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Be Part Of The Biggest Trials Street Ride


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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ?

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back?

Travel on there own?

First time in London?

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger?

Injured but is still coming to watch?

Bringing pack lunch?

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time?

Just coming in a group with just mods.?

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29?

Who's on 09 products/frames?

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt?

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ?

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back?

Travel on there own?

First time in London?

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger?

Injured but is still coming to watch?

Bringing pack lunch?

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time?

Just coming in a group with just mods.?

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29?

Who's on 09 products/frames?

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt?

I think i fit into none of these categories - just !!

PS no one is doing the st pauls gap without being arrested

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which riders are in these categories?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? yep

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back?

Travel on there own?

First time in London?

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger?

Injured but is still coming to watch?

Bringing pack lunch? yep and getting food

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? I wish

Just coming in a group with just mods.?

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? 23

Who's on 09 products/frames?

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? Hell yeah got to represent tarty's

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Still got my get out of jail card from monopoly at Christmas. Should work for at least for one go at St pauls.

Know ones going to get arrested. Just moved on.

I fit in the catergory traveling on my own. Wonder how long that situation lasts.

Pack lunch as well. Some H.L.M's

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? no

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? yes

Travel on there own? no

First time in London? no

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? no

Injured but is still coming to watch? no

Bringing pack lunch? maybe

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? not for me

Just coming in a group with just mods.? no

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? no

Who's on 09 products/frames? no

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? no

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? Yes

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? Yes

Travel on there own? No

First time in London? No

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? NO

Injured but is still coming to watch? Yes

Bringing pack lunch? No

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? No

Just coming in a group with just mods.? No

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? No

Who's on 09 products/frames? Yaabaa, but won't be riding it.

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? T-UK ?

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? yes

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? no

Travel on there own? no

First time in London? no

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? no

Injured but is still coming to watch? hope not

Bringing pack lunch? and a flask of soup or tea haha

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? no i wanna keep dry

Just coming in a group with just mods.? yes

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? 20

Who's on 09 products/frames? st blaize :)

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? more than likely a plain t or FOREVER NEVER t (band)

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? NOPE

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? YEP

Travel on there own? DUNNO YET

First time in London? RIDING........YEP

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? NOPE

Injured but is still coming to watch? INJURED....MAYBE RIDING

Bringing pack lunch? CAN'T AFFORD ANYTHING ELSE

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? ???????????????

Just coming in a group with just mods.? NOPE

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? 24:)

Who's on 09 products/frames? '06 AT THE EARLIEST

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? MISSUS MAKING CUSTOM LONG SLV T FOR ME!!!!!

Folded my foot in half gapping up steps yesterday, nothing broken, got physio book for the next two weeks hope it's ok for the ride. :(

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? Maybe

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? No

Travel on there own? No

First time in London? Yes

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? No

Injured but is still coming to watch? No

Bringing pack lunch? No

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? Depends how big it is

Just coming in a group with just mods.? No

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? No

Who's on 09 products/frames? I wish

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? OOH yh gettin a trials forum one printed

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? Get real, haha

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? About that

Travel on there own? That would be boring

First time in London? 2nd

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? huh?

Injured but is still coming to watch? No to injuries

Bringing pack lunch? Yum

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? Don't do drop gaps

Just coming in a group with just mods.?

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? 22

Who's on 09 products/frames? No Echo Super SL/ Koxx Sky, Moon OR Planet here

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? haha, that's too cool

I hope this ain't serious.

Folded my foot in half gapping up steps yesterday, nothing broken, got physio book for the next two weeks hope it's ok for the ride. :(

No way, that sucks. I'll text you later.

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? 1 Mod, 2 26"

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? Flying from west of Ireland, probably 400 miles...

Travel on there own? Should be 2 or 3 others.

First time in London? Never been there with a bike.

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? Up till the start of 2008 I was.

Injured but is still coming to watch? Not injured at the moment...

Bringing pack lunch? Bringing sweeties and possibly going to make use of the all you can eat lunch in Pizza the Hutt during the day...

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? Never seen it, but it sounds beyond my nerve/ability.

Just coming in a group with just mods.? Nope

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? I'll be 23 days short of 30 on the 1st March...

Who's on 09 products/frames? Not me...

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? That or maybe my 'Your favourite band suck' shirt :P...

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? MAYBE

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? NO

Travel on there own? HOPE NOT

First time in London? YES

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? NO

Injured but is still coming to watch? NO

Bringing pack lunch? YES

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? HOPEFULLY

Just coming in a group with just mods.? NO

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? NO

Who's on 09 products/frames? NO

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? MAYBE

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? 1 Mod, 2 26", I'm the other 26"

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? Flying from west of Ireland, probably 400 miles, as the crow flies about 356 ish?

Travel on there own? Possibly.

First time in London? Never been there with a bike. Ditto

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? Up till the start of 2007 I was.

Injured but is still coming to watch? Not injured at the moment. Currently injured but I'm going to ride anyway.

Bringing pack lunch? Plenty of sugar, that's about it.

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? Never seen it, but it sounds beyond my nerve/ability. I may give it a go?

Just coming in a group with just mods.? Nope

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? I'll be 23 days short of 30 on the 1st March... Old balls!

Who's on 09 products/frames? Not me. Nope, closest thing to it would be my Hope pro 2 hub.

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? Yup, although I'll have to check my wardrobe. :rolleyes:

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For someone of your age you're not that infirm...

And I know for a fact that you like to watch :P...

Looks like my accommodation in London will not happen, where is a good place to stay? Preferably really near Liverpool St. Station so I don't have to drag the bike box very far...

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For someone of your age you're not that infirm...

And I know for a fact that you like to watch :P...

Looks like my accommodation in London will not happen, where is a good place to stay? Preferably really near Liverpool St. Station so I don't have to drag the bike box very far...

I'm not as infirm as you you auld bollicks!

Who doesn't like to watch?

Did Borys not get onto you about accommodation? I take it Chris is still not responding?

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which riders are in these catergorys?

Coming in a group of just 26" ? Nope

Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? Nope

Travel on there own? Nope

First time in London? First time riding

Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? Nope

Injured but is still coming to watch? Nope

Bringing pack lunch? Sausage rolls, quieche, lobster thermidor

Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? Hell no

Just coming in a group with just mods.? Nope

Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? 21?

Who's on 09 products/frames? Nothings ever new

Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? Nope


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