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Would Longer Cranks...

joe b

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Well, i cannot gap very far so, as you may imagine, from the title, i am wondering weather or not to swap my cranks for a longer pair in order to be able to gap better.

However, im sure longer cranks aren't better for every aspect of riding (or no-one would manufacture short ones), so im also wondering, basically, what are the advantages and disadvantages of longer and shorter cranks?

Thanks in adavance,


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Fair enough. By the way the comments are flying in, it seems like i can save £100 of my money (which is good) :D . But its not the fact that i can't gap properly 'Hobnobs', just the fact that im not strong enough... But thanks for the help anyway guys, was just a thought! (Y)



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yea, when u grow up *seriosly* when ur older ull be a beast uve got all the techniques ur just lacking some of the power, itll cum soon, dont go chnaging bits.. just keep trying! ull get better. also technique can over rule power, marc cassio....

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technically yes. Realistically, no

Realistically yes for me. 175's over 165's improved all of my riding, which was nice. Gapping's super nice with 175s, you can just beast it along. All good (Y) Quite nice for natural and shit too, just 'cos you've got a little more "usable" power so you can do power moves a little easier. If you're running 158s, you really should try out 170s at least...

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what mark said

i agree, i tried 158 montys for a time, and it just made things far more difficult, 170/175 everytime for me!

however, from what i gather, you are a younger ride, and have already said your strength is lacking (purely cos you arent developed yet), so maybe the shorter cranks are a good idea? makes the bike a little bit easier to kick along? leave the big gaps for now and get tech ;) faaaar more fun i find...even if i am crap at it

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Yeh get longer.I went from monty cranks to echo on my monty , made a rite difference.And there

wasn`t a downside to having longer cranks. (Y):)

snap easier maybe i dont know i can tell the diffrence between short cranks and long just becuase it make the bike feel diffrence when your technique is sorted throughly your gaps will come and when you get older too B)

just be cool and wait for it lol or start jogging or sommet

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Yes it would help you gap further, the problem you are probably having is it's likely your gear is too heavy for you on a 20" (your quote small aren't you?) and because it's too heavy you can't get the fast power down and more of a flick, if you put longer cranks on the gear will feel a little easier, so it should help a lot.

If your gear was right for you, this mainly apllyes to people on stocks and you use longer cranks, you would not notice any difference.

I think that makes sense.


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Just develop some power joe, id be getting rid of the monty cranks for the simple fact there shit anyways, an extra 15mm wont make much difference at all to whether you can gap or not, you will grow! and when you do you will find you can gap better.

And eat your vegatables Joe, you eat way too much shite.


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Longer cranks will help a little, I have tried shorter cranks (165-170mm) on my stock and they do feel too spinny (wont be as bad on mod), so when you set off the crank arm spins too far round and your technique has to change to suit. I have been running 175mm cranks for about 2 years now and they are just right, like people have said I think its all personal preference though, as all trials bikes are setup individually after all. (Y)

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Just develop some power joe, id be getting rid of the monty cranks for the simple fact there shit anyways, an extra 15mm wont make much difference at all to whether you can gap or not, you will grow! and when you do you will find you can gap better.

And eat your vegatables Joe, you eat way too much shite.


i nailed 8.5 today i dont do vegies, stick with ur shit joe!!! :-

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Have you experimented with different gear ratio's? This has a much bigger affect on how far you can potentially gap that crank arm length!!! Maybe give it a go!!!

Other than that I'd say yes, in theory, longer crank arms would give you more leverage to power the back wheel and make a bigger gap, but as with anything in trials it's 95% technique, so maybe have a look at vids of people doing huge gaps, usually the clip will be followed by a slow motion replay and you can see the technique. If you're looking at getting new cranks anyway then wouldn't hurt to try a longer pair!!


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