and a baby on the way. He wants his family to be able to survive and not struggle when he is gone....he realises he can make extremely good quality crystal meth.......THEN TONNES OF SHIT HAPPENS OVER 5 SERIES. The second part of the fifth series is about to start next week. THE END IS COMING!!!!!!

Dexter, office:usa, prison break, sopranos, homeland, back door bitches: extreme edition.

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I must be the only one who doesn't really follow TV series. I occasionally watch hollyoaks with the missus and get dragged into the story, I just feel like I can't jump into game of thrones, breaking bad, walking dead etc without watching it from the beginning so I don't bother.

They all feel like long films with no ending to me.

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Bit mean:(

I just didn't enjoy the first three episodes so didn't pursue the series any more

Reasons for those series f**me?

Need to make a decision:p

Yeah you have to watch a few more episodes, then you'll be hooked.

Breaking Bad is amazing.

If you haven't already watched Lost, don't.

House, that was good.

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Six Feet Under

Game of Thrones

Breaking Bad

The Walking Dead

The following two haven't been mentioned:

Boardwalk Empire - Another HBO production like Six Feet Under and Game of Thrones. American Gangsters in the 1930s America during the prohibition. Amazing production value, acting, scripting, etc.

Battlestar Galactica - I'm amazed how many people who like sci-fi films haven't seen this. It's nothing like star trek in the sense of operating on an adult level. Everyone f**ks up and, in a sense, moves between being a good and a bad guy.

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It's about a family run funeral home. Basically each week somebody dies and the dead individual is used, through the main character's imagination, to interact with whatever issues they are dealing with. The different family members inner world is reflected outward with conversations with the dead people. It's very intelligent, deep but also very funny in a dark way. It has the some of same producer/writers that were involved in American Beauty so if you liked that then you'll probably like this although it's a lot darker.

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I haven't seen American beauty :S

Just remembered another one which is weeds, all about a family who is torn apart by the death of their father and in monetary trouble, so the mum starts dealing pot. It's terrible yet incredibly addictive at the same time

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The Newsroom

Ray Donovan

All american and all amazing.

Suits is about a young lawyer who is not technically a lawyer but has an eidetic memory so it can pass off being a lawyer.

The newsroom follows a new rooms through real life news stories, its written by the same guy who wrote The social network and West Wing.

Ray Donovan is a new one only about 4 episodes in but its about a "fixer" in LA he just goes around sorting rich peoples issues.

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Game of Thrones (newly recruited to it so only just caught up)

Supernatural - AWESOME!!!

Bones (wife got me into it)


Arrow - found it a bit cheesy at times but overall enjoyed it

Loads of other stuff I get tempted to watch, but don't wanna spend too long in front of TV

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I'm watching Sherlock and Firefly at the moment. Firefly is quite cool, it's a Joss Whedon show, which is basically a space western. The crew are a bunch of people who generally transport things around for money. There's a fair amount of gun-toting action in it, and some spaceship stuff.

Fox killed it after episode 14, which is a bit of a shame.

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