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Right, Just thought id get a topic up, as atm alot of people in my social group are taking Ecstasy.. No one has had any bad reactions and they all look like there having an awsome time,

Anyone Tryed it?

Share some experiences..

Im curious,


Edited by ♠trial-biker-ryan♠™
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I've never tried it and don't plan on it but some people I know have... stupid really, can destroy your mouth through the tightening of your jaw muscles (or whatever it does to them) and it de-hydrates you, so you need to constantly drink water to keep your hydration levels up. It might give you a bit of a buzz and a nice feeling but in my eyes the risks you're taking because of it aren't worth it.

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I've never tried it and don't plan on it but some people I know have... stupid really, can destroy your mouth through the tightening of your jaw muscles (or whatever it does to them) and it de-hydrates you, so you need to constantly drink water to keep your hydration levels up. It might give you a bit of a buzz and a nice feeling but in my eyes the risks you're taking because of it aren't worth it.

Nah not true, Only Destroys your mouth if you chew your lips etc,

and you dont have to constantly drink.. its safe to sip around a pint an hour..

Talk to frank,

Cheers for opinions so far

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Never have, never will. To me the use of any kind of recreational drugs is just a sign that the person is a bit of a loser who needs to poison themselves in order to have fun.

With regards the water drinking thing, does 'e' not make you feel uber thirsty and a lot of people get hospitalised because they drink too much and their liver packs in? Or is that an urban myth?

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I've never tried it and don't plan on it but some people I know have... stupid really, can destroy your mouth through the tightening of your jaw muscles (or whatever it does to them) and it de-hydrates you, so you need to constantly drink water to keep your hydration levels up. It might give you a bit of a buzz and a nice feeling but in my eyes the risks you're taking because of it aren't worth it.

No. Opposite - Ecstacy restricts your ability to control and pass water. Most of the people that die on Ecstacy are the ones who drink lots. It causes the brain to swell and press against the skull.

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Makes you look pretty cool an your friends respect you much more, you should definately at least try it whats the worst that could happen right!?

I've never tried it and don't plan on it but some people I know have... stupid really, can destroy your mouth through the tightening of your jaw muscles (or whatever it does to them) and it de-hydrates you, so you need to constantly drink water to keep your hydration levels up. It might give you a bit of a buzz and a nice feeling but in my eyes the risks you're taking because of it aren't worth it.

I plan on never taking that shit wow you get a lil buzz if you want that do a 10ft drop (not that i have ever done one)

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Now for the reality, not just "what people have heard".

"E" is not as bad as people make out, sure it's not good for you, but it's not as life threatening as people would like to make you think... I've played at countless events, with 90% of the people there on some kind of drug.

Plus sides:

* Person gets really happy

* It's nearly impossible for someone on a pill to cause trouble, they are too happy

* A pill is £4 and you only need one to keep you going all night, cheaper than £3 a pint every 35 mins


* You can become dependant on them to have a good night out

* 3 Day "comedowns"

* It is possible to have a bad reaction, but unlikely

The myths about dehydrating and collapsing are annoying too, you've only gotta swig some water now and again - people say a pint an hour but it's not that necessary. You don't go out of control and need to be force fed water, you get thirsty and drink some.

I don't touch drugs and never have, but I'm not against them, I just buzz off the music and enjoy beer :)

EDIT: There are more casualties / fatalities with alcohol annually - percentage wise.

Edited by TheScientist
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Its just not necessary to take that shit. I won't say any more, but there really is no point.

On the other hand...

Its pretty funny when your at school.

Ecstasy doesn't deserve to be class A in fairness, it doesn't f**k people up equivalently to other class As (crack?)...

If your really really feel you have to, just give mild pills a go first. As in don't go near X-men/Doves or any of the stronger ones up there first, do Euros or something weaker.

Bottom line is, its not worth the hassle. Or the risk for that matter.

Also, knew loads of people that used to smoke spliff and pop Es in a big way - now they are all f**ked up/dopeys. With no exception. Also, it hasn't been investigated in depth enough as yet, as far as I know... But, stuff like this does have a lasting effect on you. In short, makes your head do funny things. One last point thats going to make me sound like my own mother, but if your doing it for G points with the laydarse, the laydarse in question aren't worth going near.

Edit: Don't read this, read The Scientist's post, hes got it all figured out. However, E is £2 a pill in these parts, rather than the £4 in his parts.

Edited by Quackers!!
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Now for the reality, not just "what people have heard".

"E" is not as bad as people make out, sure it's not good for you, but it's not as life threatening as people would like to make you think... I've played at countless events, with 90% of the people there on some kind of drug.

Plus sides:

* Person gets really happy

* It's nearly impossible for someone on a pill to cause trouble, they are too happy

* A pill is £4 and you only need one to keep you going all night, cheaper than £3 a pint every 35 mins


* You can become dependant on them to have a good night out

* 3 Day "comedowns"

* It is possible to have a bad reaction, but unlikely

The myths about dehydrating and collapsing are annoying too, you've only gotta swig some water now and again - people say a pint an hour but it's not that necessary. You don't go out of control and need to be force fed water, you get thirsty and drink some.

I don't touch drugs and never have, but I'm not against them, I just buzz off the music and enjoy beer :)

Pure "E" - probably not. But you need to remember that drug dealers are in the business to make money, they don't give a f**k about the people. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of Ecstacy tablets have been mixed with something. These pills are a mixture of dangerous chemicals and god knows what other substances. If take one of those pills you're playing the life lottery, which simply isn't worth it.

Luckily for me I've never had anybody offer this kind of thing but I can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt it'll be a no every time. My life is good enough as it is and I don't need some pill to f**k with my brain to tell me I'm enjoying myself. I've got better things I can spend my money on.

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But you need to remember that drug dealers are in the business to make money

But also remember you can't easily "cut" a pill. Profit it usually just in the mark up between dealers and shotters. Loads of people do it round here, never done it, but the water drinking thing is that people think they should drink more than normal which is not true

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But also remember you can't easily "cut" a pill. Profit it usually just in the mark up between dealers and shotters. Loads of people do it round here, never done it, but the water drinking thing is that people think they should drink more than normal which is not true

Yeah, then people end up drinking too much and flooding themselves and dying! Isn't that how Lea Betts (sp?) died all those years ago?

Then the media blamed Ecstacy. In reality, the media themselves fed people like her false information, making her panic and drink too much.

I hate how newspapers and magazines twist things, scare people.

The majority of pills are safe - you're hardly gonna poison customers, you're gonna want them to buy more!

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The drug occupies serotonin receptors to make you feel constantly happy, whilst your body keeps pumping it out because its that type of reaction. The result is, when the ecstasy molecules do break down, you've got a defecit of serotonin, meaning you will find yourself unable to be pleased or made happy or laugh temporarily.

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But also remember you can't easily "cut" a pill. Profit it usually just in the mark up between dealers and shotters. Loads of people do it round here, never done it, but the water drinking thing is that people think they should drink more than normal which is not true

Irrelevant. The person that makes the powder into the pill in the first place is in control of what goes into it.

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The drug occupies serotonin receptors to make you feel constantly happy, whilst your body keeps pumping it out because its that type of reaction. The result is, when the ecstasy molecules do break down, you've got a defecit of serotonin, meaning you will find yourself unable to be pleased or made happy or laugh temporarily.

Normally 2-3 days... It's like a hangover, but 5 times worse so I'm told.

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