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The Year 2009


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i have had my good bits:

-started learning to drive

-got a part time job

-got a new best mate (:

-got my bike how i wanted it

bad bits:

- nans illness has got worse

- lost fair few mates

- generally in a shitty mood

- bad news all year long

- broken bones ):

hope 2010 is alot better! seems to be getting better atm so bring on 2010 please be a good year

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Nothing good has happened to me all year.

Nothing bad has happened to me all year.

I wrote a plan of what I wanted from life, the universe and everything. I then shut my note pad and next year I get to tick off what I have done on said list.

List is about 200 paragraphs long and lists all my aspirations for the next five years.

2010 will be the year I realise what I want to do and I'd get on and do it.

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My mum has beaten breast cancer.

I dont care how crap college has been at times, arguments with the mrs, little fall outs with mates or the bikes having issues.

My mum has beaten breast cancer

and that has made 2009, amazing.

edit: aah crap and now im shedding a tear...

That's great news man :)

My grandad has cancer and probably isn't going to be around for much longer, I haven't seen him for about 6/7 years but am meeting him in January again to patch things up - I've left it too late really, but if we didn't sort things out before he passes I'd never forgive myself.

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I thought it was a pretty wanky year until about 3 months ago...


I got a girlfriend who I'm very happy with, after being f**ked about by several others.

I got my new Focus which I love :D

A job interview next week after over 6 months of applying for jobs.

My cousin is back next week after 5 months of being away in the army. We grew up together, in the same classes at school too so I pretty much consider him my best mate than just a part of the family.


My sister and her partner split up (they have one kid) - which has caused a bit of havoc with organising everything.

A lad I grew up with lost his leg in Afghanistan from an IED - an absolutely genuine sound lad too.

I've not been happy at work for a long time, every day is a chore and I'm sick of the 'for f**k sake' feeling everytime I wake up.

Probably screwed my credit rating over.

Hopefully, I'll get this job (pretty much my dream job) next week, and begin on the second week of the new year - so its a completely clean slate and its onwards and upwards. Unfortunately, due to the despiration of applying for jobs, this is the furthest I've got in over 6 months - and so I've kind of pinned my hopes on it, but I probably shouldn't be doing that just yet.

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Well really, this year is the beginning of the rest of my life.

I did nothing for a year after high school, realised i was gonna end up having nothing. Enrolled at college in September, enjoying it! :)

Similar to someone else above, i've wrote down a list of my aspirations, goals etc.. Looking forward to getting some of them done.

Only bad point is that I lost contact with almost all of my good mates :(

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It says I've replied in here, but I think I must have just been talking about someone else and not me and I can't be bothered to check:

Good Bits:

Quit smoking

Got fit

Did the marathon in a semi respectable time

Finished with someone who was bringing me down hardcore

Met woman I want to spend the rest of my life with

Sorted bits of the flat out

Got a new, better paid, better located, job

Got my qualification in Boxing training going

Paid off a lot of debts

Bad Bits:

Started smoking again

Got fired from old job

Got dumped by woman I want to spend rest of my life with

I'll sort those ones out in no time though. Quit smoking AGAIN yesterday, don't need the old job, and reckon I'll have woman living with me before the end of 09.

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A preety good year really...

Still with Jenny and its just getting better,

Got my foot in the door towards where I want to be heading with my life,

Made some preety top friends,

I've lost a fair amount of weight,

Family lifes good, it got abit sour a few years ago, I realised how little I spent with my family and more with my ex and it screwed up my relationship with my parents/sister. Stuffs alot better now thou, spending time with my family and Jenny which is great.

Been a good year really :)

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What you apologising for? Something pre edit?

'Poor performance' apparently. Tsk. They know what they're missing now I'm at a competitor lol

Apologies removed, lol.

Life has a funny way of picking up, looking good and then within a month or so, flips round, bends over, cracks, crashes and bursts into flames.

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2009 has been pretty crap for me overall - as with a lot of people I haven't really had a job for most of it, so a lot of what I've done has been done using my savings, which means next year I'm gonna have to try and build those back up as well as sort myself out job wise!

But that said, the good thing that came out of this year was a 15 day trip to France/Spain (AKA The Crapheap Challenge 2009) and I managed to make a 3 hour film from it - of which should be online at some point, snippets from it at least!

So yeah, overall pretty crap for me, but has had some good bits!

Here's to a bloody brilliant 2010 for everybody!! :D

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Yerp everyone says the same, but i do really love her.

I'm a mature 18 year old. :P

Haven't been drunk once as of yet. Mainly because of the drugs i'm taking preventing it but still. Cough.

I think it's a bit irresponsible to not have been drunk by that age to be honest!

Every year I see freshers starting who havn't drank before getting absoutley plastered with more experianced drinkers and making complete tits out of themselves because they dont know their limits.

I don't really get how you equate not drinking to being mature.....

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Yerp everyone says the same, but i do really love her.

I'm a mature 18 year old. :P

Haven't been drunk once as of yet. Mainly because of the drugs i'm taking preventing it but still. Cough.

theres being mature, and theres being a pussy about it :-

this year has been pretty epic really,

got in the Army (which meant)

fitness is much better

another year of not being tempted to smoke

another year of not being tempted by drunks

started eating right and weight training

made the best freinds you could ask for

had some of the messiest night ever

have no insucurities (now i have been introduced to naked everything, night club, trampoline, taxi, walk home) its awesome fun

got another new car

still with the love of my life, thoughts of engagement (crazy)

oh, did i mention how much beer and spirits i have drunk

one of my closest friend is in afghan, but the simpliest things can cheer me up, a phone call, bluey or the comical photos he send me.. hes gunna love his crimbo pressys from me

but, unfortunately, my grandad has altsphimaz (sp) which means i know longer know who he is, nor have the patience to even spend time with him, which i am angry at myself for, but i would rather remember him for who he was than what unfortunatly he has become,

other than that, 2009 has been the best year ever, bring on 2010

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Had a sh*te year!

Lost a best mate in a car crash, So nothing can make 2009 good now. Broke up with the bird, not ridden the bike a lot and been skint all year.

Have had some pretty memorable times with mates though, which is nice. And I got my new motorbike and snowboarding gear, which I'm delighted with.

The bad points outweigh the good though to be honest..

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theres being mature, and theres being a pussy about it :-

Highlight the end?

I'm taking something called recutain, alot of fruit juice can make my kidneys fail!!

It was crap not being able to drink on my 18th.... Designated driver on my own birthday...

I think it's a bit irresponsible to not have been drunk by that age to be honest!

Every year I see freshers starting who havn't drank before getting absoutley plastered with more experianced drinkers and making complete tits out of themselves because they dont know their limits.

I don't really get how you equate not drinking to being mature.....

Pfft does no one highlight anything in white anymore.

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