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Mat Smith!

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Just because he's useless doesn't mean they've done anything wrong!

I think that's where some people are getting confused. I totally agree with Mike's statement there ^^

But also with this


Sponsership is becuase your company wants to be REPRESENTED by them. For there great riding abilitys in the case of tartybikes, but how can someone continue to back them when his antics off a bike are bringing the company into disrepute? i think as long as theres a connection between tarty and Damon then yea it does make a difference....

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What if this is all some ploy to get people talking about him, then, there's going to be some immense something or other and everyone will know...

The whole point of this thread is to try and get Mat his parts.

Hes been waitin for months with no comunication from Damon.

Also he couldn't ride for the first month as he was waitin for the parts.

Fortunatly his mates lent him some parts, but that does not excuse the

Fact that he is out of pocket with no parts.

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Exactly, if i had the parts i wouldnt of made this topic, i really didnt want to make it thats why i left it so long before making the topic, its been 3 and a half months now and damon isnt replying on msn or anything, he said he would do something about it to do with getting a refund off the royal mail or something but havent heard anything back and still not recived anything.


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I can't be arsed top drag out my Plain Lazy contract but it states in their somewhere that

'Its the team riders responsibility to live up the the company name and therefore the team riders actions should reflect the companies standards.'

...Well something along those lines. Im guessing that arty and Deng had a contract agreement with him, and he is basically there to represent the company/parts, therefore his sloppiness needs to be looked at by both tarty and deng as weather or not you believe its your problem people on here already believe it DOSE have something to do with you, so it would be in your best interests to have a word.

Anyway i just remembered tarty saying something about phoning him, so nice one!

Its been tomorrow so what has he had to say?

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I think it is getting stupid now!

To solve the problem go on a ride that he is going on!

Then turn around and say where are my parts!

That will put him on the spot abit!

I no he wont have the parts in his back pocket or anything but still...

What this has to do with tarty/deng is beyond me!

They sponser him for HIS RIDING!

Not his f**king sex life or anything!

Would be nice to hear what he had to say to tarty adam!

Well sorry to hear bout this shit matt!

People can be proper c**ts sometimes!



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Firstly, I'd make sure you go about it properly, if your asking for a job you don't send a poorly written e-mail with no info and no achievements to whom your e-mailing.

To me, automatically, I've got the wrong impression if that was to happen, even if the rider is amazing, there is more to having a sponsor than just being an amazing rider.

If you show the professionalism straight away your in with a good chance. The shop wants someone who is going to ride for the shop, take every measure to do their part in the "deal" and not just take it as a joke for some free/cheap bits. From experience (being somebody who sponsors people), this is main issue for me, the ability comes second.

I certainly think good competition results, having a good name for yourself at competitions and being well behaved at the same time (i.e someone who can be respected by other riders) are very important, as well as the whole Internet videos and pictures/media side of promoting whoever your sponsoring.

With all that in mind, it still wouldn't guarantee a sponsor. Whoever is going to sponsor you will more than likely be looking for a good rider, but if theres potential you could get some support.

Personally I wouldn't go for riders with just drop gap/big sidehop kind of riding, I'd like to see some overall ability rather than e-mailing a video/pictures with a few drop gaps and sidehops.


I think that sums it up nicely, you do have to be more than a good rider to get sponsorship

Btw it's from a thread in riding pics

Edited by kells
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Just spoke to Damon, this is what he said:

He sent the first set of stuff (headset, BB, tool) 1st Class Recorded. I couldn't decipher if he said the tracking confirmed it had been signed for at the delivery destination or not (line was pretty bad), but he should be able to clear that up for us.

The second parcel was sent standard 1st Class around the time of the strikes, he doesn't think he has a chance of claiming for that/it being seen again. He says he spoke to Royal Mail about this and they have said they cannot do anything because it is too soon.

Damon hasn't seen this topic yet but says he will do his best to get to a PC tonight and make a reply.

So sit tight and wait for a response!

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right then

couldnt really give too shits what people think of me on here to be honest!

cant find receipt to order, 1st un was recorded, second one wasnt. ile refund the money, simple....

had trouble with royal mail, strikes n all that shite! some1 i kno got things returned BACK to them, and then was late. i did too the other day whilst posting something

waiting for paypal money to clear from Billocks, being varified, soon as its done, ile send the money on ther to him.

and all the people say "hit him" calling me names or whatever, meet me on a ride and try it, dont get clever on here.

this is nothing to do with Tarty or Deng, im an individual, and they sponsored me for riding, not anything else.

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This just seems like usual Royal Mail being f**k ups. Not Damon's fault at all.

I sent £5 in the post to SamDoman and it still hasn't got to him, can safely say neither of us will see that again.

It's just a genuine mistake that you guys have made such a big thing out of!

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This just seems like usual Royal Mail being f**k ups. Not Damon's fault at all.

I sent £5 in the post to SamDoman and it still hasn't got to him, can safely say neither of us will see that again.

It's just a genuine mistake that you guys have made such a big thing out of!

From what matt's said though the lack of contact on damon's behalf is certanly not royal mail's fault, im not having a go because i CBA to read through 3 pages just find out what ACTUALLY happened

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right then

couldnt really give too shits what people think of me on here to be honest!

cant find receipt to order, 1st un was recorded, second one wasnt. ile refund the money, simple....

had trouble with royal mail, strikes n all that shite! some1 i kno got things returned BACK to them, and then was late. i did too the other day whilst posting something

waiting for paypal money to clear from Billocks, being varified, soon as its done, ile send the money on ther to him.

and all the people say "hit him" calling me names or whatever, meet me on a ride and try it, dont get clever on here.

this is nothing to do with Tarty or Deng, im an individual, and they sponsored me for riding, not anything else.

Can you not spell?

As for people saying "hit him" didnt only one person say it and it was a joke anyway? No need for the 'hard man' attitude

Atleast you replied though, ashame it took a crazy amount of time. Atleast he will get his money back. (Y)

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Not being a "Damon Bum" or anything. But to be perfectly honest with you.

I believe absolutely everything he has said i really do.

Damon has been the best person i have ever dealt with.

Contact was amazing. Quick. Explained everything fully.

No problems at all, everything went super smooth.

I honestly think this is all Royal Mails fault apart from lack of contact etc.

At least he will refund you your money (Y).

All the best.


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yes i can spell THANKS!

so dont have the "hard man" attitude with me

i dont have an attitude all im saying is if someone wants to hit me, there more then welcome :)

good good, just checking ;)

Fair enough then..not much else to say :ermm: , atleast you can clear your name at being a scammer anyway!

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I still cant get over why you didnt answer your phone to the kid buying the stuff off you, not replying to pms and not talking on msn seems rather stupid it is nice to keep your buyers informed of what happens its not really nice being iggnorant.

Edited by Andrew Quibell
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I'm sorry but i remember stepping out of line and calling someone a dick for having to disagree with everything i said because he found it funny, and i got flamed for that and i remember someone saying 'a sponsored rider calling someone a cock surly that can't be good' (something like that i re-call)

This guy comes on and what a joke. These companies are backing someone with the attitude of a 2 year old, coming on here after God knows how long and running his mouth giving the old 'say it to my face'. These people have the right to be annoyed and you have the right to come on and apologize surly coming on and basically saying i don't give a f**k about my reputation is basically saying i don't give a f**k if i'm sponsored because being sponsored is all about enlarging the reputation of the company.

And let me guess i'm now going to get the 'if you come out on a ride you wont be so cocky', well before you start all that just consider how you've replied to this thread and maybe re-think how you approach replying to something like this, peoples comments may have pissed you off but rise above it and just apologize. Its what i would do and i'm sure its what alot of people on here would do.

Good job, but I remember looking up to you. You just shattered a poor 16 year old's dreams.


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I'm sorry but i remember stepping out of line and calling someone a dick for having to disagree with everything i said because he found it funny, and i got flamed for that and i remember someone saying 'a sponsored rider calling someone a cock surly that can't be good' (something like that i re-call)

This guy comes on and what a joke. These companies are backing someone with the attitude of a 2 year old, coming on here after God knows how long and running his mouth giving the old 'say it to my face'. These people have the right to be annoyed and you have the right to come on and apologize surly coming on and basically saying i don't give a f**k about my reputation is basically saying i don't give a f**k if i'm sponsored because being sponsored is all about enlarging the reputation of the company.

And let me guess i'm now going to get the 'if you come out on a ride you wont be so cocky', well before you start all that just consider how you've replied to this thread and maybe re-think how you approach replying to something like this, peoples comments may have pissed you off but rise above it and just apologize. Its what i would do and i'm sure its what alot of people on here would do.

Good job, but I remember looking up to you. You just shattered a poor 16 year old's dreams.


Dude shut up and sit down. Damon's been getting the shit ripped out of him in this thread. Damon hasn't got the attitude of a two year old at all, your just to far up your own arse, Damon is just speaking the truth (To which i believe).

I know it has took him a while to get in this thread and get back to Mat etc. But people don't just sit on computers you know. People have other things to do in life like College, work and Uni.

Damon wasn't giving the hardman approach at all. People are to far Bigheaded on this forum and when it comes to a face to face situation they shit it...It's pathetic. People seem to think that saying it on a forum is ok then crawling up there arse when it comes to a real life situation. Damon was just clearly stating that if someone wants to hit in then they can try it which in all due respect is a good answer. Nobody should take shit from anybody. Stick up for yourself or else you'll just get walked all over.

Appolagise for what exactly ? It's not Damon's fault the Royal Mail are complete arsehole's who are to busy going on strike and complaning about there job rather than meeting the needs of a customer it's pathetic. Damon has tried to sort this. He's sent a second load of parts out for this guy...I mean come on...Show this guy some gratitude. He's also refunding him his money so i don't see the problem ?

I don't see why the whole sponsorship thing needs to be brought into the situation. Tarty and Deng have absolutely NOTHING to do with Damon's private dealings on a internet forum. They simply sponsor him for his riding and some private dealing he has done on a forum really doesn't mean the blame should fall back on Tarty or even Deng for that matter.

You look up to Damon for his riding...Totally agree with you there. Then how on earth can he of shattered your dream for doing absolutely nothing wrong and his riding doesn't affect a deal.

So you stop acting like a two year old.



Edited by Danny Kearns
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This post is aimed at RR trials

lol seriously think about what your saying, the person who slagged you off for being a sponsored rider and calling someone else a cock is really taking the piss out of you because they don't think you deserve to be sponsored.

Damon has a reputation as being one of the best street riders to exist, do you? No, that is why he can get away with calling the people who think mat should go round to his door and hit him a cock and you get flamed for doing something similar.

He's agreed to refund mats money, and thats fair enough. It's crap that it's taken this long to be done but it looks to me like he has made an effort to get mat his parts although it was pretty daft not sending the second lot insured and recorded but I guess it was a case of "what are the odds of it happening again?"

And really if your happy to say that crap to Damons face and expect to get away with it then your a braver* man than me.

* Read: more stupid


Edited by Gavyn L
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Haha, saying what i just said to his face would not get me battered if it did he is very immature. Im not saying apologize for Royal mail but surly.. this is how i would reply if it was me:

Really sorry i havn't got back to you sooner (excuse here). Royal mail has f**ked up and i'm going to refund your money i'm sorry for the delay ETC i hope to redeem the situation.

Boom everyones happy Damon may get a thank-you back of the buyer and that would make him look like a proper nice guy too.

.. and also i gather if im reading what you just said correctly he has the right to do things because of his riding ability, that others can't do because they can't hop up a wall as high as him. WAYYYYYYYYY!

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the Royal Mail are complete arsehole's who are to busy going on strike and complaning about there job rather than meeting the needs of a customer it's pathetic.

I was trying to avoid posting in this thread but this made me smile. Do you know all the goings on and politics behind unions, pay & pensions, the government and the royal mail? I doubt it. So calling them all arseholes is a bit dumbfounded. People don't just go on strike en masse without good reason or real issue :unsure:

This thread will be locked soon, but I think if you're a sponsored rider I think you represent that company as a whole and do have a certain responsibility beyond just riding.

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