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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Evidently not... "Oh sweetiepoos, remind me, when is your next period due? I'm just discussing it with some men you've never met on a forum you've never heard of".

My advice, experiment with everything to avoid condoms. They might stop STIs but they're rank. I can't stand them.

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I wonder, does anyone's partners know their contraception choices and period patterns are being discussed on here?

Can't belive i'm about to join in.. But with the coil can cause infertility and that's its downfall plus have you seen the procedure?

I thought Jim was a dude?

Evidently not... "Oh sweetiepoos, remind me, when is your next period due? I'm just discussing it with some men you've never met on a forum you've never heard of".

My advice, experiment with everything to avoid condoms. They might stop STIs but they're rank. I can't stand them.

I personally don't mind them too much but the missus hate them like hitler didn't like jews.

Edited by weirdoku
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Agree with all of the above. Ultimately it's her choice but yeah, try a few different ones to find what works. The one my ex was/ is on was called cerazette or something along those lines - just kinda stopped everything which can't be great for her long-term, but it didn't have any of the side effects the others did (Y)

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Girlfriend currently hates me. Why? She doesn't know. I asked her if she would consider changing to another birth control, her answer was nothings wrong with the one she's using now. She just doesn't seem to notice how she's changed no matter what I tell her.

In the end I just told her I'll leave her alone till she doesn't hate me, not gonna talk to her unless she starts a conversation. Lately all the replies I get from her and just simple few word replies, mostly like yea, okay, maybe, i know, no, yes, you get what I mean.

How long did it take you guys to notice your gf change in behaviour? She said the doctor told her you shouldn't feel any effects till after 3 months, I don't believe this at all.

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How long did it take you guys to notice your gf change in behaviour? She said the doctor told her you shouldn't feel any effects till after 3 months, I don't believe this at all.

My girlfriends been on 3 or 4 different pills now. The last one she was on made her really kinda mellow.. not overly fussed by anything which was kinda gay. Changes don't seem to take long at all I don't think, 2-3 days an if its going to change her at all it'll start I think.

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i honestly hate my girlfriend, she makes me so angry like no human has ever made me, she does nothing but makes extremely unhappy

just strians me 24 hours a day, like im at work now i have 11 texts on my phone from me serving someone in the shop?!

ahrrrrrrrrrrigffwe pivbsrd gvwrep;

but just cant seem to walk away?!

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You're young (I assume) and she just can't deal with the seperation anxiety. She'll grow out of it, but you'll have a wait. Relationships generally stifle peoples ability to grow as an individual.

lol no im 23 shes 21.... been with her for over a year, my last relationship was 3 and a half years :/

was just having a rant really i know i need to walk away but easyer said then done :/

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You're young (I assume) and she just can't deal with the seperation anxiety. She'll grow out of it, but you'll have a wait. Relationships generally stifle peoples ability to grow as an individual.

Dude, why are you speaking sense? Fool, know your place.

I say, stick it up her bum. (Y)

Edited by Muel
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