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Everything posted by ItsMatt

  1. That Thumbnail gave me cancer.
  2. ??????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved the barspins, good to see people riding these bmx's properly. also very Crumlish vibe, noice.
  3. Riding tomorrow, Saturday at 11am, Pyramids. Also Sunday, the barn
  4. @RossBurnside I'm 20 and I ride a bike (all be it a boring bike) for a living. I'm completely over qualified for this level of work but I love it. As long as you don't let your life get stale, have a passion for something and have a sense of urgency about you. you'll be reet x ps. Portsmouth stunts Sunday.
  5. just tricks? any stunts in there?
  6. I forgot about that, absolute cracker.
  7. @CC12345678910 I bid £11
  8. ItsMatt

    Ali C Vlog

    I loved your introduction, best part ever.
  9. put the camera in manual. 2:20-3:20 the subject was out of focus, a few over exposed shots in there as well due to the camera being on auto. personally I think all drone shots should be sped up. for the final shot in the cafe the colour temperature is everywhere, the warm orange from the inside and the blue outside is a bit gash. I would of stepped outside to get some audio cleaner audio as well. other than that these videos have a great flow to them, you know what picture you're painting.
  10. Great technological advancements come from war.
  11. If anybody is interested in a canon 7d and won't be using video at all, let me know.
  12. Trials HD is a super successful multi platform game.. there is a good audience for it but they don't know it yet.
  13. I will never understand why you think that filter looks good
  14. @Davetrials preload more, get loose, keep your spine straight and drop it in line with your rear axle then POWERRRR and to everyone else, anything within 3" of bar height is pure mindgames, don't overthink it too much.
  15. I have no idea what's going on but I like it.
  16. just needs a little toast man http://i.imgur.com/1qPW5C3.png on a zoo
  17. good lord I'm in love, sharing this everywhere.
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