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Everything posted by MartMini

  1. It does a bit, but its still a million times better than i can do with a mig
  2. i've done a fair bit of mig welding on cars, and i can say it definitely can be rewarding. Especially when you get good, clean, consistant welds, you can look back on your work and see how good it is/improved. Proper tig welding gives most mechanics the horn
  3. had this on fb the other day. bloke was like 'you could still fit one to a diesel'. trying to explian that theres virtually no backpressure due to not having a throttle valve, so they'd be no benefit, and no backpressure to activate the dump valve
  4. Most people currently do it by quoting a reply, which leads to massive threads of just quotes. I think its a good idea too.
  5. i dont see how they're going to sell it on/make any money out of it. Trials is such a small world, its going to be found quick enough!
  6. The vibrations will settle. Last two cars i used polybush engine stabliser mounts took a few thousand miles to properly settle in.
  7. i had this on my front brake. i ended up putting pressure on the caliper away from the frame as i tightened up the bolts. Just managed to make it clear.
  8. better pedal offset, means your standing more central over the bike.
  9. dan, just found this. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/vehicle-tax-changes
  10. in the last week on my road i saw two cars clamped and tow'd because of no tax. I aint risking that shit
  11. you'll find it'll be one of the two small screws, best off looking online for the pump type and find a breakdown. They dont expect people who buy haynes manuals to be stripping down injection pumps!
  12. first picture, think the big black button is a primer pump. one of the two little screws will properly be idle control
  13. rb did a design a while ago with ball bearings, dont think the engagement will take the abuse!
  14. there will be a big difference between the amount of play in your feeble hands, and when you have the entire car weight on it through a corner
  15. If the ball joints are shagged, it means the tracking could still be out, as it'd have been set incorrectly
  16. you could have a bad batch? like i said, all the pictures ive seen is of saint calipers snapping clean off themselves. Just because one monkey broke a set of good forks running a savigly good front brake wouldnt stop me from buying them
  17. Removed my DRLs yesturday and fitted some fog lights. Thought id have to replace the bumper, but after finding one at scrap yard, saw the standard bumper had all the fog light mounts as standard. The standard bumper even has the guidlines for where you need to cut, one sharp knife and a dremel later: Fog light fitted ( scrap yard ones, will replace with new ones soon): Bumper view: Had a quick mock up with some HID's i had lying around, definatly think i'll be getting the right bulbs for the difference in light output!
  18. Just because the surface looks okay, doesnt mean the forks arnt cracked/weakened under the surface. All ive seen on TF for the last week is Saint calipers cracked/snapped due to the force they create, it really isnt supprising they've caused the forks to snap.
  19. just seen your running a front saint. Of course your going to snap the fork
  20. This. If the metal is a dull colour, means its been cracked for a while. the shiny parts are fresh cracks.
  21. Any move to front are going to stress the f**k out of a set of forks, its not really that impressive? The disk brace spreads the load, but generally if they snap, its just above the top of the disk mount.
  22. im the cocky one? i dont see me making a topic about breaking a set of forks
  23. snapped at the disk mount area, generally if disk forks snap, thats where they go.... ahh, didnt read it fully cheers
  24. you mean the new ones, where trialtech recalled them? ooo, beter watch out, big man!
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