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Everything posted by ZeroMatt

  1. I sincerely hope you are trolling and you don't truly believe that. No he didn't do "necessary evil" to stay at the top of his game. What he did was what he thought was necessary to besmirch the names of those who were questioning his innocence.
  2. No, not only because folks would be dying in the dead of night mid tour but for the simple fact that these banned substances affect people to differing degrees.
  3. What little benefits LiveStrong provides to people with cancer pales in comparison to the money they spend on things which do not. The foundation gave out a total of only $20 million in research grants between 1998 and 2005 and as of 2010, it no longer even accepts research proposals. That $20 million is so much less than has been spent on PR etc.
  4. The whole doping thing is no big deal at all, it was widespread in that era. It's how he's implicated with Ferrari etc. and how he's vilified those that did speak out at the time that shows how big of a fanny he is.
  5. http://youtu.be/kSN7OZjt1MU
  6. Yeah no big deal. It's not like he ruined people's careers just to keep up the facade. There's been plenty of doping but none of the dopers have been so aggressive and litigious.
  7. Any more info on those cranks from the fb page?
  8. This is a repost from before the thread split, however it's recently been nominated for the animated short Oscar so figured I'd share again so folks who hadn't seen it could enjoy. with some of his other stuff too. http://youtu.be/FQMO6vjmkyI
  9. A year old so not super new but Glass Kites debut is great. Lots of great stuff to be found via bandcamp discover.
  10. http://youtu.be/BfHpMaAVp-I
  11. Weren't there just lots of separate short ads for different sports?
  12. http://youtu.be/MZxCMvElxKk Wait for the make, crazy stuff.
  13. http://youtu.be/Nypb8_HTenE
  14. I'll second that. Love all the old BT vids.
  15. Hit front page of Pinkbike, nice. Comments on that are going to be interesting.
  16. http://youtu.be/PaDGrYoMqmU
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9EyCAnh3pA
  18. Looks god awful even for a top down. There's been a flood of horrible stuff like this on kickstarter of late.
  19. Would it be wise to get a decent set of larger filters and then use step-up rings rather than getting loads of different size filters to suit each lens?
  20. I've found IJT to be ideal for folks like myself that hate spending f**k loads on cartridges and cant be arsed refilling them myself.
  21. 90s timewarp that should be destroyed else horrible clipart wil plague the earth once more.
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