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Acl Reconstructive Surgery Tomorrow...


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Quite a few people i know on here know about my knee situation thathas been going on since 21st June 2006.

Basically, i fell off my bmx and snapped the ACL (Antierior Cruciate Ligament) in my left knee, which provides 90% of the stability in the knee joint.

I had the snapped ligament removed in December as it was causing swelling due to the aggrevation it was causing, and i have been ont he waiting list for a replacement to be put in, to allow me to get back to normal.

Last week i had a phone call with a cancellation date for tomorrow, so i'm off to get butchered.

They are going to take a piece of hamstring tendon from the same leg, drill my femur and Tibia, then feed basically feed the tendon through the holes, which will become the new ligament.

If you don't give a toss then thats cool, most won't lol, but thanks to the people who have sent good lucks to me (Y) (Y).

I know a couple of people who might see this who have asked baout the op, so here is a video if you're interested of the exact suregry i'm getting, with the same donar site being used (the hamstring)


See you in a few days!


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best of luck Bongo!

Had my ATFL done using non-evasive surgery. really glad i got it done and did all the rehab properly as per Simon Lord (physio on the forum). It's like a brand new ankle now. Make sure you do the rehab properly, and I'd suggest maybe getting in touch with Simon (pm me for MSN details). He's been doing really well in helping trials riders on the mend, and knows a bit more about the needs of more extreme sports type than the NHS. They suck. The physio I saw at the hospital tried getting me walking, without even checking that everything was ok. Good job Si had already picked up on the ATFL and PTFL being totally seperated, so I could tell her to f*** off!


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hahaha, cheers fella's, steve, ingrowing toenails are a killer!!!

I'll be able to ride in January, pretty long time i suppose, but i've not been right for 10 months already, i haven't been allowed to ride since June last year, and i haven't even been able to kneel down since then, so i'm used to how it is! I'm half way through now, at the last stage and ready to work hard to get fit and get back to 100%. Just gotta turn the bad to good innit. don't be pissed off i can't ride now, just be excited i can ride in the future. it's all good. I'd do it all again if it meant i could ride some more. it's a small price to pay for all the fun i've had the last few years.


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Good luck Bongo.

My mate had similar surgery (though they used the middle of his patellar ligament instead of the hamstring) and he's fine now. I think it took a good few months for him to be back to his best. It's still not 100% he says but that's the price you pay I guess.

And yeah, Bongo'll be able to ride/ walk again.

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Just be very carefull Bongo, I've snapped mine 3 times now doing stupid things.

errrr, this surgery exists purely becasue of the impossibility of the ligament healing. it never ever heals even from a slight tear becasue the blood clot that forms around the damage to enable any healing is dissolved by fluid within the knee joint. How did you manage to snap it 3 times, when they never heal and you only have 2 knees?!?!?!?

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errrr, this surgery exists purely becasue of the impossibility of the ligament healing. it never ever heals even from a slight tear becasue the blood clot that forms around the damage to enable any healing is dissolved by fluid within the knee joint. How did you manage to snap it 3 times, when they never heal and you only have 2 knees?!?!?!?

Hmmmmmmmm :S

Well I've snapped my ACL and since then I've fallen over 3 times and had the exact same crippling pain, swelling and bruising etc.

I've broken over 10 bones and that pain is by far the worst I've ever felt.

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lol'z, well i'm back 3 days later!

12 months of physio, 4 months off work, 10 months till i can ride.

I haven't had a shit since sunday!

got 4 nice slices which are held closed with 13 staples. Had a drain into my knee until last night where a litre of bloody pisspoo dribbled into a bottle. Now thats gone, it's swelled up like a twat and hurts like f**k! I'm allergic to all anti-inflamatory drugs, so just gotta ice it and use paracetamol .

No surprises though, i knew it'd be like this, it's the same as when i first injured it. Can't barely bend bend it, but gotta keep trying, placing bits of weight on it when i get about with my crutches etc.

It's all good, gonna be a long slow recovery, but it'll be reet!


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