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The Angry Thread.


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When I'm on lates I've been riding down to school with Frank and on earlies I ride home from work and ride down to pick him up. Not aching too much now apart from when I've been out milking cows as my wellies are crap but I'm sooooooo unfit it scares me, literally got home from work yesterday and could barely walk or breathe!

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Have to work today, i don't want to... Also, this month is dragging like hell! Booked my theory test last week, but couldn't get a slot til July 2nd, this feel likes its forever away! Gonna miss a summer of riding a bike at this rate :(


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It's dumb when you post something on eBay as collection only and you put in the listing 'I'm not taking a lowest price, I'm letting the auction run' and then you get a message asking what your lowest price is and if you'll post the item.

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Was due to find out my HND result today, but because of two lazy bastards on the course (yes, I am lazy but I handed everything in on time) weren't prepared to do their presentations on Tuesday we all need to wait until next Wednesday to get the results as they are doing their presentations next Tuesday...

I am annoyed.

...but on the plus side everything else in my life is on the up compared to where I was a few months ago

Edited by AndrewEH1
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At 8.30 am the school next door decided to get the music started for their fete which doesn't open for another motherfunking hour at a million decibels. Now normally I wouldn't be fussed but today I'm a little hungover, really tired and was really looking forward to my lie in.

Oh and the retarded DJ loves saying 'one two, one, one two' shut the hell up!!

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I'm angry with myself. Been with Kay for over 7 years, we've had our ups and downs but by mutual agreement we decided to end the relationship on Thursday. We'd been living with her parents for the passed two years which didn't help things. I thought I wanted a fresh start, but I have realised I've made a massive mistake. Advice I've received so far is to keep away for a few weeks to let her have some space. It sucks, I could have stopped this happening.

Picked up all my stuff yesterday, and she's literally not kept anything, as if she's just ripped me out of her life. :(

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Some people shouldn't be allowed to work on bikes or touch tools. f**kkkkkkk. Literally have no idea how people cross thread shit or round off bolt heads. It's just common sense how things work! Especially on a trials bike ffs where stuff isn't torqued up horrendously tight. I think I'm on my period but It just proper pissed me off! Anyone else?!

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Some people shouldn't be allowed to work on bikes or touch tools. f**kkkkkkk. Literally have no idea how people cross thread shit or round off bolt heads. It's just common sense how things work! Especially on a trials bike ffs where stuff isn't torqued up horrendously tight. I think I'm on my period but It just proper pissed me off! Anyone else?!

Yeah. Most of them work in Halfords

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I'm angry with myself. Been with Kay for over 7 years, we've had our ups and downs but by mutual agreement we decided to end the relationship on Thursday. We'd been living with her parents for the passed two years which didn't help things. I thought I wanted a fresh start, but I have realised I've made a massive mistake. Advice I've received so far is to keep away for a few weeks to let her have some space. It sucks, I could have stopped this happening.

Picked up all my stuff yesterday, and she's literally not kept anything, as if she's just ripped me out of her life. :(

Sorry to hear and hope you get things sorted. Kind of similar situation in my mate the other week who works away all the week then comes home at weekend and usually goes out on the piss Saturday told his missus of 14 years with 2 kids that he didn't love her anymore and left. She went off the rails on Facebook for a few days about it and he moved out but they went out together just the two of them for the first time the other night and it looks like he's moving back in this weekend. Gonna take time to properly mend things but it gives you hope.

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Had a bad crash while trying to bunnyhop over a platform not higher than a curb. As a result, one of my testicles has no blood circulation and is bound to die. The pain is not that bad, unless I stand up or get tension on the testicle.

So for anyone having a bad day, at least you have both your balls :P

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Had a bad crash while trying to bunnyhop over a platform not higher than a curb. As a result, one of my testicles has no blood circulation and is bound to die. The pain is not that bad, unless I stand up or get tension on the testicle.

So for anyone having a bad day, at least you have both your balls :P

You're actually going to lose a ball?

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maybe, she did explicitly say that she had so much work on she couldn't talk to me at all yesterday, though.

literally got the most digs in a text ever last night before i went to bed though. we had a massive row earlier this week after i agreed we weren't gonna see much of each other for the next few weeks 'cos she's busy with uni work, she said "i can't see you for 2 weeks after today" to which i said that sucked but it'll be alright, but what i should have done, apparently, was then said i'd come and see her during the week despite the fact she said she can't see me and is really busy.

anyway, i was trying to work out seeing her when i go past 'cos i'm going back to brighton for the weekend, then driving back early next week. she said she can't even send me a text over the next few days, basically mugged me off saying she's too busy to talk to me and that i'd find other people to keep me occupied again and "it's not like you're sat around on your own" well, i kinda am love. Anyway, i said i just wanted to work out when i might be able to talk to her next and that i had an exhibition opening tomorrow and all the rest of it, so was just working it out, then got;

"sorry, i do know how it feels but i am doing work, not like i'm out having a good time or anything, only this week and next week then i'll be free to chat whenever. i dunno probably best not to come over and it'll be cheaper for you to just get the one ticket anyway. at least you've got jenni ready and waiting to keep you company when you get back to the flat! night"

The "it'll be cheaper" thing was a bit of a dig at me too 'cos last term i got massively skint and it all got a bit heavy and apparently i need to sort my priorities out... I don't know if any of that made sense but it's nice to write it out.


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Sounds like she's snowed under with work which is stressing her out and she doesn't even want to think about anything else at the mo, which is then winding her up more and she's getting wound up at being wound up. Time to give her a little space.

Not knowing the tone of her texts and stuff it almost seems like she's a little pissed about you and Jenni (who I assume is a flatmate at uni?) - has there been any beef from Faye about her before? Could just be the way that text seems out of context though :)

Forget about the cheaper/skint thing though - that shit happens and life goes on; it's only an issue if you make it one.

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That about sums that up! Ultimately mate, when they're in a situation like that there's absolutely nothing you can do that's right. If you'd done it differently at the beginning you'd have been 'forcing the point', if you'd apologised you'd 'just be saying that', and so on. Best thing to do is probably just drop her a text every now and again letting her know she doesn't need to reply but that you're thinking about her or whatever.

To be honest, though, I'd be pretty pissed off in that situation. She does have time to text or talk to you, and if she doesn't it's because she's choosing to prioritise something else over you. It takes 2 minutes to send a little update of your day either side of sleeping, what's more important than spending a measly 4 minutes on letting you know that she loves you?

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