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Who Takes Pills?


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What you wanna do is smoke salvia instead, its legal (can buy it from most garden centers), hallucinogenic and has no horrible side effects :)

yes you really want to smoke salvia.... not.

its expensive, its horrible, im sure it can cause mental health problems later in life, as most hallucinogenics can(and it does some mad paranoia, psychosis style stuff during a lot of trips), when sold at garden centres its not intended to be smoked, so has most probably been treated with a million chemicals to make it grow better/preserve it.

also you missed a i used to do pills.....but then i got high, style joke there, badly played

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yes you really want to smoke salvia.... not.

its expensive, its horrible, im sure it can cause mental health problems later in life, as most hallucinogenics can(and it does some mad paranoia, psychosis style stuff during a lot of trips), when sold at garden centres its not intended to be smoked, so has most probably been treated with a million chemicals to make it grow better/preserve it.

also you missed a i used to do pills.....but then i got high, style joke there, badly played

ha :mellow:

Its about £5-£10 for a plant which ll last as long as you want, It tastes quite bland compared to weed for instance. It is legal because it has no bad side effects unless obviously if you smoke it day in day out, much the same with say alchohol.

I dont think you have tried it/know much atall about it do you?

Ive never done pills but mates have and taking their judgement im not going to bother either

so to be honest its a safer alternative than pills, for people who want to do them, without the big come down

Edited by afroman
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Its about £5-£10 for a plant which ll last as long as you want, It tastes quite bland compared to weed for instance. It is legal because it has no bad side effects unless obviously you smoke it day in day out, much the same with say alchohol.

I dont think you have tried it/know much atall about it do you?

Ive never done pills but mates have and taking their judgement im not going to bother either

so to be honest its a safer alternative than pills, for people who want to do them, without the big come down

for your information, ive tried salvia, read into it a lot. buti think weve got our wires crossed.as salvia comes under a load of different stuff(including the common weed/flower known as a fox glove, is a form of salvia)

you mean salvia(possibly divinorum, or maybe a second strain is smokeable) as in the actual plant, can say thats probably not too bad,due to the strength of it. although have never tried it in that form

to me salvia, is salvia divinorum extract (although obviously im aware it comes from a plant, just assumed due to wheres its typically grown it was a similar deal as weed to grow, so thought it wouldnt be sensible/economical for anyone to grow it rather than weed in this country) such as this salvia comes in mini plastic tubes(almost like test tubes) and is basically extracts from the plant leaves, dried, crushed and proccessed and sold for "botanical research and as a specimen only" but its always bought by people intending to smoke it, kind of thought your garden shop was selling this, or a proper botanical speciment version of it(the stuff sold to people smoking it, with botanical research on the side, is produced without pesticides supposedly, as its known 99% of buyers smoke it) and thought a botanical version of it sold to genuine gardners, would probably of been sprayed and treated.

but in that form up there as you can see its expensive as hell(and a lot more if you just buy it from one of the shops that sell it(places that sell bongs, poppers etc)), its in a lot higher strength than what your talking about, so you can probably gather how much stronger the effects/trips are. and how much more of a harsh hit it has

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for your information, ive tried salvia, read into it a lot. buti think weve got our wires crossed.as salvia comes under a load of different stuff(including the common weed/flower known as a fox glove, is a form of salvia)

you mean salvia(possibly divinorum, or maybe a second strain is smokeable) as in the actual plant, can say thats probably not too bad,due to the strength of it. although have never tried it in that form

to me salvia, is salvia divinorum extract (although obviously im aware it comes from a plant, just assumed due to wheres its typically grown it was a similar deal as weed to grow, so thought it wouldnt be sensible/economical for anyone to grow it rather than weed in this country) such as this salvia comes in mini plastic tubes(almost like test tubes) and is basically extracts from the plant leaves, dried, crushed and proccessed and sold for "botanical research and as a specimen only" but its always bought by people intending to smoke it, kind of thought your garden shop was selling this, or a proper botanical speciment version of it(the stuff sold to people smoking it, with botanical research on the side, is produced without pesticides supposedly, as its known 99% of buyers smoke it) and thought a botanical version of it sold to genuine gardners, would probably of been sprayed and treated.

but in that form up there as you can see its expensive as hell(and a lot more if you just buy it from one of the shops that sell it(places that sell bongs, poppers etc)), its in a lot higher strength than what your talking about, so you can probably gather how much stronger the effects/trips are. and how much more of a harsh hit it has

Im was on about salvia divinorum (in the sage family), personally I wouldnt take the concentrated form as the psychoactive substance it contains is quite potent, smoking the dried leaves of the plant allows you to know when to stop and how much you are taking, but commercialisation and the demand for a 'hard' legal drug has ended up with all this concentrate stuff.

yes I suppose some garden centers will spray it, so you could get it else where, but thats no different from any other drug, it all comes from plants

Its quite simple to grow/process it, Just stick it inside in a jar with rich soil, plenty of water and wait till the leaves fall off then dry them. far easier than cannabis as that needs to be treated/cured.

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I tried the 40x salvia and it was pretty shite, not as good as weed at all. I'm not gonna do pills again because I think there way overated as for coke and stuff thats just stupid. anyway i have not touched a drug in like 3 months because I knew I was getting a drugs test. so thats basically given me the incentive to never use them again

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All the people who say they couldnt be paid to do drugs are pretty hipocritical.

Ill be willing to be when you were younger you would have thought you couldnt be paid to ride a bike off a garage roof or something, and now look.

Drugs have a time and a place. Now matter what you take, if you are with the right friends and in the right settings drugs can make a party or night out 10x better

than it would be. But the people who "need" drugs to have a good time should take a step back.

And lets not forget all the people on here saying "wont touch drugs, but do smoke weed"

ITS STILL A DRUG, it still has neggative side effects and damages your body.

My friend used to think weed was ok, smoked it now and then, now hes sees a theropist, had counciling, anti depressants, sleeping pills.

He went skitso, became massively parrnoid and lashed out at his closeset friends and family.

Its been a year since and he is still trying to recover.

According to a University Studdy (that the government banned) they tested the top 20 most dangerous narcotics in the UK, and found:

1 - Heroin - Obviously

2 - Cocaine

3 - Alcohol

15 - Ectasy

16 - Weed

The results were a basis of deaths in a year, adictiveness and related injuries.

If you think that you could buy a pill thats got cement ect in your a fool. It wouldnt work for a start.

You would see it, taste it and it wouldnt mix with the forms of the drug correctly.

E, Coke, K - ect all get cut with harmless substances, Baking powder, Bicarb, Teething Poweder ECT.

The worst case you would get paracetomol, and youd have to be some sort of twat to acept drugs cut with that because its obvious.

And before you say "ah but what if its your 1st time" That should be with trusted friends, with trusted stock, in a safe house, just incase you dont suit the drug and wig out.

If you have ever taken the time, or want to, look on talk to franks website. Great info on there, and doesnt just badmouth all drugs. Gives you the correct advise and how to make it work well

Like other people have said, it doesnt take much to get started, drunken night out, get wasted, offer from a friend and away you go.

But its not like its a lifetime thing, you CAN NOT get hooked after 1 or 2 pills or lines. It takes alot more than that.

So stop all this "i couldnt be paid" or "drugs are dirt, weed is ok though" because it bollocks.

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According to a University Studdy (that the government banned) they tested the top 20 most dangerous narcotics in the UK, and found:

1 - Heroin - Obviously

2 - Cocaine

3 - Alcohol

15 - Ectasy

16 - Weed

Jesus, it's pretty obvious that Alcohol is going to be above Weed and Ecstasy, you don't think the reason for that is because Alcohol is legal and the other two aren't. If Ecstasy was legalised I think that'd rise up the rank of most dangerous drug (causing deaths) because it's so easy to overdose. So yes Alcohol causes more deaths but that's going to be obvious as pretty much 95% of the population use Alcohol and probably 2% of the population use Ecstasy.

Let's legalise Weed because Alcohol is legal but it causes more deaths, that's such a load of bullshit.

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I tried the 40x salvia and it was pretty shite, not as good as weed at all. I'm not gonna do pills again because I think there way overated as for coke and stuff thats just stupid. anyway i have not touched a drug in like 3 months because I knew I was getting a drugs test. so thats basically given me the incentive to never use them again

you smoke it in a j? or a bong, or a pipe, to anyone thats truly experienced salvia(even 10x or 15x) its a hell of an experience. the words "preview of death" come to mind, ive tried it twice, once 15x, and once 25x, but ive been there when people have had it hundreds of times, and honestly when bonged, its very very rarely(like twice) failed to give totally crazy trips. I remember the first time i tried it i found myself on my hands in knees in my mates front room, staring up at the clock on there mantle piece, and to me it was leela from futurama, in one of those tanks they put the heads in, and the clocks face was her eye. and she was talking to me, im pretty sure this was influenced by the fact wed spent 3 hours that morning with futurama on the dvd player.

second time i thought id try it alone,to see if i could get the real enlightening experience out of it(as im sure people around you laughing and prodding you as you do arent the best supports to letting you see into another dimension). i have no recollection of wat happened on the trip, i just came back into the real world, with all my limbs totally asleep, pins and needles in my legs, between the mattress and the bed in my mates spare room.

but a few of my friends have seen freaky stuff on them, or imagined real crazy stuff, that they wer a speck of paint on post mans pat van(they wer on the couch), that they were swimming in green water(they wer lieing face down in the garden on wet grass) and another guy trying to hang off a clothes line, thinkin it was a zip line.

it really is a mind altering legal drug, but i wouldnt advise anyone doing any drugs. legal or otherwise at all. theres just no real need for them. if people want to do them, to try them, then thats fair enough,or because they enjoy them, but could stop straight away, thats cool but when people do them for the sake of it, they need to calm down a bit i think.

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If alcohol was invented today it would be illegal. As would nicotine.

I'll leave it at that, because on forums if you even meantion drugs you just get flamed and people go on about how you are 'bragging' about how you take drugs, and it bores the shit out of me.

Eh? Have you read the topic? Not one person has been 'flamed' or been accused of 'bragging'. Infact as far as TF topics on controversial subjects go.. So far this one has been a success!

Also as for the Salvia thing I have absolutely no knowledge of this, had never even heard of it before this thread. Is it in the same league as 'spice'? 'Cause man that stuff is whack!

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And lets not forget all the people on here saying "wont touch drugs, but do smoke weed"

ITS STILL A DRUG, it still has neggative side effects and damages your body.

So stop all this "i couldnt be paid" or "drugs are dirt, weed is ok though" because it bollocks.

Coffee is a drug, chocolate is a drug, so I can see where your coming from, but I don't think anyone here has said weed is not a drug, have they?

How is it bollocks? I make a distinction between weed and other drugs (e, coke, heroin) because im comfortable smoking a joint, but I wouldn't be dropping a pill, sniffing aline, or chasing the dragon. Like I said beforehand I would never say never, but at this time in my life, im not felling like that is the sort of energy I need around me at the moment.

I wouldn't say that pills/coke/herion is/are 'dirt' but I do think I would feel dirty after having used any of them.

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For people that think pills aren't that common, they are. There's something like 3 million pills used in the UK every week. Which is pretty mental.

By far !. When on E's...If you don't drink enough water you dehydrate, if you drink to much you flood your brain.

Cocaine...There are no real side effects...1 line roughly buzz's you for about 30 mins. You can't flood your brain or dehydrate on it...Well i certainly never have had any problems with the stuff...Yet i've known mates to be rushed into hospital through E's.

I'm not sure on the numbers, but cocaine is a very dangerous drug. I reckon MUCH more than pills but I haven't got any stats to back that up, fact-fans.

I've seen a guy who was about 30 have a heart attack from coke. He was a previously fit and healthy weekend rockstar. Now he's got permanent heart problems as his heart was weakened and he'll never be the same person. That alone is enough to make me never want to try it. It's also the leading cause of strokes in young people. Can you imagine having a stroke and losing the movement of half of your body? No ta.

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you smoke it in a j? or a bong, or a pipe, to anyone thats truly experienced salvia(even 10x or 15x) its a hell of an experience. the words "preview of death" come to mind, ive tried it twice, once 15x, and once 25x, but ive been there when people have had it hundreds of times, and honestly when bonged, its very very rarely(like twice) failed to give totally crazy trips. I remember the first time i tried it i found myself on my hands in knees in my mates front room, staring up at the clock on there mantle piece, and to me it was leela from futurama, in one of those tanks they put the heads in, and the clocks face was her eye. and she was talking to me, im pretty sure this was influenced by the fact wed spent 3 hours that morning with futurama on the dvd player.

second time i thought id try it alone,to see if i could get the real enlightening experience out of it(as im sure people around you laughing and prodding you as you do arent the best supports to letting you see into another dimension). i have no recollection of wat happened on the trip, i just came back into the real world, with all my limbs totally asleep, pins and needles in my legs, between the mattress and the bed in my mates spare room.

but a few of my friends have seen freaky stuff on them, or imagined real crazy stuff, that they wer a speck of paint on post mans pat van(they wer on the couch), that they were swimming in green water(they wer lieing face down in the garden on wet grass) and another guy trying to hang off a clothes line, thinkin it was a zip line.

it really is a mind altering legal drug, but i wouldnt advise anyone doing any drugs. legal or otherwise at all. theres just no real need for them. if people want to do them, to try them, then thats fair enough,or because they enjoy them, but could stop straight away, thats cool but when people do them for the sake of it, they need to calm down a bit i think.

came in liquid form

so i put it in my mouth and held it there it's not good to swallow it then as you feel yourself get light headed spit it out so you don't choke and then i basically fell back and went into a huge dream until i woke up twenty minutes later feeling shit with marker pen all over my face :( i wouldn't bother doing it again as it cost a shit load for what it was.

have done the 15x stuff in a bong and i never really got much out of it

best drug or drugs i've ever done is a spliff with an lsd tab roled around the filter

btw i took them for a bit of fun on a saturday or friday night, i don't/ didn't rely on them in anyway. and i've done my experimenting now and i'm not gonna bother with most of it again but i'm sure the odd cup of mushroom tea won't do me too much harm

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For people that think pills aren't that common, they are. There's something like 3 million pills used in the UK every week. Which is pretty mental.

I'm not sure on the numbers, but cocaine is a very dangerous drug. I reckon MUCH more than pills but I haven't got any stats to back that up, fact-fans.

I've seen a guy who was about 30 have a heart attack from coke. He was a previously fit and healthy weekend rockstar. Now he's got permanent heart problems as his heart was weakened and he'll never be the same person. That alone is enough to make me never want to try it. It's also the leading cause of strokes in young people. Can you imagine having a stroke and losing the movement of half of your body? No ta.

Coke - heart and liver problems mostly but it tends to require long term use so as long as you don't develop a habit you're pretty safe stuffing a line or 3 up your nose once in a while. That does assume you're getting decent, clean coke - which isn't likely if you're only buying it a gram at a time.

Pills are a tricky one, MDMA in itself isn't that bad for you - obviously you'll get the heart and liver problems associated with any stimulant and you'll almost certainly suffer depression if you take it in the volumes me and my mates did (ie. almost every day). The problem with pills is that you're not just getting mdma - you'll find you're eating ketamine, cocaine, smack, speed and all sorts of other stuff as well as the mdma (if there's any mdma in it at all).

er yeah, drugs are bad. don't do drugs :-

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All the people who say they couldnt be paid to do drugs are pretty hipocritical.

Ill be willing to be when you were younger you would have thought you couldnt be paid to ride a bike off a garage roof or something, and now look.

Did you compare taking drug's to ridding trials?

I'm pretty sure when you're young and impressionable then yes you would say something like that roof thing, BUT a lot of people here talking about drugs are over 16 - not so impressionable and have a wider understanding of their own actions and consequences.

I'm pretty confident that you could NEVER pay me to take drugs.

(but with comparison to your trials comment, you could have payed me to do drugs when I was 12.)

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Coke - heart and liver problems mostly but it tends to require long term use so as long as you don't develop a habit you're pretty safe stuffing a line or 3 up your nose once in a while.

That's not true, you're just as likely to have heart issues on your first line as on your 1000th. Plus no one ever decides to try Coke (or anything else) with the intention of being a junkie. It just happens, so the difference is rather moot.

Whatever, I don't particularly care who takes what. And yeah, it probably is reasonably safe. But for me there's no way it's worth the risk.

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Hell of a lot of naive people on here :)

I DJ so obviously get exposed to a lot of drugs - Coke is worse than E, by a long shot. A few mates do E at the weekend and they're fine. A few people do Coke at the weekend and they stay messed up the rest of the week and turn into monsters!

I avoid all drugs personally but Coke is worse than E - take my word for it, I play at afterparties and see the effects myself :)

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not sure if I see the point of this topic at all. Seems like an oppurtunity for people to jump on their soap boxes and shout at each other. No one is going to pursuade anyone else here that drugs are good or bad, its just a bunch of people validating their own in-groups.


If you are thinking about doing drugs, then first, get informed:



Be aware of who your getting the gear off and think about how much you trust that person.

Think about who you are doing them with and you much you trust them to look after you

Be aware of quantity and strength of what your doing, START SMALL!

Question whether its a good idea, if the downsides out-weigh the good, then stop.

Finally ask yourself why your doing this, are you looking for fun or are you looking for an escape? Your mental state before you take something has a MASSIVE influence on its effects. Being happy around friends that you care about and trust compared vs, being unhappy around people you don't know.

Drugs aren't bad. The way people use drugs really can be.

Sorry for the heavy post, but I couldn't bear the idea of some kid reading this topic and just going for it. I wasnt sure about posting this as I dont want to be leading, if anyone wants me to remove this, then I will.

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If you are thinking about doing drugs, then first, get informed:


My mate rang talk to frank (frank is a scottish woman) and put it on loudspeaker, and said that he was thinking about doing sniff through peer pressure from his friends as they do it regularly and he is always offered it, should he do it and what are the effects?

She said along the lines of:

Well if you see your friends having a good time on it then why not, it's up to you, if you want to do it, then do t, but don't if you don't want to, some people can get an amazing rush from cocaine, but then others react different..then read all the bad side effects.... but if you feel you want o o them, go ahead.

My mate was like oh.. erm... ok then thanks, ill try it on friday.

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Pills are naughty little buggers. I loved all sorts of drugs for ages but when they start catching up with you it really begins to mess your head around. Had some great times in Ibiza on some real strong clean garys and suffered no comedowns at all but then other times at home i've been bed ridden for days.

I have since stopped all my naughty habits except drinking. Going insane is the most frightening thing i have ever experienced, luckily it passed and i am ok.

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