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Frames Snapped?

Trials Dave

how many frames have you snapped?  

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i am only asking this after snapping my second frame.

it was my 2006 saracen team urban. i have only used it for 5 months aswell after receiving it on warranty after snapping my last MAD!!

which frame have you snapped?

anyone out there snapped a pitbull?



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never snapped or cracked a propper frame. the coyote i have is about 4 years old :P rocks.

and its had 2 careful owners hasnt it mat ;) surprised its still going after having a bloody great chunk cut out of it :P

ive only ever cracked a full sus frame, but it was shit so i guess that doesnt count :(

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cracked a crescent ilions at the chainstay vent hole and at the headtube.

coust still going strong after almost 20 months. beat that.

cousts own.

i've only ever snapped a LB20L :closedeyes:

EDITTT: i love your a/v janson, that cheesy police guy is my hero :heart:

Edited by Matt Staples
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Snapped a Gary Fisher Marlin and a Heavy Tools copy frame back in the day. Both were shite - the GF was an XC bike. Barely even that, it was entry level tripe.

Also cracked an unbranded cheapo trials frame, but my chainring had already sawn a hole halfway through my chainstay by that point so I s'pose it doesn't count.

Never cracked my old Saracen X-Ile though, and that took some serious abuse. Same with my monty X-Lite, I gave that bike some SERIOUS grief and it took it all like a man. Well, the frame did anyway. Just about everything else on it broke :\

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I dont know what I've been doing differently to everyone else but I've never snapped a frame. My first "real" trials bike was an Echo ES3 which had a reputation of snapping easily. I bought it used when it was about 2 years old and rode it for another 2 years maybe before someone spotted the tinyest hairline crack where the seat stays met the seat/top tube.

I then got a Planet X Zebdi, used it for about 6-7 months before getting my deal with MAD. Recently sold it to a friend of mine to fund my heroin addiction.

yeah i would like to see how many of the sponsored lads have snapped. cls and tunnicliffe :- haha

i think everyone has snapped a saracen mad 2004 model.

I've been riding for MAD for almost a year now ( :blink: that year has gone a bit quick!!) and I've only put a small crack in the driveside chainstay (which was a common fault on the earlier ones) after a weekend at NASS. I got the newer frame which had a few extra welds / gussets and I never had any problems with it for quite some time. I then got given the newer 'Team Super Pro' and only swapped from my second frame because I prefered the colour of the new one :lol: . These ones are very light weight - much lighter then even the earlier ones I believe and I've been riding this one for quite a while now and it's been as safe as houses.

Nobody mention Jack Meek....He seems to eat frames for breakfast...

Am I the only one who doesn't 'expect' to snap a frame??

Andy P

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