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Tinted Car Window Sheets

Ali C

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I am picking up my new mpv at the weekend. It has a lot of windows and as a little security precortion I would like to tint the windows with sheets I have seen on ebay (to protect contents inside the car when left).

What I want to know is, how easily can you see into the car with them? and can you see from the inside out? as I will have passengers in it, but I want them to be able to look out, but people outside not to see in.

ta raa

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Depending on what type of tint you get will depend on how you can see through it

limo tint is pretty good cus you can only see through it one way (Y)

if you end up doing it try and take your windos out and do them in the bath (Y) it looks far better than doing on the car

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Take the windows out if you can, it will make it a whole load easier.

Personally I wouldn't bother...speaking from experience, I know how hard it is to do. It's easy enough to put on, but I found that, no matter how careful I was, there were hundreds of little air bubbles, which made it look super crap.

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I know wayne used some of that tinting,he said its a reet fars to use and if he was to do it again he would get somebody reet to do it,he only did the rear window then sacked it off.You'd be best of gettin it done reet sumwhere ali,what car you got any road

is that reet now...


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I know wayne used some of that tinting,he said its a reet fars to use and if he was to do it again he would get somebody reet to do it,he only did the rear window then sacked it off.You'd be best of gettin it done reet sumwhere ali,what car you got any road

yeah me and wayne spent 4 hours doing his rear window and it still ended up looking wank.

but that a convex curve so is a lot harder.

side windows are much easier as they only curve one way.

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Just incase you didn't know:

You are not allowed to tint your windscreen or front windows AT ALL. Anything forward of the B pillar (middle of the car) MUST NOT be tinted in anyway. You are however still allowed to perform any level of tinting on your back windows.

If you've tinted you windows before January that does not mean that you are safe, if the police believe that your tint causes reduced visibility they can issue you with an order to have it removed.

Tom :)

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You are not allowed to tint your windscreen or front windows AT ALL. Anything forward of the B pillar (middle of the car) MUST NOT be tinted in anyway. You are however still allowed to perform any level of tinting on your back windows.

I'm pretty sure your alowed external tint on them, just not internal tint. But because of the way tint works that limits you to only a small tint on the front windows.

Our cars front windows are tinted outside, they were just like that as standard...

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I'm pretty sure your alowed external tint on them, just not internal tint. But because of the way tint works that limits you to only a small tint on the front windows.

Our cars front windows are tinted outside, they were just like that as standard...

Yeah thats right.. The rear window and rear side windows can be as black as you like, but the front side windows have to be slightly lighter and the windscreen you can have tinted but its not really worth it as its not too noticeable.

If you do it your self do what someone else said up there ^^ and try it in the bath. My mate did his in his padling pool but still managed to get a couple of bubbles :). If you have tiny bubles that you cant get rid of, get a pin and poke them and then smooth them out :)


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