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Riding On Graves.


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As far as I know, he is riding on graves, which I find highly disrespectful. I myself have ridden on the walls around a memorial, but I have never ridden on a grave, because I think it's out of line.

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There's some really good lines at Temple row on the graves. Bloody dead people, why can't they be less... dead.

I'd never do it, if I saw someone riding on a family member's grave I would probably go and give them a new orifice in their face.

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Personally I do not ride on graves. But sometimes i guess you have to ask yourself, "well they are dead and centries old maybe a hop on them isn't too bad as nobody visits them, they have clearly been forgotten."

I personally don't think like that but i knew a lad who did and i understood his point. But i believe they should rest in PEACE.

Another lad i know who is into Satan and crap jumped on graves on a night out - i didn't think too much of it and neither did the general public, so as a guess majority of people don't do it/agree with it.

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Nah, I would feel bad doing it. I felt bad enough when I was riding through a cemetary one night and plapped straight in to one, flew right over the handlebars... >_<

Edited by James-M
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If any member of the public saw you doing that, they and all their friends would automatically hate all trials riders with a passion.

Riding like that will not help boost our sports popularity.

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In Reading a long time back, a group of us were riding at the Hexagon, just round the corner from a grave yard, as we rode through the grave yard we were talking about how there were such good lines there.

Then someone decided it would be a good idea to drop out of a tree...

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When i was younger the churchyard used to be a bit of a hangout after skool and me being me always had my bike and i used to ride in there,

after alot of growing up i choose not to now. i may ride external walls but no more.

I also choose not to ride benches that have the little plaques on them, just out of respect. No plaque = rideable though.

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When i was younger the churchyard used to be a bit of a hangout after skool and me being me always had my bike and i used to ride in there,

after alot of growing up i choose not to now. i may ride external walls but no more.

I also choose not to ride benches that have the little plaques on them, just out of respect. No plaque = rideable though.

Amen brother (Y)

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In all brutal honesty I can't see that much of a problem. Human beings disrespect the graves and in fact the homes of almost all other species on the planet on a daily basis. We cultivate and destroy eco systems which create the graves of hundereds of animal's and we do it in the name of progression, industry and the human race.

You want to take it further? For about the last 35 years we've been bombing the hell out of the middle east killing literally millions of people; mass graves there are commmon place for those who have been killed in allied forces airstrikes, how often do you think those get desecrated?

But I guess that's PC for you.


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I wouldn't have a problem if somebody rode over my dad's grave. As far as my ideas are concerned, it makes little difference - he's already dead and it's not going to harm him. Being bothered about such things is ultimately a choice, although I understand that's more easily said that done and people tend to be quite sensitive about objects that they load with the memory of a loved dead person. I've certainly ridden on the wall of a graveyard, perhaps even on something similar to this chap, although I can't be sure. If I did it and no harm came to anyone, did it really matter to anyone? Well, no.

Out of consideration of other people I probably wouldn't do that these days though, regardless of how I perceive pointlessness in people loading emotional meaning into representative objects of dead people. I'm pretty sure this is a cultural relativistic situation as well, which to me, makes the act of being "disrespectful" even less meaningful. What do we gain by being bothered about the stone of a person whom we want to remember - what difference does it make to our situation regarding being happy?

Edited by rowly
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what a disrespectful cu.nt!

how can you do that?! if i caught anybody even thinking about riding on any of my family's graves i would not be very happy!!!

the twat deserves that handlebar through his stomach!

Edited by I'm hungry
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what a disrespectful cu.nt!

how can you do that?! if i caught anybody even thinking about riding on any of my family's graves i would not be very happy!!!

the twat deserves that handlebar through his stomach!

Regardless of what you think, when you're trying to make a point about respect, it often doesn't give your argument much weight when you've loaded your response with obscenities, so lets just tone down the agreesive language shall we?


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I don't understand why people seem so angry?

they look quite old, (hundreds of years probably, so its highly unlikley to upset anyone) and its not like people don't walk all over graves in cathedrals and such, so long as no damage is caused.

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In a sense, you're always walking over somebodies grave.

It's just some of them happen to be endowed with an object and have occurred more recently. Perhaps we should move to space to avoid disrespecting the dead that are underneath us.

All of you who are concerned about that chap in the video, do you consider that perhaps you have a choice, not to find respect/disrespect with somebody riding over a grave? In fact, could you elaborate for me what you mean by respect and disrespect, especially within this context?

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No disrespect to the guy riding (not that he had much respect) but the lines were not even impressive.

If it were the most amazing line ever, something seriously impressive and original, then perhaps those of us with less regard for others may consider such a line.

but for a few wank 4 ft gaps, its just wrong.

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