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Bridgend Suicides......

Urban mammoth

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yea, as muel pointed out, the press have been continually sticking it out as bridgend suicides, and bridgend is a rather large county.

as rowly pointed out. seeing the success of somebody elses suicide may be spurring others on who are contemplating it.

Also wales as a country(once you get outsides of the confines of the large welsh border towns, and cardiff) is rather short of jobs, as although the mining industry is long gone, a lot of factories jumped into the areas wheres mine closed, knowing there would be a plentiful supply of redundant people looking for work, but now a lot of this is being moved to the far east. also wales having a large tourism industry doesnt help, as jobs are hugely seasonal there(shops and cafes off all sorts do a lot more business in summer than winter, same with pubs and the like)

another rather contraversial point, is how there is a very large "alternative" music scene in the area. (talking rock, punk, emo, goth whatever you want to call it) which generally attracts a lot more people who are into self harm, than other types of music (may sound stupid, but i bet you most places with large hip hop/grime scenes are rather rough areas).

the rate of suicide across the uk in 15-24 year olds is 9.5 per 100,000 people or thereabouts. so to say of the 130k people in bridgend(the county) over the cause of a year. 12 would be the normal rate. couple this to the fact that suicides are around 35% higher in wales. 16 or so people would be a sensible government figure. so its not like its stupidly higher than statistics suggest. couple this with the facts above, and i dont think theres anything that strange about it, its just a nice media frenzy that sells papers.

also love how the media has jumped on the fact that 9 of the 17 were members of bebo. trying to put social networking as the cause of it. when in fact all that compares to is "55% of 15-24 year olds have used a social networking site" which is hardly a shocking fact, when id say most of this forum either have, or have had, facebook,myspace, bebo, faceparty or the like.

what worries me, is more how the media is possibly creating a cult, whereby you become national front page news by hanging yourself if you live in bridgend. which is certainly one way to get remembered. and to people who are mentally unstable/contemplating suicide. this may be all that is needed to spur them on to do it.

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i guess we'll just have to wait until one of them f**ks it up and makes the rope too long or something then ask them why it's happening.

I don't think there will be some kind of pact but it's possible that if they were not in their right mind and they saw another person successfully manage and get all the attention from doing it then they might want to do it aswell

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- It's really bad in Bridgend, I went into Halfords to buy a tow rope and they asked me what size collar I was.

-I called the Samaritans in Bridgend the other day, the voice at the other end told me they were very busy at the moment so please hang on the line.

-What have Bridgend and my wardrobe got in common?


-Apparently Bebo is gaining great popularity in Bridgend. The kids have really got the hang of it.

-What have a domestic freezer and Bridgend got in common?

They're both minus 17!

-Someone should really explain the rules of hangman to those kids in Bridgend, Somehow i don't think they get it.

-Because of the problems in Bridgend Police have been instructed to avoid using the following phrases when dealing with teenagers:

"Do that again and your feet won't touch the ground"

"If you keep on causing trouble I'll hang you out to dry"

"You could get a suspended sentence for doing that"

-Bridgend council have announced they're clamping down on loitering, saying there were too many kids hanging around.

-I went to Bridgend market today. Got some bargain shirts.

They're a bit tight round the neck, but they hang well.

EDIT: With Tom and Mark in the thread, I don't think I could have posted at a worse time :P

Edited by JonMack
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A friend of mine received a phone call yesterday saying her friend had been found hung in his bedroom by his brother. She told me about it today, and me being a COMPLETE idiot just copied one of these Bridgend jokes to her on msn!

I honestly forgot about her mate, and now I feel like SUCH a f**king cockend!!!!

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I think it all boils down to. "I've been depressed for two years, I've comtemplated suicide but can't go through with it." "Then one day a friend goes through with it and its now more acceptable, I'll join him"

People can be helped, just depends if they want to be helped. Most do but never pluck up the corage to say what they are feeling. They find suicide a easier way out of depression. When someone does go through with suicide as an option I do feel sorry for them, but more so their family.

I think people have a twisted view of suicide. Some people have had such a perfect life that depression has never really come into it, hard for some people to understand why someone would go through with such a thing.

When your unemployed and have no money to do anything with all that time, you do alot of thinking. I MEAN ALOT. One of the big things that will pop up in the mind is the old favorite "Whats the point in it all?" The mind does horrible things when its not occupied.

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I think saying everyone who hasn't wanted to commit suicide has had a "perfect life" isn't a fair arguement.

Exactly, ive had alot of heavy shit times and not once did i think about suicide, just something i could never go through with, id rather live a shit life with its fun times than no life and cause upset for the family.

Edited by ocirderf
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suicide is narcissistic (selfish). end of.

people who do it, want the attention, (which these guys are recieving) but get nothing out of it? Its pretty stupid, however they forget the family, friends, relatives, that they are leaving behind who have to deal with the shit that they leave behind by killing themselves.

I am also on the fence regarding whether it is a pact or not, however, i feel that the minute the media stop blowing it up and creating rumours etc, that the suicides will stop.

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suicide is narcissistic (selfish). end of.

people who do it, want the attention, (which these guys are recieving) but get nothing out of it? Its pretty stupid, however they forget the family, friends, relatives, that they are leaving behind who have to deal with the shit that they leave behind by killing themselves.

I am also on the fence regarding whether it is a pact or not, however, i feel that the minute the media stop blowing it up and creating rumours etc, that the suicides will stop.

I really don´t know where you get the guts to stereotype that people who commit suicide do it for the attention.

Alot of people live in unbearable situation and can´t find any joy left in life, they commit suicide because they just can´t handle it, not because they want attention.

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I really don´t know where you get the guts to stereotype that people who commit suicide do it for the attention.

Alot of people live in unbearable situation and can´t find any joy left in life, they commit suicide because they just can´t handle it, not because they want attention.

ok, fair enough, its just my opinion.

Bringing up that quarter-life crisis topic, alot of people think they have the worst troubles on the planet. at sometimes, i feel that my troubles are very difficult to work through, however, when i look at things in perspective, there is no problem on the planet that is unbearable, and as such, the people who give up, by taking there own life, forget that some people will have to sort out that problem they have left.

every situation is workable, everyone has problems, its part of life.

however, the bridgend suicides are all young people, who seriously do not know what 'troubles' are. they had so much left of life to enjoy / rectify problems, why do you think they committed suicide?

my belief is agreeing with others in this topic, that they are looking for some sort of attention.

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I think saying everyone who hasn't wanted to commit suicide has had a "perfect life" isn't a fair arguement.

Sorry i worded that wrong.

"Some people have had such a perfect life that depression has never really come into it, hard for some people to understand why someone would go through with such a thing."

It should have read more like.

For people who have led more of a perfect life its more difficult for them to understand why someone would go through such a thing.

I wasn't saying that people who havn't had a "perfect life" are suicidal, just that they may understand why someone might do it.

Thats the best I can explain myself.

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however, the bridgend suicides are all young people, who seriously do not know what 'troubles' are. they had so much left of life to enjoy / rectify problems, why do you think they committed suicide?

They think they know what troubles are.

I THOUGHT school was hell, but looking back my life has been worse since.

For kids it's the most tough time they've had to deal with - so they think it's really bad.

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The thing is though depression (and suicide) often isn't really linked to background - you can be in a perfect situation, happy family life with no real troubles and still be depressed. I was pretty depressed at about 14-15, I hated my life but there was really nothing wrong with it at all.

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suicide is narcissistic (selfish). end of.

people who do it, want the attention, (which these guys are recieving) but get nothing out of it? Its pretty stupid, however they forget the family, friends, relatives, that they are leaving behind who have to deal with the shit that they leave behind by killing themselves.

I am also on the fence regarding whether it is a pact or not, however, i feel that the minute the media stop blowing it up and creating rumours etc, that the suicides will stop.

Thats maybe a little bit harsh, most people do it because they are seriously mentally ill or in severe pain. it's just they aren't in the media so much.

Those emo kids are just being selfish, either that or they are really ill. I guess we'll never know.

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my absloute favourite is the one where the bunny has a boomarang with a bomb strapped to it. lol

sorry about that i thought that the thread said bunny suisides (as in the book, damn my mistake!)


That's the best thing I've seen all day!

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