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The Angry Thread.


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The amount of black and white attitude going on towards the Scottish independence vote is starting to get to me, mainly from the English side. Good thing we don't get a say IMO. All the Scottish people I know are voting yes, and are well read and well informed about the whole deal. Not one English person I know seems to care, beyond saying shite like "Lol ur gonna fail bro" or "good luck paying for your own healthcare".

Not surprised they want independence, I certainly do!

EDIT: I have now seen one intelligent opinion from an english person, our very own JD. :)

Edited by Muel
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Hmm, the axle bolt is in the middle of the dropout - I wouldn't say it was that bad? Grub screw tesioners is a win! At first glance I thought that part of the frame was there to protect the cog from failed side hops... :giggle:

Yeah it's in the middle of the dropout but the dropout looks huge, they could have knocked at least 5mm from the inside and still had acres of adjustment. I also like the comments on that photo as if no one has ever used bolt tensioners before.


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Religious door to door touting really pisses me off...

I'm an atheist throughout and I don't push my beliefs onto anyone, believe what you want. There's a heaven waiting full of all your passed relatives/pets with all your best possessions etc, or a massive seedy brothel with 72 virgins waiting to nosh you off or whatever.

I believe in science and evolution. I've just had the pissiest Jehovah whiteness at my front door get really mad when I replied to her 'facts'..

JW - I believe that there is a creator, who created all life, gave it form and direction and Adam and Eve gateway to temptation which has spoiled our way of life. The creator shaped our bodies, shaped the trees, the animals around us. How can evolution exists? We aren't evolving anymore, so why have we suddenly stopped?

TB - We are still evolving, we're faster, stronger, smarter, taller, whatever we need to progress and continue we do. Evolution isn't growing another arm so we can do more, it's survival, and if we needed to be able to do a task, ones that couldn't would die out and others would survive to continue.

JW (pretty mad she's been replied too) - Well your wrong. We never evolved, we've always been a perfect being to perform the tasks set by the creator. Evolution is a poor excuse for life.

TB - So the creator set us the task to develop the iPhone? Cars? Planes? That's not a task, that's human genius through evolution, through tool use and learning/evolving to perform tasks with what was passed to you along the way..

JW - The book tells us that humanity lost it's path after the intervention of Adam and Eve which led way to temptation, and outside thinking which corrupted our life paths. One day the creator will give us the chance to correct our live and correct the earths shortcomings..

(I was bored of get by now)

TB - knock on my door when that happens please.. Till then I'm good thanks.

She started to walk away so I shut the door and carried on ironing (I know, right?) then she's posted 6 leaflets through my door?!

Now, I said before, I believe in science, I believe humans developed from apes, I believe that most our illnesses etc came from us cocking up putting things where we shouldn't. Some all mighty god didn't do that we did. Just line us these virus and bacteria have evolved along the wish to do us serious harm.

I don't walk door to door pushing that? It's not my right to try and lead people to believe what I believe. So why do others thing I want to become Christian or Jehovah? Leave me alone to iron my pants.

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Apparently 2AM this morning was a reasonable time for the local train line maintenance contractors set about cutting down several trees on the embankments near the line. 8 men, 3 petrol chainsaws and 2 large wood chippers. I don't care if doing it during the day affects your business and profitline, doing it at that time affects my ability to sleep. c**ts.

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Standard practice for a Saturday night possession. I assume it's a pretty busy line in the day hence the need to do work on a Saturday night. It's the same for pretty much the whole railway every weekend, the noise law won't apply as it will be the only opportunity to do the work.

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