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Best Hardtail Mountain Bike Frame For Trials


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Hey, I'm looking to build a bike for general use (nothing too strenuous!) but I'd still like to be able to ride trials.

I used to have a custom Giant trials bike similar to Martin Hawes in the Chainspotting video so that's the sort of bike I'm looking to build.

I'm not really up to date with bike components these days so I'm looking for a little nudge in the right direction to get me started.

Cheers! :)

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Maybe something like this, Ali C uses it for trials and it looks like it could be used for mtb aswell, not entirely sure though.

A 24" or streety 26" (like the hex shown above), will be fun for doing trials, but could still be used for transport etc.

Perfect guys, exactly the sort of advice I was looking for. The Hex looks very nice! I had a look at 2011 Giant and Cannondale frames the other day in a shop, they didn't look that nice imo.

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I dont think the new Giants/Cannondales are designed at all with trials in mind, where as the 24/26's on tarty are, so would be alot more suited for trials.

Me either. I'm not sure the Giant ATX 890 was either, but it did a great job while I had mine.

Will scan through the frames on Tarty.

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Not sure if you can get the saddle up far enough for general riding in the hex ;)

Yeah that's the thing I liked about my Giant, it was a 16" frame so I could use it normally but also throw down the seat and do some trials. I'm after something similar to that..

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Your best bet is to actually hunt out an old school frame like your old one. Nowadays people don't really have trials bikes that can also 'do anything', so frames with the benefits of the old ones don't really exist. You could always have a Marino built up with the same geo as your old Giant too...

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Good topic! I was asking myself the very same question last week. I was thinking along the lines of a Planet-X JackFlash, as I've seen a few go cheap on ebay, anyne got any experience of this frame?

If i remember correctly Orange Zeros and P-X Zebedis used to have problems with the chainstays cracking. It would be nice to have a bike that you could blast round the woods on then stop to do some trials. Maybe evern with a drop post if you have the money. A rear disk mount would be nice if you're caning it through the mud and still want a back brake that works when you come across the rocks. Don't think a 160mm would be powerful enough though. There's still a gap in the market for such a thing, but it's certainly a niche! The custom frame builder could be a good idea.

I'd love to see trials competitions that involve riding a trials adapted mountain bike (32T with bash guard and 9 gears on the back, bring back those oldskool mid-chainstay chain tensioners!). Basically like a cross country course with the odd big obstacle thrown in your path with time penalties if you fall off or put your feet down.

I'm on it!

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