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Who Takes Pills?


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[url=http://www.everyonedoesit.com/online_headshop/productCategory.cfm?sC=Psychedelic_Legal_Highs&iProductCategoryID=768&iLastCatID=85[some of these could be fun

I have some of the super skunk stuff, not had chance to take it in a decent amount yet.

Some of the stuff is meant to be quite good though.

Id rather try that stuff than an E or coke etc.

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Trials is the gateway to adrenalin, which is the best drug of all. Doesn't kill you!

Actually, I think it might, is you overdose, I'm no tto sure though. :ermm:

Alchohol is cool though, I like it and it likes me, it makes me all mellowed out, although I have never actually got "drunk", if there is such a red line. I drink, I get to a stage, then I stop drinking. I don't see the point in drinking too much, you feel shit afterwards, whereas when I hit my limit, I sleep like a baby and wake up feeling mint in the morning.

I only ever drink beer, and occasionally wine.

I'm off to get me some beer like. (Y)

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Says he's back in NMC, that's a bit much really isn't it? There's loads of people on here who are posting worst topics than this, I would have expected that this topic would be closed before he got moved, surely that's the first step?

Unless the topics OK, but he is a cock? I haven't noticed anything going off.

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Alchohol is cool though, I like it and it likes me, it makes me all mellowed out, although I have never actually got "drunk", if there is such a red line. I drink, I get to a stage, then I stop drinking. I don't see the point in drinking too much, you feel shit afterwards, whereas when I hit my limit, I sleep like a baby and wake up feeling mint in the morning.

Lucky boy, i get to a stage and then the alcohol takes over, just find my self buying more drinks. Just drink plenty of water and a decent sleep, no problems.

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Ok well on topic... Ive never done E, ive toyed with a few drugs, ill smoke weed more than hapily and have had MDMA once... but i dunno, something about popping a pill puts me off a bit, that your putting it that deep inside you kinda thing. I think there a lot more common at unis, my sister says she can get em for 50p-a quid in leicster, and considering a night out drinking is always about 30quid.... i dunno, not something ill plan to do in my life, but if i get offered them and try em and have fun, happy days!

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and just remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter what facts you throw at them.

Although... Some people are so clueless when it comes to facts that their opinions are a bit stupid really. Obviously everyone's entitled to an opinion, but surely it makes sense to get the facts straight first? The perception of cocaine as a 'safe' drug is just wrong. I don't care if people want to try it, but don't be kidding yourself that it's safe.

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Ketamine is also massive in Portsmouth, speacialy at the Uni.

A friend of mine who was totaly against drugs, and never really saw them went to Uni, and now she says they are everywhere, and you would be supprised how few people dont take them.

My opinion on the matter is, if you want to take them do so in a recrational matter. Dont use them to escape or to change. Parties nights out ect, with good friends who know how to handle a sittuation should it arrise.

The moment you "need" drugs is the moment you should step off and take a break.

As for my comparison of trials and drugs, I stick with it.

Drugs were never around me when I was young, bikes where and they dragged me in.

Im sure if the influential older people in my life took drugs instead of rode bikes I would be a completely different person now.

Just take a look at the news, kids as yound as 11-12 with coke addictions, becasue its around them, and the influentail people about them use it.

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  • 1 month later...

I took two paracetamol once, I was f**ked man.

Actually, I tell a lie! I have taken a drug! Laughing gas. No joke.

We were in science, and the teacher said, "mix shit one and shit 2, and heat until whatever, don't overheat it as it will make laughing gas,". Naturally, me and my mate turned the bunsen burner up full, and stood over it saying in loud voices, "Hmm, look at that, nothings happening". The teacher came over to ask why we were laughing so much, then he twigged our bunsen burner was on full, was about to bollock us, then started to giggle and let the class out early. :lol:

I got my Teacher, my mate and myself high!

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they are filth like the people that take them

bit of a broad sweeping statement there, unless its sarcasm. or your young and naive, i dont know wether the percentages of people doing drugs have always been the same(well not always but for a few years) and that i was just unaware of it when i was younger, or wether its something which has rose sharply in the past 12-18 months or so.

but in school id say 5% of people in my school smoked weed at the end of year 11. i havent kept in touch with many of them, but id now say (using the people i went to college with, the rough numbers of people on nights out/ when i go to mates uni's) about 50% of my year are now on or have been on drugs. (ive been to house parties/clubs wer a good 75% of people where on drugs).

im not going to make a list of all the people on here who do drugs, what they do, their home address and their stash pot, but i know plenty of members on here(considering i dont actually know/speak to that many people on here) that either currently partake in recreational drug taking or have done. and probably a load more closet junkies.

just a rough estimation of drugs, we went to a club with 300 capacity this easter saturday, a person i know sells drugs, the club wasnt full by any means, so were talking 250 people in there, he alone, sold 160 pills that night in there. says to me at least 1/3 of the people in there where on drugs he sold. now i know there was at least one other guy selling pills in there, that same guy was selling coke. and then theres all the people who brought their own with them. thats a hell of a lot of people on drugs. should imagine this is mirrored up and down the country, often worse in many clubs(this wasnt an especially drugged up club really, regular r and b/commercial dance saturday night in a coastal town night club) to the mancunians, overdraft, that place is so drugged up its unbelievable(coke and pills mainly). jillys is a total different club, but the number of people doing pills acid and speed in their is crazy. 5th avenue, before the smoking ban came in,the whole place stank of weed most nights, and there was a fair few people on pills in their.

by the way, right now i dont even drink, i dont do drugs, and havent done drugs since june 23rd this year, and even then it was a rare recreational past time.

pills are a dirty drug in my eyes though, someone could give me a fairly sizeable bag of coke, and a few quid(for research purposes or whatever), and id have no qualms about putting it up my nose over the course of a weekend. but give me just 2 or 3 pills, and youd have to pay me a fairly sizeable chunk of money to do the same. its like ive seen the same person be off his face off 1 pill, and then munch 19 pills to get in the same state before, they wer both ecstacy, just in varying strengths. then you got the pills that get cut with anything( anyone that went to leeds saw the amount of peopled K'd up on the dodgy pills doing the rounds) i realise coke aint always a constant strength/cut with clean substances, but its not as bad in my opinion.

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