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Who Takes Pills?


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By far !. When on E's...If you don't drink enough water you dehydrate, if you drink to much you flood your brain.

Cocaine...There are no real side effects...1 line roughly buzz's you for about 30 mins. You can't flood your brain or dehydrate on it...Well i certainly never have had any problems with the stuff...Yet i've known mates to be rushed into hospital through E's.

I really don't like E's at all. They scare me.

Cocaine is just something for raves and Football matches.


your obviously taking chalk, as opposed to proper strong coke then, either that, or your always around water/drink when your on it. was something none of my friends noticed, till we started going places(before you ask, ive done coke on a couple of occasions, but never will again) in cars for weekends/to festivals, and theyd do a small(i mean like half a matchstick) before they went. the amount of times everyone in the car needed one of us to stop and get them all a drink was massive, just try coke, and consciously try not to drink for a hour or so afterwards, you wont be able to do it,or youll be super dehydrated at the end, or youve got low quality coke.

also danny a lad who needs a sponsor, so he can carry on riding, as he cant afford it, but goes sniffing the caine is a bit of an oversight if you ask me(not to mention, admitting cocaine abuse on a public forum, viewed by most of the sponsors in one way or another, is a great way not to get sponsored)

as for side effects of coke, tissue wastage, heart palpatations, dehydration, theres plenty there.

but to tomm, when asking is coke a safer bet than pills, id say most certainly yes, ive never anyone trip out on a coke comedown,(as there generally isnt a bad one, if one at all, just super tiredness once it all wears off) but have seen people playing whack a mole on there bed, hangin there legs out a 4th floor window cos there feet are on fire and it was raining outside, on eccy comedowns. also cokes a relatively clean drug, as despite it often being rather impure in many instances. if you know who your getting off, the quality is generally known, no dealers will selll you anything cut with rat poison etc(despite wat they may want you to believ in school videoss) if its cut badly, itll be done with glucose, teething powder, etc. but pills, even off my mates most reliable dealer, who theyve been buying off for years, every new batch is possibly a bad one. and its not like the bloke selling it to you knows wheres it come from. also im pretty sure theyve had bad pills before(my mate used to buy his pills off the guy in 500's and 1000's) and with one batch of 500 he got , his mate lost 300 of them, so only 200 or so got out to people we knew. i know of 3 people who said they had bad pills, and another 2 people who apparently had bad pills(they never confronted him or spoke to him about it, just the one girls sisters boyfriend mentioned it to us in passing) its never spoke about, but im pretty sure in that batch, there wer some dodgy pills, as out of 200 or so, he or the lad who he went in with, probably munched 30-40 of them, and they wouldnt notice/wouldnt admit it as its bad for business)

no one ever knows whats in pills, all it takes is for a clump of mdma crystals to get stuck in the one pill you take, or a large amount of ket(as a load of the latest pills seem to be spiked with ket, which makes them less of a party drug and more of a feck yourself up in the house drug). and your gone.

also pills are cheap, stupid cheap, anyone who can afford a 4 pack of carling on a friday night down the park, could put themselves in a serious state on pills/kill themselves. but to someone who was buying coke at street prices(i.e when i tried it, i got it at the price my mates pay who used to buy it by the oz) youd need £100(especially with the low standard of coke most people get) to put yourself in a state for the night. so the chances of you affording to be put yourself in a stupor which is likely to kill you, are quite low.

but to answer your question, no dave, ive never tried pills, and never intend on it, as drugs go, there one of the dirtiest in my eyes.

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Im gonna have to disagree with you, i drop regularlyish (probably about 14/15 times a year, for the last three years.) and Ive had a bad comedown once, and that was in newquay when i was picking up off a dealer i didnt know. but maybe ive just been lucky. But none of my friends have ever had THAT bad comedowns either. obviously your always gonna have a comedown, but its never been something id describe as worse than a severe hangover.

But then this girl i know, used to drop and smoke weed regularly (weed more than pills) and was fine, but then her boyfriend died (fell out of a window at her house) and she turned to coke, started slowl at first but worked up to about a gram a week at the worst. and she was f**kED, literally she was having mood swings, would go through stages of just shaking and she was REALLY paranoid, used to think she could hear hr dead boyfriend etc. (bit of an extreme case but still), shes got off it now though and shes (near enough) back to how she was before.

ALthough being honest, the short term effects of coke do actully look better than pills from wat ive seen. ive just been scared off.

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lol :/

My pshychology teacher onces advised the entire class (off the record) to try it at least once (pills).

I stand by the you cant comment until you've tried it argument but cant be arsed to justify it at 1:46 am

Not a robert anton wilson fan per chance?

Up until a couple of weeks ago I'd never touched pills, and then it all got a bit messy one night, got absolutely tanked, went to a mates house, smoked a fair bit of weed, popped valium like i was eating smarties and then had a couple Es.

It was not cool, I woke up at 6pm the next day very confused and then left the guys house went home and slept. So basically I lost a whole day. Weird.

I'm a fan of being around thought provoking people whilst smoking cannabis, myself and a good friend of mine regularly chill out down the beach or down on a picnic bench under a tree smoke and chat. It's good. We put the world to rights and reflect on lots of theories about.. hell anything!

If anybody tries to dispute that cannabis isn't a drug that affects you in a 'positive' way with regards to thought, reflection and understanding I will write a very long post and probably belittle you. hehe

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In my experience, And people will probably disagree...

Exstacy (pills) are generally shit, theyre not worth bothering with - theyre so full of shit its usually the additives which lead to a shit come-down, similar in theory to drinking shit loads of really crap alcohol, ie - white lightening.

Cocaine - only done it a couple of times and i think its the biggest load of shit ever, The "rush" is nothing (could get better feeling nailing a big gap or something...) and to proove my un-excitedness of the drug i still have about £40 worth in my draw from 2 months ago :/

MDMA - the pure form of exstacy is a different matter, absolutly mind f**k happiness, couldn't be explained to anyone who hasnt done it FACT. I've never experienced any comedowns on it either, just knackered the next day from the stupid amount of running/dancing/shagging or whatever else happens while under the influence!

Weed - Never really got into it too much, Used to smoke it fairly regularly but could easily go without, Works well but its the wrong drug for me, would rather feel full of life than the opposite.

That said, I could just as easily have a wicked night out doing nothing (not even drinking) so it doesnt bother me.

Not just saying it but the amount of times ive been offered free lines, free 1/8ths pills here there everywhere I 99% of the time turn them down, Im not a druggie but enjoy the occasional "treat". thats, in my opinion how theyre best used.

Edited by br3n
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PE's mean anything to you ?

Loads of people round my area are on them...They sell from about £2.50 upwards...Never touched em though...Never will.

Cocaine is as high as it gets.

WTF? They sell for cheaper near me, You could get 8 £10 if you look in the right places it seems.

I think that E's are a bit hit and miss, you can get good ones or you can get shit ones with loads of like cement or something stupid in, which make you just be sick. There's such a tiny chance of you being so ill you're going to die from them. I heard more people die from residential soap related incidents in the world than taking too much E.

If anyone's thinking about doing or trying, I know a lot of people around me have, then just try get MDMA which is the 'pure' bit in an E tablet. You take a tiny tiny amount of ground up crystals in your mouth and it's so much more reliable and controllable than E's. Meh.

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Im gonna have to disagree with you, i drop regularlyish (probably about 14/15 times a year, for the last three years.) and Ive had a bad comedown once, and that was in newquay when i was picking up off a dealer i didnt know. but maybe ive just been lucky. But none of my friends have ever had THAT bad comedowns either. obviously your always gonna have a comedown, but its never been something id describe as worse than a severe hangover.

But then this girl i know, used to drop and smoke weed regularly (weed more than pills) and was fine, but then her boyfriend died (fell out of a window at her house) and she turned to coke, started slowl at first but worked up to about a gram a week at the worst. and she was f**kED, literally she was having mood swings, would go through stages of just shaking and she was REALLY paranoid, used to think she could hear hr dead boyfriend etc. (bit of an extreme case but still), shes got off it now though and shes (near enough) back to how she was before.

ALthough being honest, the short term effects of coke do actully look better than pills from wat ive seen. ive just been scared off.

i was talking less as the constant addict, more as the lets go out and get mongo'd on a night out scale.dont know how many pills you drop, but some of my friends will drop 6/7 strong pills over the course of a night, and with crappy pills,i know one lad dropped 18 in a night. these same people do coke, quite often mixing the 2, but a few times its been one or the other. and if your doing a real heavy night, there consensus seems to be coke is a lot easier to deal with the next day. ive tried coke on 5/6 occasions, always just the odd gummy and the cheeky line and i always thought it was pointless, but then one night, the house decided to have a coke binge, i had a fair bit of money(was lending some of them cash so they could geta bigger amount, and said to myself, what the hell,im gunna try it once, just see whats it like, and ill do it properly, so got meself an 8th for £60(the household got a half for £240), half a g got sold on for me before i even touched the stuff, (i.e before it was given to me, so i got 3g for £40, :D). i put the whole 3g up my nose in a 8 hour period, didnt seem all that crazy(i was drunk though), next morning at 11am the whole house had been though 14g, and they wer like "right we goin for the same again tonight" and at that point i just said nah,thats it, ive tried it, it wasnt all that, it was pretty expensive, im not bothering.

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WTF? They sell for cheaper near me, You could get 8 £10 if you look in the right places it seems.

I think that E's are a bit hit and miss, you can get good ones or you can get shit ones with loads of like cement or something stupid in, which make you just be sick. There's such a tiny chance of you being so ill you're going to die from them. I heard more people die from residential soap related incidents in the world than taking too much E.

If anyone's thinking about doing or trying, I know a lot of people around me have, then just try get MDMA which is the 'pure' bit in an E tablet. You take a tiny tiny amount of ground up crystals in your mouth and it's so much more reliable and controllable than E's. Meh.

Thats because a LOT more people use soap than Es, same thing as youve got more chance of getting killed crossing the road than a shark, because nobody really swims with sharks.

I'm partial to the odd joint, but I'd never touch any pills or coke. Couldn't pay me.

same here.

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Thats because a LOT more people use soap than Es, same thing as youve got more chance of getting killed crossing the road than a shark, because nobody really swims with sharks.

same here.

dont think nick was suggesting that we all stop washing, and start munching disco biscuits for breakfast, more that, how many people have you ever known die of soap incidents, and your more likely to hear of that, than an ecstacy death, its just tabloid press loves a story about a teenager who does pills once a month and took it too far, nothing like putting a whole bunch of shame on an already devestated family to sell papers is there.

its all about personal experience as to whether your put off, bet if your brother died due to an alsation mauled him to death, youd be a bit apprehensive of all alsations(much in the same way all arabs are viewed by the pre pubescent forum members as terrorists) the majority get tarred with the bad points of the minority, likewise drugs will turn everyone into a raving loony, homeless, stealing car stereos for money so they can get there next fix. much in the same way, my mum would disown me if she knew id smoked weed, let alone put coke up me nose, as shes very very anti drugs, old fashioned doesnt understand anything about drugs. no paper ever reports the millions of people who have a brilliant night out on pills every friday and saturday night, and it costs them less than £15 for the night.

i still hold by the fact i dont like pills, but thats purely because i know my mates bought and sold a bad batch, worries me a little. likewise if i found one of my mates got something bad off coke, id never of tried coke. theres nothing actually that bad about them in my opinion.

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Some stuff I want to try, but pills are not one of them.

I'll leave it at that, because on forums if you even meantion drugs you just get flamed and people go on about how you are 'bragging' about how you take drugs, and it bores the shit out of me.

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Havent even smoked a ciggarette, so no I havent taken pills.

I dont see the need for them, I can happily have a good night out without alcohol and drugs.

Yes I do drink occasionally so that does make me seem a tad hypocritical.

Just seems stupid to me, but if others like it then thats cool with them. Aslong as they dont bug me its fine.

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Never done drugs, apart from alcohol. Seen it going on in the pub I work in, Just walked into the Gents for a piss, there 2-3 lads wid coke bags. Never had the need really. once I've had 5-6 drinks in gone anyway. If my mum corty me she wud kick me out, and my uncle (yeah its uncle Knob head) was/ is a dealer, well now hes in prison, hopefully he'll die!!!!

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I think takin pills is scruffy a f**k!

Why put your life on the line for a quick rush, i dont see the point.

And when people selling them at a £1 a go, just makes more people wanna do them, its daft.

I no i few people that do it, it just makes them feel like shit after.

I dont drink either, i don't need it to have a good time. You only end up feeling shit in the morning.

I dont care when people drink, apart from the people that just wanna fight when they have a drink.

Edited by wayn3
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I think takin pills is scruffy a f**k!

Why put your life on the line for a quick rush, i dont see the point.

And when people selling them at a £1 a go, just makes more people wanna do them, its daft.

I no i few people that do it, it just makes them feel like shit after.

I dont drink either, i don't need it to have a good time. You only end up feeling shit in the morning.

I dont care when people drink, apart from the people that just wanna fight when they have a drink.

The word "chav" springs to mind

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