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Anyone Else Seen Transformers Yet?


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Holy sh*t guys - I swear Transformers is the best movie I have ever seen. Just finished watching it and I know I won't be falling asleep for a while. Every action scene, or even prospect of an action scene has your hairs on end, a massive grin on your face and your heart thumping in your ears. Plus Megan Fox is (ironically) a fox.


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As a 27 year old I saw the original movie back in the eighties!

I had high expectations as the films been in the pipe line for the last ten years or so. Rights were bought, but then never used and noboday knew who owned what and then finally Don Murphy (one of the guys behind xmen) says him and spielberg are working on a live action film!

Don Murphy then set up a board online asking what characters we wanted and other things. Months passed and it emerged Megatron was going to be a tank...... Lots of flaming happend and then their was an announcment along the lines of 'This film is not about keeping the old fans happy, it's about making a film for a global audience that may not of heard of transformers before'. Then there was the petion to get the original guys to do the voices which half worked as peter cullen got to do Prime, but why did they get Hugo weaving (agent smith) for megatron when Frank welker was available?

Yeah I know far too much and I gave alot of input on the boards to Don, so I feel cheated slightly as the film is completely different from the cartoon I grew up with. Prime has a mouth!!!

Anyway watched this the weekend and as a money making bay machine this films not a bad no brainer action flick. Storys hmmm, and the ending batle was very weak, but plenty of nice cars, a hot chick, robots, guns and explosions to keep me happy for the two hours.

Had difficulty in working out who was fighting who as the action was rather to fast and the camera angles could of been better, but the film could of been alot worse. Lets hope the follow up gets an even bigger director + budget.

I'll shut up now :0)

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One word - AMAZING!!!!

Being an old man, I grew up with Transformers, Thundercats, A Team, etc, and the film brings back so many memories!! And the original voice of Optimus Prime is in the film!!!! Bumblebee rules as well!


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Download a program to handle the torrent. A couple i think are recommended are Bitcomet and Azerus (I use bitcomet with no problems) (Y) Download the torrent, and open it up...and it should open straight up into your program that handles it. There'll be a box come up with lots of stuff in. You'll need to press ok on this box, and there you go..its downloading :)

EDIT: For transformers you will also need to download winrar...then extract one of the file called '20th-transfoxvid1' Which will extract the film (Y)

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pm cheers, my msn is being gay

shit deleted all my internet history :( sorry Ash.

PM Inur i'm sure he'll give it to you.

EDIT: Just found it!

I'll pm you now Ash.

Anyone else want it?

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