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All People should read this ! STOP using PAYPAL


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Here is just a part and a good truth that 99% of the people don't know

Ebay and Paypal suck a fat one...

I was just on the ebay sellers discussion boards and one person thinks this is no big deal. They think its a small percent of sellers ebay does this too....

Well, here is my opinion about this small percentage of sellers...

If you read the boards it seems to me that there is more than just a small percentage of sellers getting their money un-justly held. Go to the paypal board, look at all the people this is happening too.

Now, as far as the small percentage goes, what do you think it is? Lets say ebay has 1,000,000 people, a small percentage would be lets say 5%, well that would be 50,000.... Hummmm, to me that is a LARGE amount of people having their money UN-JUSTLY held and thievesbay and insanepal is Stealing their interest money off of it. Since ebay has more than 1,000,000 registered, just what number of people do you think is a small amount???

Its far from a small group of people. Look at the small amount of people that have voiced their concerns, THEN think about the LARGE amount of people that don't say a word!!!! There are a hell of a lot of people theivesbay is doing this too. If only the truth be known. If it was, we would all be in shock. If we knew exactly just how much money ebay has collected in interest money with just the money they illegally hold,,, the numbers would surprise all.

A few years ago it was on the news that ebay rakes in $8000.00 in sales per minuet.

Ok, going on that $8000.00 per min...

times that by 60 minuets that equals = $480,000.00 an hour

Times that by 24 hours = $11,520,000.00 PER DAY

Lets take a (SMALL) 5% that ebay holds = $576,000.00 PER DAY of money they hold that DON'T belong to them. Now if they get a small 2% interest off of that per day, (we know they get more than 2%) they are making a whopping EXTRA $11,520.00 PER day off of the money they illegally hold, of money that DON'T belong to them.

In 30 days this equals $345,600.00 of interest money they are stealing from the sellers. Who do you rightfully believe that money belongs too?

The numbers I figure above, I feel are extremely low. I believe the numbers more than double the figures I come up with.

To me this is very disturbing that ebay / paypal has the GULL to hold our money and steal the interest on that money that DON'T belong to them, right under our noses.

This is a case that needs to go to court and ebay does need to pay every dollar back to the people it belongs too. I believe ebay has made millions of dollars off of holding sellers money since they started doing this. I want to know who ebay is paying off to keep from going to prison??

This is pretty much like the cases of MCI and the theft that occurred there, Just like Haliburton and others. There are huge corporations that have stolen millions of dollars from people and I don't think thievesbay/insanepal are the exception here. Ebay thinks that just because they are so much in the limelight that no one will think they are stealing from us. They are, and they need to be stopped. Have you ever watched the shows about Corporate GREED? Ebay smells the part, Walks the part and acts the part.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck!
Edited by AlexCross
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Just imagine you are a buyer and then they deliver to you something you don't want or something that isn't what you ordered, then what? The seller spent the money and there's no insurance to the buyer to get his money back.

To be fair I think it's alright to hold the money until the item has arrived.

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Everybody is at it. Banks waiting for monies to clear up to seven days, but it comes out your account instantly. Where is all that multi millions of pounds a day going. Same as above. Lawyers, how many people does their house buy/ sale go through without delay. multi millions sitting in the lawyers accounts on a constant rotation day in day out making interst. Government. Do you get fines and interest if they owe you money? Insolvency companys (personal experience) What is left in the company ie stock, money and debtors total always seems to add up to fees that these companies are due, no matter what funds are left. None of the creditors ever gets apenny. ( i havn't ever) I have seen hourly rates of +£800 from the big main company and £175 for the wee girl at the desk doing a stamp on a letter or directing a call. bet she doesnt get that in her wages. My theory is that the people who can make achange are the poloticians, that will finish their career to go onto the boards of these companies or to be paid!!! to lobby parliment to keep the law on these companies sides. So would you bite the hand that may feed you. Unfortunatly all of the above is legal, including massive tax avoidance, as the laws are set by these people. Thats why I never vote as no matter what there good intentions are, they only have there own interst at heart and if not then the big powers at be will make sure they have. Thats life just enjoy the good bits.

PS was working on a PV install at a farm last week and the farmer gets £0.24 per supermarket bag of tatties he was telling me. Go see how much the supermarkets mark up to see corporate greed at work and the power they wield over the farming industry is outragous. (still to meet a poor farmer yet though) haha. Sunday rant over feel much better Tattie scone and bacon roll next then Scotland Vs South Africa this afternoon.

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is this gonna be some kind of "fight the system" thread?

i´m in!

to be honest in germany its even worse,our government literally consists of people involved inbig concerns (companies)

paypal is another thing,i think they earn most of their money through that

Edited by FamilyBiker
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paypal got bigger and bigger because comercials and all people think that is safe to put money to them instead buy directly with you credit card or bank , people are to stupid to think twice , you can pay safer with youre credit card then with paypal , because the bank can;t take youre money and not giving back , paypal can f**k you how they want it and can block youre money use youre money or not giving back , they dont give a shit because they are to many stuppid people that use paypal so 1000+/- people don't mather if they lose , they make profit every day , paypal will not lose money ever , i will love to make website like paypal and all losers give me at least 2% on a transaction . and pretending that is safer that bank hahaha

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Fair play to them. If I could do something like that I would. I've noticed a lot of young ideological people on here crying about how corrupt big businesses are. One day you'll grow up and realise the world has never been and never will be the Disney movie you want it to be.

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Fair play to them. If I could do something like that I would. I've noticed a lot of young ideological people on here crying about how corrupt big businesses are. One day you'll grow up and realise the world has never been and never will be the Disney movie you want it to be.

Lol. I realized that at the age of 10, and grew up in place, when some of British will just suicide I sure (place where is nothing, just nothing, there are no trials, no BMX, there are almost no bikes, there is no possibility for people to realize themselves, only alcohol and drugs - that's the only entertainment in that place + extremely high level of criminalization) lol, so what? This isn't about that, this is about what world people want to live in, about things people don't want to see in this world, and we can do something about it. Not just say "blahblah this world is shit and thats ok" and live like nothing happens.

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Lol. I realized that at the age of 10, and grew up in place, when some of British will just suicide I sure (place where is nothing, just nothing, there are no trials, no BMX, there are almost no bikes, there is no possibility for people to realize themselves, only alcohol and drugs - that's the only entertainment in that place + extremely high level of criminalization) lol, so what? This isn't about that, this is about what world people want to live in, about things people don't want to see in this world, and we can do something about it. Not just say "blahblah this world is shit and thats ok" and live like nothing happens.

You sound very much like our recently departed Russian friend. Life is what you make it, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. That's just the way the system is set up. Get used to it, makes life much easier

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Lol. I realized that at the age of 10, and grew up in place, when some of British will just suicide I sure (place where is nothing, just nothing, there are no trials, no BMX, there are almost no bikes, there is no possibility for people to realize themselves, only alcohol and drugs - that's the only entertainment in that place + extremely high level of criminalization) lol, so what? This isn't about that, this is about what world people want to live in, about things people don't want to see in this world, and we can do something about it. Not just say "blahblah this world is shit and thats ok" and live like nothing happens.

I realise that we can and should try to change some things but I am prepared to accept this sort of thing. I getwhat iI want out of eBay and if they can earn a bit extra on top then fair play. Edited by dngr2self
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Because interest at a daily rate would be compound interest. Starting with £100 on the second day you are getting 2% of £102 - £2.04. On the 50th day you are getting £5.28 making the total £269.16 and on the 365th day you would get £2700.80 making the grand total £137,740.83.

So yeah, 2% interest daily is a lot.

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This is a very good idea. Helps fight with scammers.

About your maths, I doubt they currently get 8000USD/minute of sales - probably a lot more than that. And 2% interest daily? Seriously? Tell me how and I'll happily allocate my money there.


Yeah it would actually. In 365 days at 2% daily your 100 quid is worth 137k. Whoever came up with that 2% doesn't know how money works. Money doesn't grow, it is simply transferred between people.

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