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People That Have Inspired You To Ride.


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im not a small bloke. my weight hovers around 15st ish and i love riding and watching videos and like all "older" riders, ashton was a big part for the trials world but now-a-days ita all about every day riders. i mean i see alot of fit (not on about looks) riders flying up walls and doing alot of hardcore riding

i watched BIGMANS videos and rode with prawn and thought there is hope for me yet so i watched a few of there videos and went out thinking biger guys can ride...

who makes you think things are possable when it comes to riding....

sorry if this is kind of a repost.


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obviously when i watch ben travis, neil tunnicliffe, damon watson etc it makes me think "WOW" and "i wish i could do that"

but there videos are street (apart from one of bens) which i find a bit repetitive after a while and it tends to bore me seeing drop gap after drop gap.

but tom rankin probably inspires me the most. hes an incredible rider and i just love to watch him being so super smooth and controlled on natural (very large natural as a rule) and it really makes me think i could actually get to that level of riding one day, whereas street riders dont make me think that......

edit: forgot to mention watching vincent hermance makes me go out and ride my bike even if its raining sometimes

Edited by Bearded Midget
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Tra, Felix Mucke, Marco G (+Brunschweig crew), James Barton, Pisanka, Cap (monster), Damon W, Ben Travis and Hermance.

Basically if I'm not sure if I can be bothered because there is no one about to ride with I watch the above and I'm out the door in 5 minutes!

Especially Pisanka, love trying to re-create his effortless style.

All incredible riders.


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for a while it was neil tunnicliffe and damen watson who inspired me to ride with there big lines and superhuman type jumps,but recently danny mac has been a major inspiration with his different style,and different approach to obstacles .don't get me wrong i still find neil and damen excellent riders still.

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Apart from the obvious pros lol id say that james barton helped me alot, hes a super chill guy and loves to talk trials and black metal.

My friend mike really helped me too, he helped my get through my gf dying 2 weeks ago and has been supportive and just plain great guy all the way through.

Friends and riders like that are what makes me really want to ride my bike.

Luv you mike



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My brother DJ, he really inspired me and still does to this day.

It all started when he asked me to go out with him one day and film take pics etc...

That was the first time i ever saw him really ride. WE were both saving up to get me a really old t-bird.


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Some names that stick out to me are: James Porter, Nick Goddard, Rowan Johns, Fred Grillet, Danny Mac, Ali C, Damon Watson and TRA.

Other than those big and well known riders, Danny Kearns is really inspiring (especially when he had his Zona). I remember the first time I rode with him and he just had no fear at all and put everything he had into his riding. Along with this he is a really nice genuine person, it's hard to judge someone by what they post on the internet (I'll admit I thought he would be a tosser and he thought the same about me) but when you get the chance to meet him, he is one of the nicest people you will meet through trials. (Y)

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Bessell, Meek and Nick G. I always looked up to them when i was a beginner! Now that i've improved a fair bit, they are constantly pushing me to do bigger stuff and connect more tricks and moves which i really appreciate as it benefits not only riding, but my self esteem and confidence :) On a day to day basis it's probably Ben Jones. He's one of the only riders still riding around my area but he has a real enthusiasm for the sport and our rides are always chilled and we both have the same sense of humour which makes for a really great riding experience.

Edited by Ross Gardner
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Back in the day it would have been the big people, like trialskings, nailsea lot and the marts. Then a few smaller people like Rowan,Eddie and Matt Toungue etc.

Now it's more people like Akrigg and John Shrewsbury.

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TRA, Bigman, Fred Grillet (sp?), Rowan Johns, Rich Pearson, T33zr, Marco G, Chris Akrigg, John Shrewsbury.

All have amazing styles.

I honestly never thought I'd see my name next to ANY of those people in that context!

Apart from the obvious pros lol id say that james barton helped me alot, hes a super chill guy and loves to talk trials and black metal.

My friend mike really helped me too, he helped my get through my gf dying 2 weeks ago and has been supportive and just plain great guy all the way through.

Friends and riders like that are what makes me really want to ride my bike.

Luv you mike



Jesus dude, never met you but that sounds like a really hard deal, hope you get through it ok (Y)

definitely matt staples for me....he was the first "good" rider i ever saw...and holy freaking christ did he get good....

Damn right.


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Damon Watson is just my god. Inspires me fully.

But there's also a few more. Max T, Rich Pearson and Reinold.

But one person is Jonny Mc. This lad is amazing to ride with, we have so much history, It's not so much his riding that inspires me, it's him as a person, i feel so confident riding with him. He's gotta be the nicest lad i have ever met. When i first met this lad we just got on so well, we had mini comps, pushed each other in everyway. In Nottingham at AmpiTheatre. We were trying 3rd step for atleast 2 hours and none of us ever got it, but we killed ourselves and our bikes trying but never gave up, in the end we had to but by god. He's amazing.

Love you Jonny mate.

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well for me the people who inspire me to ride are

Bigman (because he is basicly the same size as me and his riding is at a amazing level)

Ali C (because his riding is powerfull,smooth,flowing all at the same time)

Stan Shaw (because his riding is smooth as a knife through butter and he has soo much balance)

Martyn Ashton (well just a total legend that has done soooo much for the sport LEGEND!)

Rich Pearson(mr gap to front street training animal)

Ben Travis (amazing rider and has such a good attatude and is allways having a laugh and smiling in his vids)

Danny Macaskil (well what could i say apart from INSANE!)

CLS/Damon Watson/Neil Tunnicliffe (CRAZY STREET DESTROYERS :blink: )

Ryan Leech (total legend )

+more but they are the people who inspire me most and i would love to meet one day :)

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any one i have ever5 ridden with. or just hung out with.

people worth the mention...

fraser mcneil(the main reason i still ride)

Mike judson(he knows exactly what my riding is about and always having a laugh)]

Timmy (again a reason i still ride- badgers me at work to ride..)

ben travis (legend)

Andrie burton(that was the 1st of many awesome weekends!)

rowan and boon

dave cleaver(top friend)

adam, stan and ali at tarty(always a warm welcome- and hotchocolate)

danny mac(he touches me in special places and always happy and messing about)

waynio, bucky cap rossi kev flash lovvat- roadtrippers

really i get inspired by anyone who loves to ride and knows what i'm all about.


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Stan- I ride with stan the most, he can go a fair bit bigger than me and smoother at the same time, it makes me mad, but he's a great guy and we both teach each other new stuff.

Iolo- has the insane ability to pigion anything in front of him, never gets angry or upset (he is the most optimistic person ever!) also sharing a house with him gives us the oppertunity to go riding at the drop of a hat.

Rowan- Thinking outside the box and going big at the same time, rowan mixed with danny mac is how I want to ride!

Danny mac- Also thinking outside the box, actually, he destroys the box! Quick to learn new stuff and always has a smile on his face (never seen him unhappy!).

Bigman- travels far and wide to come ride, pretty commited! Not a bad rider too! can gap further than me anyway :P , bigmans always on my list of people I want to ride with.

Andrei Burton- very proffessional, makes a living from riding, that inspires me. Also he is a beast on a bike and great to talk to.

Ben Travis- last video blew me away, also a great guy to ride with and he puts up with my travis abuse pretty well!

Vincent- unbelievable riding skill! Totaly 100% commited to trials, funny guy too (and I can beat him at bowling! :))

Danny Comas- making the biggest stuff look effortless!

Adam Bezzlelele- apart from his accsent, totally sound sowted geeza ho aint alf bad on the biwk, will do anythink for you too guvn'er.

Probably forgotten a couple of people, I'll edit later if I remember

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"but tom rankin probably inspires me the most. hes an incredible rider and i just love to watch him being so super smooth and controlled on natural (very large natural as a rule) and it really makes me think i could actually get to that level of riding one day, whereas street riders dont make me think that......"

Cheers geeza, im glad i inspire you especially as your getting so damn good yourself! We should ride more

as for me..........

Cesar Canas..... the first time i saw him ride in the flesh i simpley couldnt believe me eyes, perfect timing and technique for a mod rider also immense focus.

Nowdays i would have to say Gilles inspires me more than anyone because imo he is THE best trials rider in the world.


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