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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Wifey went to visit a uni in flamouth to do some shadowing thing, for 2 days and she just will not respond to my txts or answer the f**king phone the only txt she reponded to was one saying

"im getting well paranoid now" and she said "who told you to be paranoid ill kick them in the face" thats it, she didnt pay attention to other txt i sent her all day.

im so f**ked off.

when she trys to get in contact with you ignore her, thats what id do with mine.

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f**ks sake, i don't know if i'm being paranoid or something really is going on!!

Basically my girlfriend was always the really really jealous type etc etc like ringing me up at 11pm in tears asking me to go home just so i can talk to her!...but a couple of days ago she asked me if we could both put passwords on our phones? i thought nothing of it untill i found out that apparantly her friend has been taking her phone and texting a guy at college.....now she told me straight away it was her friend and i believed her.

But now it's really getting suspicious, she goes to her mates most days after college now, which is half an hour from me and where this "guy" lives....now i don't have a problem with any of what she's doing BUT i try endless to call her or text her , not checking up, but just to say hey etc.... but her phone is always "out of battery" or signal :S but it always says her phones turned off.

I went into college an hour early today just to see her as i havent seen her for more than 5 mins in a few days. It turns out the college hours have been changed so she's still in a lesson, so afterwards i ask if she wants to come sit with me in our study room for a bit just to spend a bit of time together but she told me she'd already made plans to go to the common room with her mates...thing is i was practially next door and not once did she come see me? Then i go in and shes texting "the guy" herself and when i asked to see what he'd sent her she said i couldn't???

So i took her to one side and said if anything is going on that i would rather her tell me now then me find out and be heartbroken....she told me that there is nothing going on but i just don't believe her.....i mean i've caught her before on msn being really flirty with other guys and i just let it go.....but this time its really beginning to get to me.

Really don't know what to do....sorry for the essay, feels alot better to have somewhere to put what im thinking.

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I think she's taking you for a twat mate. If you 'let her off' with this kind of stuff she'll do it again and again. Don't stick around because you think it'll be shit without her, your right it will be shit for a bit, but personally I'd rather have the shit bits than having been made a twat out of for the past X months.

Word of advice though - I know your curious and all that, but don't look on her phone or emails. Usually suspicions are best kept to the back of your head. When you find out for yourself by 'not so good' means its f**king destroying - I've been there and I'm sure a good percentage of this forum have too.

Have a word with her, if she doesn't cooperate or shrugs you off, end it.

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Cheers man...Nah i don't want to go through her emails etc.... i've been with her for just over a year now and things have been slowly getting worse. It's since she came to the same college as me, which i knew was a bad idea as soon as she mentioned it!

I just called her and after the 5th attempt the answers, just to tell her that we need to talk about whats going on between us, and she was getting really arsey about saying that she doesn't want to and skipping the the old " if you can't trust me why are you with me" line. So i'm just gonna explain how i feel about whats been going on and just ask, if she has anything to tell me then to tell me then....so hopefully that'l make her sweat a bit. So i'll see how it goes from there.

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Dunno I just kind of wrote it (They're my words as far as I know).

Also my advice may be flawed as I have been single for almost a year. On the plus side I haven't been depressed by women troubles in that time (unless you count wanting to steal women from their bf's and not doing it).

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Y'all need to man up.

I never have, and never have had these issues!

When they get like that just tell them to stfu and ignore them - set it out plain and simple "I don't like how you do that". If they do it again, refuse to talk to them until they grow up / sort their heads out.

If that doesn't work, get rid. Seriously, having a girlfriend doesn't need to be that difficult.

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If she doesn't show you what she's been sending, she's up to something, tell her straight, if you don't show me whats in your sent box, i'm off.

She'll shit herself and will show you, then you know if she's a slag or not. If there's nothing of interest, just tell her 'well what was i supposed to think' and blag how you wouldn't even trust your mum or whatever...

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Well I'm sorry but if anyone plays the "I want my privacy" card they are hiding something.

At your age you should be out getting around and enjoying all the young ladies :)

Don't get tied to one girl that's gonna mess you around.

Just had another massive arguement over the phone because i said thast she'd rather spend time with her mates than me, because she's too concerned with keeping them happy than keeping us happy. Needless to say it didn't end well, it ended with me hanging up.

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My next input........

Give some other women attention, not too much that she thinks you're cheating, but enough to let her know you have other options, she'll either ditch you if you take it too far or will come sniffing for the attention herself. (I think it might work that way, you can be my guinea Pig if you like as most of my advice will be untested).

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I hate to be harsh mate, but she clearly doesn't give a f**k.

To be fair Mike, you're only hearing one side to the story...

I can't think up any ideas, other than ignore what Fatty said, unless you want to look like a complete willy, whether you're right or not.

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To be fair Mike, you're only hearing one side to the story...

I can't think up any ideas, other than ignore what Fatty said, unless you want to look like a complete willy, whether you're right or not.

If shes trying to hide something she must have something to hide... my gf lets me fiddle with her phone, so i dont feel the need to ever go in anything personal of hers, but if she wouldn't let me within 2 metres of her phone when i would be questioning why not... whats she hiding? Cos its not like shes going out her way to hide nothing

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Right heres a good un been with a girl for over two years now there has been a fair few arguments and the odd few day break up once or twice in these break ups she has flirted with boys and got with one on one occation witch i still have never forgiven her for anyway we kinda left it in the past and got back together. Things have recently really taken a turn for the worst and its over AGAIN her desition this time and im not overly choked about it now theres this other girl that has been keen on me scince like mid secondry school and we have been chating and it seems she is now coming to my house after collage tommorw i don't know how innocent that really is but the question is, is it to early if i wanted to because the chances are she will eventully find out its been just over a week now but she didnt even wait that long a fair few months back its not really a come back its just shes pissed me off to no end and this girl is fairly attractive and the opotunity seems to be there.....

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Char's been a dead f**king weight for ages now, lighten the load but don't jump straight into another relationship, time to live Essex for a while and come out with me, I'll get you bare older gash :P

Ill hold you too that yano and yeah i no what you mean i live in the slutyest place in the world yet im in a marrige almost at the age of 17

Just duno if id be right to "tap" somthing else so soon?

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