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Everything posted by Davey

  1. I could be wrong but I don't think it's a mod frame: 1. Brake mounts look like stock positioning 2: I can see a gear cable guide on the gear side seat stay 3: I can see another gear cable guide on the gear side of the downtube 4: I can't see any bash plate mounts It's a stock for sure! Davey
  2. Sexual! I love brand new bikes still in all their packaging, just reminds me of that excited feeling, I'd be wetting myself with excitement right now if I was you! I want one now, just for the fun of opening it and putting it together! Get building, NOW!!! Davey
  3. Davey


    Here are my wings, done by Stu @ Colchester body arts. Davey
  4. Erm, just this great band called Novella, they played at the Underworld recently I think...... oh wait that's my band Seriously though, at the moment I'm loving: Hondo Maclean Norma Jean The Chariot Deaf Havana (check them out) Davey
  5. I don't think so, not with bashplate mounts and hozzy drop outs, not to mention the positioning of those brake mounts! Looks nice though, some good ideas there too if they actually work, like the built in tensioners, pushing rather than pulling! That CNC bit looks a lot like that fancy victorian guttering you can get though, haha! Davey
  6. "Trials is a lot like sex, you need a good rubber and a bit of lube but if you can't get it up then forget it!"
  7. I'm an Account Executive for a print management company, which basically means I buy and sell print for publishers (magazines, brochures, posters, flyers etc). Doesn't sound exciting but it's pretty interesting really and brings in a very decend wage, especially for someone who doesn't have anything more that a few GCSE's! Davey
  8. Before I say anything I just want to say that yes it is a load of complete and utter b*llocks and Ken Livingston doesn't live in the real world.... he is a moron.... end of! BUT So what if it does become legislation?!? I mean who really cares? It's already legislated that we can't ride on the pavement without getting a fine and we all do, and it's already legislated that we should have lights on our bikes at night otherwise we get a fine and none of us do, so how is this any different? It's just another minor offence that most police officers can't be arsed to fill out paperwork for so the worst you would get is a fine and more than likely just a telling off! Not saying it's ok what Ken is saying, it's really not, like I said he is a moron, but just saying don't worry yourselves about it, street trials is illegal anyway so we're all going to hell Davey
  9. Mine are - What's the office alarm number, it's beeping at me - If the alarm goes off does it call the police? - I've sent some pics 2 yr email... Becky (before anyone gets excited that's from our bands photographer, lol)
  10. Haha, who gave it a rating of one? Own up, who was it?
  11. Add mr_joefish@hotmail.com to MSN, he'll sort you out! Davey
  12. The whole thing is insane!!! It would be easy to blame the government and say they ignore all these deaths because they are greedy for taxes, and it's probably true. Consider the fact that America went to war to avenge the deaths of 2,700 people in 9/11, yet this is only 2% of the total number who die from alcohol and tobacco use in this country each year, and still our government does nothing........ right? But the truth is if they did do something and made these substances illegal there would be public outcry. How many of you would be willing to give up alcohol or smoking, despite already knowing the possible consequences yourself. We would be saying it is our choice!! At the end of the day we are all capable of thinking for ourselves, and every day we vote with our money in our millions to keep these products on the shelves...... it's simple economics, supply and demand, we want, they supply!! Worth thinking about! Incidentally before anyone asks, I smoked and got drunk a lot from the age of 11 to the age of 20.... I now do neither! Davey
  13. This thread is classic, but I do feel for the kid! I think it's pretty obvious that it was his mates taking the piss outta him and it's gonna make it very hard to get validated with posts like that against his name! God bless BIG L for actually trying to answer those mental questions, legend! Davey
  14. I agree, my Echo Control doesn't have the highest BB in the world but it's far higher than my old frame. It felt weird at first but after a few rides I was already a better rider than before. The extra stnadover means there's more room to tuck for those bigger moves, and you kinda start higher so seems like everything is that bit smaller.... if that makes sense! Davey
  15. This might just be me but: Crud Catchers, because Ashton did it. DCD's because Ashton did it. Yellow bits because Ashton did it. Raceline Magura's because Ashton did it. Fatty R forks because Ashton did it. Middleburns because Ashton did it. And now Ashton bikes........... because Ashton did them, but I'm over him now so I have an Echo Davey
  16. Davey

    Live On!

    No, it's oldschool so it's not gonna be small, I meant that it needs a seat because it is big, and therefore doesn't look good without one... if that makes sense, lol! Davey
  17. Hey guys I'm gonna be out in Colchester tonight if anyone fancies a session? Usual, meet at St Botolphs. Gimme a buzz on my mobile 07811094314 if you're out, I'll be about from about 7:30ish Davey
  18. That's a big old chainring for a Mod! I think mine is 18 15 which works out at exactly the same ratio as 24 20 though so should be fine! Oh and Justfuzzit, you should post stupid questions in the members section so we can all poke fun, we have to get our amusement somehow Davey
  19. Might be a little late because I'm taking Luke but neither of us know how to get to the Skatepark. Anyone got directions they can give me? Davey
  20. Davey

    Emo Girls

    Incidentally, I don't know about anyone else, but no matter how much bad press they get I'd rather bump into a gang of goths or metalheads down a dark alley than a gang of chav's any day!!! In my experience despite looking like death warmed up they're usually nice and very reasonable people, and far less likely to kick the shit out of you for your mobile phone!!! Davey
  21. Davey

    Emo Girls

    True, didn't think of that! On this subject, anyone who does like emo girls and has Suicide Girls membership, check out my mate Jayney! Davey
  22. Davey

    Emo Girls

    I like emo girls, but I prefer naked girls, and they're not emo or grunge or chav when they're naked are they
  23. Davey

    Magura Problems

    Can't remember what my V's were like but I do remember when I got my Maguras they were a million times better! I wouldn't mind trying a good set of V's with all the decent pads and that you can get now though, just so I can say I've tried both and X are best! Of course when it comes to looks I've never seen a set of V's that looked half as good as a set of Magura's, they just look the business IMO! Davey
  24. Haha, thanks for that Mark, I'll consider myself DENIED ! I should have seen this coming, the thread about not having slagging matches becomes the MOTHER of all slagging matches.... amusing though, but this is kinda what I mean, this is funny but spitefull coments about people are not.... SO STOP IT Y'ALL! Davey
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