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Everything posted by fruitbat

  1. Looking to build a new rig, would love a decent i5/i7 but money won't stretch that far. Been looking at the new AMD Vishera CPU, can get a 4ghz 8 core for under £150 - anyone got any experience with them, are they any good? Currently running a Phenom x4 with 8gb ddr2 ram on an AS Rock board with an older Radeon 4xxx card (can't recall specifically which one but it works ok), used for some gaming (handles Battlefield 4 at medium) and some photo editing in Photoshop, but it's starting to creak a bit so time to upgrade...slowly.
  2. fruitbat

    PC Help

    +2, I had the same issue with my AMD card recently, I was on version 8.something and it was actually version 13.something it needed to be up to date, had exact same thing as you which cleared up once did upgrade (I was forced to upgrade as Battlefield 4 prompted it)
  3. Not sure how easily it'll bunny hop, or gap, or go to back wheel, but it's got a seat
  4. Have only seen the inside of an S2 recently whilst changing a screen, agreed there aren't many connections in there but still a few things that could be damaged when dropping it, "internal connection" was probably wrong word to use, "it's pretty fecked" was probably a better way of saying it.
  5. I would say you've probably knackered an internal connection in your drunken mishap, no easy way to tell how hard/easy it will be to repair without having someone who knows what they are doing take a look - which is likely to cost. With the prices of used phones these days, might be easier, quicker and cheaper to buy a used phone to put you on
  6. How much play, can you hear a knocking, and can you see specifically where the play is coming from? Try feel around as you move the bike with brakes on and see if you can narrow down where movement is coming from.
  7. Haha, I felt sick when I first started it, calves took a hell of a beating in that first week but managed not to do myself an injury...finished it though, just. Even the Fit Test is brutal
  8. Best thing I ever did, check out Insanity program, hard but worth it! Quite possibly, not comps, i'm way past them, but certainly riding to some sort of level.
  9. Happy happy times, 2014 is looking like a good year already, got rid of my old 307 which was costing me a fortune in repairs and replaced it with a brand spanking new Civic i-DTEC courtesy of work - saving loads of money on fuel (from 32mpg to circa 55-60mpg), no more repairs .etc., cashflow looks better. Bike is back to a built and fully ridable condition, looking forward to getting on it more next year, along with the XC bike. Training started again for a few runs next year (along with a bit more belly loss) All in all 2013 is ending very well, and 2014 will be an awesome year!
  10. I need to replace the bolts that keep the small plate on top of the lever - the one you remove to bleed the brake. Does anyone know what size they are (was going to Email hope but if someone knows size i can just order a few cheap off FleaBay)
  11. Made a New Years Resolution many years ago, and that was to never make a New Years Resolution again, and I have stuck to it. Any changes I want to make I make at any time of the year, as I know making them just because it's New Year will mean they are probably destined to fail. My real 'resolution' started in March, when I was 245lbs (17.5stone ) and in the worst shape of my life, took control and shed some lbs (46 of the flabby buggers to be precise), built the trials bike back up, did a 10K in November and have 3 more 10Ks and (hopefully) a tough mudder planned in 2014! That was because I needed to and wanted to do it, not because it was a New Year or anything. And I have purposefully re-started my training today after 6 weeks off to avoid it being a New Year start.
  12. I had the exact same thing other day, got a allen key roughly same size as the pin and pressed real hard till it came out - took some effort. Put it back in without the rubber ring and left the small clip in to retain, still retains the pads. Some advice I read was to squirt some lubricant into the pin and let it soak a few minutes then try again, but chances are some will get onto your pads so only do this if pads will be replaced.
  13. I would measure mine for you but getting the wheel off is a bit of a task, gotta take crank off due to tension of chain before I can get enough slack in tensioner for wheel to come off.
  14. 22.4mm (without the non splined lip) according to http://www.kstoerz.com/freespoke/hub/210
  15. Short but really enjoyed that, makes me wanna get my bike out!
  16. Looks to me like some creature was walking (should have been running, faster) from the left to the right, the big ass bird swooped down from the rear - right and flew away with said creature for lunch.
  17. Rebuilt the bike, just to bleed the brakes then time to get it muddy
  18. Very nice. 01:43 - that looks a big fall.
  19. The problem (IMO) with Facebook is anyone and everyone can and does sign up, and most of the stuff on there is crap that serves no purpose (social or otherwise), people hunting for likes or attention or people thinking their opinion is a matter of fact. If I have someone on mine that I don't want to delete as I can't be arsed dealing with the petty and childish aftermath of them realising I have deleted them, I just hide their posts so I don't have to read their daily rubbish. Many times I thought about deleting my profile but I know i'll be back as there are some things I do like about it and people I like to stay in touch with, so the approach of 'hiding' what annoys me has made it a better place to be. Most of the pages and groups I like are things I am actually interested in, and not crappy pages that posts pictures or 'memes' to get likes, i've seen too many of those and most are just crap from people who need to get out and live a little. What I have done is made the effort to delete people that I have no connection with today, including school friends who I know from school and only school (which I left 15 years ago), ex work colleagues who were just colleagues and I haven't seen or spoken to since leaving or people who are a 'friend of a friend'
  20. Best advice i was giving was start rotating a split second before you press your brake, sorta turn into it and then your back end needs kicking out with the same momentum when you press the front brake, gives you the momentum to carry it further round, try it but don't go for a 180 straight away as it might end messy, get used to the idea first then go further and further. Also , please
  21. Great riding and great edit. Safe to say we all love the Cock(y)
  22. I can honestly say I have never compared my wife to my first girlfriend and never will, I now know she was just my first and it was a HUGE learning step in the journey we call life. When we split I was devastated, a close friend of mine at the time even said give it a year you will be well over her and I wouldn't believe it, swore blind he was wrong - so much so I set myself a reminder to see how I felt a year later to prove him wrong and I was way over her.....funniest part of it, she was then dating the close friend I earlier referred to and we'd been together 2 years (I think)
  23. That was quite a read, as others have said thats life, I guarantee in 10 years you'll look back at this and wonder what the hell you were doing...been there done that and I'm now happily married at 30. Don't dwell on it, you are here to live your life, shit happens but you will still be here, enjoy life and the experiences it throws at you...and ride your bike!
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