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Inspired Dave

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Everything posted by Inspired Dave

  1. Me and Stan popped down to the show for Saturday. Was cool, though seeing all the karts made me sad, used to race them but had to stop for money reasons . That X1 car was seeeeeeeeeeeeeex! Astons were my facourite cars there I reckon, though there was a couple of nice drifitng cars with carbon bodywork. Did you see that stand that had an orange Porsche? Not sure what company it was, but they do carbon rim wheels. They had THE best ladies I saw at the show, for sure! The Live Action Arena was a beast too, Aston GT car stole my heart, but the Impreza WRC was a very close second. Sound of the Aston was just unbelievable. If sex was a sound, it'd be an Aston DB9 GT car!! Oh oh oh, almost forgot the banger-racing rc cars! Destruction Darby ***! :D:D:D
  2. Sweet vid stan. Bit miffed you got to the rolling camera along the side of the blocks before me though! haha, at least you pulled it better than I could, so I'll let you off this time . Looked like a wicked couple of rides. That stack to head looked mega harsh! Helmet definitely did a beast of a job . Nice chilled vid, good simple editing, beasty-smooth riding!
  3. Awesome little bikes. Good geo and obviously the choice of lengths is mega handy. Strength of them is immense, they can take such a beating on street or rocks. Some people find the silver natural alu finish (lacquered mind) a bit boring, but at least it doesn't look as battered after a few scratches. The weight of them is awesome when you consider their strength and stiffness. Ok, there are some lighter frames about, but for the strength to weight ratio, there's not much to bet them. Another bonus about them is they're nice and simple, nothing too flashy or pointless just super functional .
  4. Beast ride. Never ridden Shipley before, but I'll definitely be returning again sometime soon! Pitty it was windy as a nadger . Good to meet some new people and see so many riders! See you all again soon .
  5. Haha, Ali you crazy man! (Thanks to Rich and Tomm too) But thanks all the same for the thought . The day was good, but had plenty of work to do, so no time to party! Gonna try and make up for it this weekend though! :D Man I wish I was 21 again! lol. 24's so old!! Ta, Dave
  6. Wheelbase is 1002mm . The stem works awesome for the way I want the bike to ride. It makes the front end come up super fast for bunnyhops and wheelie-hops. I'm pretty sure if you rode it you'd see exactly why I've got the front-end set up I have .
  7. 'Normal' bolted on sprocket that slips over the axle . Spoke to the guys at Profile earlier and they were surprised to read about any cranks denting at all, as they seemed to have never heard about it being a major issue. You'd have to do some SERIOUS BASHING to dent these . Rides absolutely gorgeously. Bunnyhops and wheelie-hops so so well. First ride on it and I'm already riding better than I used to on my Lite. Yep 3-piece indeed . Profile say 170's should follow for production models (already reserved myself a set! hehe). Piece of wee to fit, and the tollerences are awesome, arms are so so tight on the axles. I have heard of some people bending and snapping them, but there's virtually no cranks (possibly none?) that are sold in the same huge volumes as Profiles and have the same success rate? Unless you're planning on doing 30ft drops to flat, I wouldn't have any concerns. Completely correct, a small plate is welded to the back of the arm at manufacture. The plate's like an oval, so allows for 2 separate bolt holes to be threaded, meaning you can run weeny flatland sprockets or more traditional sizes should you wish. The price isn't yet confirmed. It's expected to be a little over £200 for pair of arms, Ti axle, all bolts and bearings, bb cups etc. The 18t sprocket is additional. IMO, with a lifetime bending or breaking warranty on the arms, and an awesome stiffness to weight ratio, these are an ideal choice for people who want something with great performance and/or a little out of the ordinary for a trials bike.
  8. He's asking if the '07 Urbans have a disc mount on the rear of the fork (like the Lites, GUs and ZOos do). Unfortunately, we don't know yet, as we have not had a shipment of '07 Urbans in 4-Bolt/Disc. I would hazard a guess that they will have the mounts on the back though
  9. Nigel HAS contacted me, was txting him back and forth last night at about 11. Admitedly, I got the wrong spoke lengths off the calculator by selecting one of the options wrong. I appologised and offered to send out replacement products for anything that was sent in error. I worked my arse off to get the order out on time. Like I said on txt a couple of times last night, replacements will be sent today foc on gaurenteed next day delivery and I'll chuck another t-shirt in with it. It was my fault yes, I made a mistake trying to get the order out to you a day quicker, but the way you've reacted is pretty lame I gotta say.
  10. Haha, I started reading then had to go off and answer the phone, so it may have looked like I was sat here 'treating' myself over the comments, but I wasn't! Honest! Just want to say thanks for all the positive comments. We definitely give our work everything we have in terms of honesty and effort, so it's wicked to see that it's appreciated . Cheers guys, Dave
  11. I think Adam missed a vital point.... ....being a space badger, it's actually on the moon, doing hooks on the moon, so has much less gravity. It'd be a tight call, the lack of gravity could compensate for the small size and power of the badger, but would it be enough to get its hooks up to camel ability?
  12. And the third one. Possible the second one too, but I can't make it out properly...
  13. The armadillo was a move of pure genious! Almost looks like a bashplate (maybe that's where the idea for bashplates came from, not motorbikes. Am I the only person who's found that a bit of a wierd statement?! haha Anyway, cats, yeh, they can up rediculous stuff. Seen one do the top of a 7ft high fence that's about 2 inches wide from 4 paws and a completely static start! They have the balance too. For the record, I don't think flying creatures should be included in this thread, so before anyone mentions that an African Vulture can up a jumbo-jet engine at 37,000ft don't, it's not a fair contest for the camels!
  14. Hahaha, I'm definitely up for that! Hopefully Koxx won't get the hump with us though.
  15. Anything with the steerer below the centre of the top bolt is a tad sketchy imo. Especially on a mod bike with a big fat stem for leverage! How far off the top of the stem is it?
  16. That's a good point!! They're proper front end heavy, so they'd be able to up to front hooves (think coust rolling hop things) really well!
  17. Okie dokie, right, more clarity needed! This is a super fit top breed camel that is most suitable for hooking. They'll be fitted with Maxxis Camel Crawlers and all the latest protection gear, just to keep the health and safety people happy. Continue the debate
  18. How high do you guys reckon a camel could hook? We're having a bit of a debate, personally I reckon they could hook pretty well due to them being pretty tall. Stan, however, thinks they'd be crap at hooking due to having stiff legs (something he has no actual proof for though!). Adam thinks they'd be a bit crap at hooking, but could do a sorta pedal-bunnyhop to 4 hooves. Seeing as though they can drink 200 litres in one sitting, we'll assume that for this hooking test they are empty, thus 200kg lighter. Personally I reckon if they went for it and didn't mind bashing their stomach they could easy get 6ft to 4 hooves, back hooves might be a different matter though. So....what do you reckon? Latest news is stan reckons they'd snap their legs (Again, an un-substantiated claim!!!).
  19. Its a competition frame, and to keep the weight down, you need to use thin tubes!
  20. A nice beefy UCI-type frame with a sensible BB height, and they will be in the UK very shortly. More pictures here: http://www.trialsin.com/special/update.htm
  21. The advantages of more pistons are something along the lines of: Slimmer (and therefore stiffer) caliper while still retaining the same overall slave piston area. Lots of surface area to get rid of heat. Can be used to give better modulation (different sized pistons to let the brakes feed in). Probably more but I can't be bothered to think right now But, they're heavy and expensive. As for the pressure per pad thing - discs dont really rely on pressure. Two very flat surfaces will try and stick themselves together (Seisimir Effect? I can't remember exactly), so if you have two very large flat surfaces (big pad and large rotor contact), it'll work well. If you want more pressure too, you can just put bigger holes in the rotor. The brake looks alright, would rather something less generic-looking on my bike though! Adam (on Dave's PC cos mine is dead )
  22. Should be 268mm both sides. Cheers Adam
  23. Always worth a ring like Lee said, we do actually have a set
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