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Beginners Guide To Bodybuilding


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Anabolic steroids are essentially, manufactured, synthetic hormones. In particular, testosterone. They work by increasing the effectiveness of the body's muscle cells use of protein. Protein we all know is vital in muscle growth. The steroids, work in the same way as the body normally does, the difference is the steroid works in addition to the body's supply o the hormone, in a dose not possible to produce naturally. So yeah, they increase the effectivness of proteins use within muscles which results in a larger build up of cell tissues, which means bigger muscles, (and crucially, strength, to which many people still don't think is true)

When you use them, you don't tend to just use one steroid, but 2, 3 or even 4 at a time, in a course which is planned over a length of time. Some work better than others on each individual, and they work in different ways. I used two kinds on my first couple of courses, which were 8 weeks long.

In between my courses, i had 8 weeks off. In this time you still have the growth and strength increase, but it is a safer way of using them as your bdy doesn't get used to the extra hormones and can return to normality between using them. (In this time, for users that it has affected, the testicles return to normal size, as they only shrink due to less sperm production due to the level of hormones in the body)

I stopped eventually because it was such hard work sticking to the diet like you need to (1.5grams of protein per lb of body weight, per day split into meals of no more that 30 grams per sitting, at 3 hour intervals) plus the carb intake etc etc, then the training was strict @ 4 times per week trianing every muscle to failure. I decided to stop, partly because i didn't want to get addicted to them aswell. They are mentally addictive in a massive massive way and i realised this and made the choice to stop. In the same way i used them before, i wouldn't say it was bad. My life is different now, but i'm glad i did and done the correct way, they're definately not something i'd tell someone not to do.

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Random question, and probably a stupid one. however.

Is it possible to increase strength with out increasing build too much?

As an example, i know if i weight train and eat well at the same time, then i should increase in size (if my training is regular) however, i do not want to look 'massive' however, i would like to improve my actually strength!?


To my understanding if you want to add huge bulk and be a massive hulk then you should keep your reps low with a big weight, so you should do 3/6 reps and when you get to the last rep you should be struggling like hell and pushing your muscles to the limits and don't stop between reps at all.

So if you want to gain strength without bulking out too much, you should do less reps, more like 7/15 reps x 3 depending on how you want to look.

Doing less reps will give you more power, but you won't be able to keep that power for very long at all

Doing more reps you will have more muscle endurance and should last longer.

I don't have any degrees but i've done a huge amount of research on all this, so maybe somebody can back that up.

Edited by totaltrials
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if i dont eat for a while, my abs look awsome.


*i know this is bad sometimes i just forget to eat lol*

And when you start to eat properly again you'll get fat straight away due to metabolic flux. In the long run, not eating a propper diet, aint gonna work.

That's why you are fat Dave. Sort it out will you, fatty fat fatty fatty.

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And when you start to eat properly again you'll get fat straight away due to metabolic flux. In the long run, not eating a propper diet, aint gonna work.

That's why you are fat Dave. Sort it out will you, fatty fat fatty fatty.

dumbed down.. your body doesnt know when its going to get its next meal so it stores as much fat as it can from your next meals pretty much as "backup fuel" since you are fasting so much. Regular meals stop this occuring and in effect increases your metabolism. ofcourse.. you have to eat clean too.. which i really really dont =p progression is slow but its something to do as well

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Very detailed dude. what about a training and diet routine to help improve your trials riding power and fitness. specific excerises to develop the muscles used in trials riding.

I think the only way to do that is to ride trials.

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Thats a well structured timeplan there, not the best though!

You shouldnt take days to to do just cardio, you should do your cardio in the morning before work or something, then your circuit in the afternoon

Also you shouldnt have your 2 rest days at the end of the week, you should have one mid week, and one on saturday or sunday, This way, on wednesday your body rests and builds up your muscle from the 2 or 3 days and then the same on sunday, because in the whole week your body will lose most of that muscle building energy!!

For a really good workout plan, that you dont even need a gym for, go to the royal marines website andsign up to use there training tool, its a small online applet that can calculate the best amount of reps in a circuit, and as most of us know, the marines are the fittest force in general out there, so thye know what there talking about!!

Depends what your goals are surely as to when and what cardio you do? personally on those days my cardio consists of f**k all or the odd biking (not technically cardio but its the closest im going to get to doing any). In the actual program that workout is based on cardio is usually 15-20mins of light work nothing heavy like distance running etc.

Also i think you are getting hung up on Day 1 = monday etc. Once again personally i judge when its time for me to take a break, infact i have done 3 of those workout days in a row before because my body really felt up for it and i had a shit load of power on each day. I then followed this up by the 2 day break and followed the plan once again as stated. If i know im not going to be able to put in 100% i just simply leave it as my body is just saying nope not today. Like ive said, i dont go to the gym to become huge etc i like the challenge so theres not much point in me going and failing through tiredness.

The marines thing is probably useful for a lot of people, but depends on your take of being "fit". Does it mean running long distance and sustained endurance? or lifting heavy shit repetetively (as you would expect with a fat weight lifter). Once again.. personal goals

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so is there any way to reduce the amount of time of which your muscles ache?

i was blagged into doing weights after rowing, had to do squats with a weight across my shoulders (on saturday) and now theyre aching badly. sort of messed up my regime of squash then rowing again later today

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so is there any way to reduce the amount of time of which your muscles ache?

i was blagged into doing weights after rowing, had to do squats with a weight across my shoulders (on saturday) and now theyre aching badly. sort of messed up my regime of squash then rowing again later today

Yea.. eat a lot and keep doing squats. They usually cripple you the first few times but then they feel amazing. First time i ever did them heavy i was hurting for nearly 5 days. Now i can do them everyother day easily.

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so is there any way to reduce the amount of time of which your muscles ache?

i was blagged into doing weights after rowing, had to do squats with a weight across my shoulders (on saturday) and now theyre aching badly. sort of messed up my regime of squash then rowing again later today

Higher protein intake and adjusted carb intake will improve recovery.

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so is there any way to reduce the amount of time of which your muscles ache?

i was blagged into doing weights after rowing, had to do squats with a weight across my shoulders (on saturday) and now theyre aching badly. sort of messed up my regime of squash then rowing again later today

Wait, what's actually hurting, your legs or your shoulders? They way you've written it makes it sound like your shoulders are hurting from resting the bar across them when doing the squats. That wouldn't be muscle soreness but bruising due to the weight pressing down on them. If that's the case maybe use a folded up towel between your shoulders and bar to take some of the pressure off?

If it's your back aching I'd suggest getting someone who knows what they're doing to critique your form, as it's highly probable you're doing them wrong. Doing squats wrongly could give you soreness in your back and/or knees that you really don't want.

In any case it's worth getting someone to critique you anyway. The amount of folks I see in the gym doing what they think is a squat when in reality they're not even doing a quarter squat - your legs should go past parallel with the ground so your bum is almost touching the floor).

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I have a question, regarding warming up.

I go to the gym 3 times a week (I'm a lucky b*****d and have a free gym in my apartment block which is fully equiped) and I'm fairly happy with my regime, seems to be giving the results I was after which I'm really happy with. But when I get in there I'm never really sure what to do before I start blasting the days muscle group. I never know how I should be warming up. A little run? Or something more specific to the muscle group I'm working, some rowing maybe? Or just stretches then get to it? I don't want to do myself damage, now I'm getting onto much heavier weights I'm a bit worried. So, what do you do before you get lifting?!?


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I have a question, regarding warming up.

I go to the gym 3 times a week (I'm a lucky b*****d and have a free gym in my apartment block which is fully equiped) and I'm fairly happy with my regime, seems to be giving the results I was after which I'm really happy with. But when I get in there I'm never really sure what to do before I start blasting the days muscle group. I never know how I should be warming up. A little run? Or something more specific to the muscle group I'm working, some rowing maybe? Or just stretches then get to it? I don't want to do myself damage, now I'm getting onto much heavier weights I'm a bit worried. So, what do you do before you get lifting?!?


You should warm up, but you dont really warm up to the specific muscle groups, you need to warm your FULL body up. Everytime I go to gym, i do 1500 on rowing machine, then a 10min challange on a bike. Basicaly if you dont cover a certain distance it tells you to pedal and stuff. Then I normaly feel fine, if not do another 500 on rowning machine. Then like ill maybe do the one of 2 odd stretches.

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I run on the running machine for half hour everyday. (5k) so quite a quick pace

Is that to much. Just wanna lose abit of weight.

To lose weight through cardio especially running its all about your heart rate. So if you can get yourself a heartrate monitor (one of those buggers on your wrist style) and do some googling. There are specific areas where your heart rate needs to be between in order to be most effective at burning fat. I dont know the full details since ive never done it but ive skim read a few things a couple years ago now about it. Something to do with if you run too fast you end up reducing the amount of fat your burn.

infact here you go http://jumpsnapnation.com/index.php/2008/0...g-your-workout/

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The only time I went to the gym was during my first year of 6th form. As I had to. But since then I haven't been back. I dont eat right, only exercise I do it trials. I noticed since getting back on my bike my forarms ache quicker. and they were solid. there okay now. Is that normal?

Going to just the multi gym for upper body stuff, mainly arms and shoulders. Have a bike for cardio....

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