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How often does your bike break?


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3 years has seen -

-Snapped Python, cracked Czar 06, cracked Ice 2, cracked Ozonys V1, snapped GU ST, cracked Lite 09 + 07, cracked Echo 24".

-Snapped Try-All forxx, cracked Try-All forks x2.

This past years seen -

-Snapped axles, 4 sets of bent Echo Urban forks, one set of bent Neon forks, a cracked set of Neon forks, cracked/split viz rear 24 rim.

I swear you are the only person I know who has bent so many sets of forks. Mikey douglas does loads of upto fronts and he's never bent a set

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Up to fronts are pretty kind to forks relatively though I guess, it's botched hooks that destroy them.

As for how often my bike breaks, I found a crack in my 4 year old cranks about a month ago, and I've had a couple of punctures in the last few years, and changed a set of grips, but that's it. As Ali says (and I've said before), selecting the right parts for your riding really helps.

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Recently I've:

- snapped a pair of try all forks

- cracked try all bars

- buggered the internals of an echo ti ffw

- gone through 2 headsets

- snapped heatsink yellow

- snapped rear hub axle

- snapped 2 stan bolts

- snapped chain

- snapped try all pedal body

- snapped echo sl crank

Moral of the story... never build a light bike and expect it to be complete.

How did you snap a pad?
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I haven't really 'Broken' anything in a while really, aside from chains and getting a few punctures.

Most of the things I've had to change over the last 18-24 months have just been through age and wear n tear.


1 set of trialtech forks which I changed after 18 months due to cracks appearing ( could have gotten away with using them for a bit longer)

1 Genesis frame cracked after 12 months

1 Hub, which i stripped due to using a rear sprocket that wasn't really up to trials

1 crank, again which I stripped, after I was rushing building my bike when i was in sweden, I was standing on the pedal as i tightened it up after a quick ride around (Doh!)

2 rear axles. From a new brand, first batch they made,bit of a dodgy batch again

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worn some grips out

worn my front hub bearings out

The advantage of using suitable parts :)

Exactly. Someone said early 'everything breaks with time' but that doesn't have to be the case. I haven't broken a bike part in probably 5+ years. I wear things out and get bored so buy new stuff for the hell of it but things rarely break.

Edit: Actually, I broke an ISIS BB axle at a demo probably 4 years ago. That's the last thing I can remember breaking.

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I swear you are the only person I know who has bent so many sets of forks. Mikey douglas does loads of upto fronts and he's never bent a set

First set of Neons were my own fault, which is why I chose not to persue a warranty claim and bought new ones myself. These however have only been ridden a handful of times. Fitted Thursday eve before Radfest that weekend, then did my ankle in on the last day. Ridden only a little since then. (less than an hour since radfest).

Crack developed at Radfest because I pointed it out to Adam@tarty and we agreed it was weird for them to go in such a short timescale.

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I snapped a rear axle on my genesis, got another one specially made and snapped that within an hour, so got yet another drilled out of titanium. Other than that, a couple of snapped chains, mashed up hub bearings, snapped all but one pawl in a tensile 60 freewheel and had a few punctures.

Edited by onzatpro09
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What is wrong with you?! Are you running your wheel squint in the frame or something?

No, it is definitely true, the standard and 1st one I had made (aluminium) snapped while hopping up nothing higher than a curb and the second one I had made (titanium) bent while I was doing nothing more than gentle riding. I don't know whether to buy a bunch more axles and just replace broken ones endlessly or a new hub and risk snapping the axles on that. All I want is a functioning bike for tartydays because I missed radfest due to bike trouble.

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