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Not jumping on the 'I knew him' bandwagon, buut..

I saw him ride twice, saw him do the mental drop gap in bristol and he was a name and a person to remember in my head as being something special.

Tragic loss, condolences to family, friends and everybody who knew him better than I did.



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We were going to organise a nottingham ride, soon, weren't we.

Grant Hundley again,

Notts could be a possible place for the memorial ride? As you said, he was going to arrange a ride there.

To be honest, all this stuff about being the best place for everyone to get to is annoying me, its meant to be a ride in memory of Beau, not a big group ride just for the hell of it.

I'm not going to keep on txting his sister about the funeral, it must be hard enough for them as it is. His sister said that she will tell me when it is so when she does, i will let everyone know.

Was thinking of him all day in Bristol, was riding for him. Did some stuff that I wasn't near doing before. RIP.

Will keep everyone informed about the funeral when I find out about it.


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Your right Grant! Lets make the ride where Beau would have wanted to ride! Im prepared to travel very far, i WILL be there!

Stay strong Grant, hold your head high! Im here if u want to talk to me mate, i know you were close to Beau!


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Another member I never met, but it's still a big shock.

After DJ passed away I'm always a lot more on the ball when I'm out, I never used to be. I also used to go silly driving with friends out on country roads but after Oli's tragic accident I always tell my friends to drive carefully and actually almost smacked one of my friends because I told him to slow down and he actually sped up - people like that annoy me.

Live your life like every day is your last, but be careful guys - losing so many young people is awful, let's not have any more eh?

RIP Beau.

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Grant Hundley once again...

Beau was just a really amazing friend.

had loads of good times together.

like we were in worcester doing a bit of riding, and he liked the look of these two girls. went over had a chat to them etc, got on well with them. then along comes a wasp... Beau dropped his bike, ran off (like a women :P) screaming 'get it away its guna sting me ahhh'

and another

were just about to load up fatmikes car with bikes (were coming to dj ride) and he just came out with 'mike, is it alright if i say that we're rolling deep in an audi' in his funny voice trying to talk like a gangster :P he used to come out with a lot of random stuff that made me laugh.

I just want him to come online and saying something like 'grant my king is f**ked, fix it for me?'

Just want all this to be a lie.

He's going to be missed so f**king much :(


Edited by Reinold
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Tragic news.

He added me on msn randomly a while ago, and we used to chat wuite a bit. He seemed a sound lad, awesome rider too!

Such a shame that yet another one of us has gone.

RIP Beau.

same, used to talk about proper random shiz, such a sound guy and rider.... arrr man wt


Edited by adrian@eastcoasttrials
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Just been having a think thought all my memories. Some really touching ones. All to do with differnet bits of bikes. Firstly chris king hub, it was soo quiet, beau's msn name was: Beau: 51'' sidehop today YEAH BOI : MY KING HUB IS SOOO LOUD.! So i go, beau what did you do to get it so loud, stretched the spring, how do you clean it out, he told me man he was there for everything i ever wanted. Then his name a different day was ''gu crew'' just talking away having banta, beau can i join the gu crew, erm you got anything gu on your bike ? No mate haa, erm well go buy something :P So i did ha, a gu lever blade :)

Man some of the greatest convasations ive ever had on msn were with this guy, i REALLY wish my chat logs saved :( All the times i'd say something completly random like, beau send us a pic of ur bollok... he would just go: man it is sooo big swollen and i managed to have sex, then next min there was a pic. Onastly man, ill never forget you dude, really wish I'd known you for longer. Man miss you ALOT :( Rest in peace mate xx

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Hey guys. This just got cross posted at observedtrials.net, and I just wanted to express my sympathy for all the crew that knew him, and for his family.

Its a horrible thing to hear of young people dying, especially trials riders.

Our collective trials hearts go out to the crew in the UK.



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he brought us all good times :(

was just thinking about it all it seams unreal...just remeberd a funy time we had...

Me and ben l use to ring him up like everymorning at about 4 oclock for a week it was so funny lmao...he use te pick up the phone and was like... "lmao let me guess danny and ben" :lol: as a good crack but he use to hate us waking him up :P but it turned into a laff we use to get in to some good cracks with him, and then he got his own back :P rang me up at 5 in the morn after i had been at a party :lol: b*****d

all good times!...

RIP mate ! (Y) ill think of you all the time when i ride mate...


Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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