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Stephen Morris

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Everything posted by Stephen Morris

  1. Nice and simple, I'm down and my girlfriend's at work. Does anybody fancy riding bournemouth, Poole or Sandbanks? I'll be about from about 5pm - 11pm Let me know - 07855798429.
  2. The video will be out towards the end of the year Fred, I'm just going to film all I can and do something nice with the footage.
  3. There was a little whippersnapper taking hundreds of photos in Southampton last Sunday, I was just wondering if anybody knew who he was or whether he's planning on putting any of the photos on here. Here he is:
  4. Would it be alright if me and my friend come and ride with you?
  5. Thanks again, I'll rifle through that list. But please, no more!
  6. Pretty simple really, I need some very heavy metal music to take to a university seminar tomorrow. It must be very, very heavy - I think you get the idea. Please leave the band/song titles here or if you're feeling very nice you could Email it to me [anaesthetic@hotmail.com] Thanks - Stephen.
  7. Oh my days, I'm moving to Bournemouth in a few months!
  8. Stephen Morris and Tim Rodriguez will be there.
  9. I fancy coming along, not sure what time yet but I'll let you know. The weather may be a bit of a problem though, but I'll probably ride whatever.
  10. Trials-Forum guidelines state that: "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law" If only 1% of people who read your thread found it offensive, then Andy was right to close it. It concerns me to know that you object so highly to your distasteful thread being closed.
  11. Girlfriend - 150 miles away. Work - 10 miles away. University - 35 miles away. Friends - 50 miles away. I spend about £300 a month on petrol.
  12. Why do people ask if they can make it a Saturday? If you want to go on Saturday then just go. Sorry but that annoys me just as much as people who guess how hot the boxes are on 'Deal or no deal.' Anywho, I'll be coming with Tim Rodriguez and Stuart Sharp. See you all then.
  13. Kona Blast - 1.5 years Barracuda Ghetto -1.5 years Leeson - 3 years No problems with any of them at all, other than the first two being shit.
  14. That was something a bit different.... great stuff!
  15. 'Twas the olden days when endo's were cool and sidehops were done off drops. As for the XC bike, that's the way things were back then, I couldn't afford a Pashley or a Mission so cross country bike it was. Half of me wishes I'd started now, what with the speed people are improving, all the product choice and Trials-Forum yet the other half is strangley proud to have started at the beginning when the sport was still in it's infancy.
  16. Not much to say really... lots of old photos from 2001. (I've still got those Pashley forks!)
  17. Stephen Morris

    10ft Drop

    To me it looked like you were dropping 10ft without actually attempting to soak up the drop. Like Ali C said, the shape you make at the edge of the drop should be a lot more compressed with your arse right over the back wheel. You've got big balls for trying it, good man. Now do it again, but absorb the drop!
  18. A photo should pop up eventually if it loads properly. The video was short and repeptitive. If you're going to make a short video then you need a bit of variation... but there wasn't any.
  19. I really liked that video. It had a different quality that made it stand out from all your others.
  20. I always work New Years Day, you get £80 for doing nothing all day. It's ideal for me because I don't 'celebrate' New Years Eve.
  21. That rift only started because the London-Trials.co.uk riders didn't ride London yet we still did. Londontrials.com was up for all of a week before it became Urbantrials.com. Anyway we still see Luke from time to time and we get along well enough. I must have been riding London for 5 years now and I'm not sure how much earlier Luke started riding there. There have been a few of London riders who've quit, people like Lee who now rides bmx and Alex and Anthony Finney who both quit I believe but I'm not really sure what other regular London riders there were.
  22. Have a folder which has 100 folders in it, leading to a further 100 folders, leading to a further 100 folders and so on. That way even if they find your secret porn folder, they'll never find the porn. This worked for my Gran until I realised she'd used her birthday as the code
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