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i'm 22 2 months before my girlfriend is 18. It has never been an issue and i can't see it ever becoming one. We forgot straight away our age difference simply because we got on so well, so it hasn't ever been something that has bothered either of us, or any of our mates.

I'd say if you get on and it doesn't matter to you, then try it out and if things go tits up then they go tits up.


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I was thinking about this a couple of days ago. My last girlfriend was in the year above me. And to be fair I thought she was wa outa my league but we got on really well and she's very hot *searches for pic*

ah hah:


That's her with new brown hair, it was blonde.


We argued 'cos she knows she's pretty and it pissed me off a lot. So we fell out but I do still like her. And then there's this girl who gets on my bus.

She doesn't go to my school and I'm sure she's not in my year, 2 years below I think but I think she's really hot :). She acts really mature and I saw her when I was out in town a couple of weeks ago!

She was like hey ur the hot guy from the bus aren't you and i was like :S lol.

So she's said once we're back at school I've gotta talk to her but I dont know weather to show her i'm interested in her because she's younger than me.

Might be abit weird :o

Anyway all the advice I could give Jon's given or you've thought to leave it over the summer which is the best idea. See how it goes mate. You'll make your decision once you know how you feel and how it'll affect people etc. It's you and her, age doesn't really matter. If she's mature enough for you then you're all good

Hope I helped :"> :S :P

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Just a little addition...

My sister is 21, her boyfriend is 19 in May, they've been together since Boxing Day 2002, he lives with us and my parents here, and I can't ever see them breaking up.

P.S. Nick... Get with the bus hotty.

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Can i just say, how ever old she is. She's fine. :o

Meh, leaving it too cook over is probably best. It also lets the friendship develop. I've normally found, if you rush into a relationship, it mostly doesn't work, as you find things out, while being in the relationship. If you are "friends" then for some reason, you actually flirt more and talk a lot more deep with eachother then you would if you was going out.

PS: 70,000 post here. Go me.

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It seems you've made up your mind, so I guess any advice I might be giving is superfluous. But I'm going to do it anyway, because I want to say my piece :op

I nearly always spend too long thinking about relationships just before they become relationships, trying to weigh all the pros and cons of a situation and working out if I really want to get involved with this girl etc. What I always find though is no matter how much I think about something in the end it's better just go with the flow and see how things turn out. This tends to be just how things work out for me anyway - I'll think about a situation a lot when I'm alone and as soon as I'm around the subject of my thoughts I forget all the problems and just go along with whatever, without really making any effort to push either way. Just let everything develop naturally.

Having said that, I think under 20 (perhaps younger, maybe only under 18/19) things are a little different. Age difference probably does need to be considered once you start looking at age gaps that span some tumultuous life periods.

Meh, I don't know... I'm all a bit lost with younger partners. The only ones I've had have only just been younger than me. Most of the girls I end up going out with are significantly older than me. I'm also a little biased as my 15 year old sister is going out with someone older than me and I really don't like that - although 15-23 is a little different than 15-17 :)

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Thanks everyone your a really decent set of guys and gals (Y)

I've decided to just go with the flow and see were it takes me  :D

cheers everyone (Y)

Peoples advice is good as you will get various views/opinions and people in the same situation, Im 17 and my girlfriends 15 (16 in 2 months) and to be honest the age gap doesn´t really bother me one bit as i have fun with her and enjoy her company.

my point is, if you think you really like this girl then go for it :D you only live once..

Cheers, Dan

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Age differences can be a right pain in the arse sometimes... for example I have loads of fit birds in my Art class ( I'm the only boy in the class lucky me... hehehe (Y) ) and I get on really well with nearly all of them and there's this really HOT! one who I've liked since I started High School and I'm now in 5th year ( Scottish Schools ). But there is no way I'll beable to get out with her because she only looks for guys older than her... 18 is her mininum limit and I've just turned 16, it sucks likes (Y)


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But there is no way I'll beable to get out with her because she only looks for guys older than her... 18 is her mininum limit and I've just turned 16, it sucks likes (Y)

She sounds like a terrrrwat.

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I've only ever had relationships with girls same year as me or older but heres my little daft perception of age gaps.

I think that it's cool if all partys involved are genuinely happy with each other, its not a contest to see who can "pull" the oldest/youngest, thats just sick. For example, at my old school some guys I knew (who happened to be pikeys but I didn't hold that against them) told me how they'd gone out looking to see who could bed the youngest girl, they where 16 and managed to get from 12/14 year olds. Thats a bit sick and I think guys over 20 shouldn't mix with girls below 6th form/college (17+) because its just a bit weird and I think they should be able to get a woman their own age.

As I said I don't really know a lot about it but thats how I feel. Saying that I'm poo at relationships and get bored very quickly so longest is 6 months and I havn't had a girl friend since december (before that there was about a 2year gap)

James (Y)

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He's the thing I've recently been spending a lot of time with this girl who comes down my dads bike shop and she is truly amazing (Y)  She rides motorbike trials and has just started bike trials and are two familys get on really well together.

She has started hinting that she'd like to maybe make more of our relationship but she is only 15 and i'm 17 and 18 in about 4 months and I really have a problem with this age difference :D

I know it's not that big a deal in todays world but I remember what I thought about the girls in my school who had much older boyfriends and I really don't want to subject her to that kind of treatment

But on the other hand I don't want to lose her because she is the most amazing girl I have ever met and not only knows what trials is she also does it :D

So basically I would like to know some peoples opinoins on this subject :P should I do it? do I need to have a talk with her dad? what should I do?

Please only post if your mature because this is a serious post and I really don't have time for little idiots who think they are cool (Y)

thanks for your time :">

My gf is 15 just turned 2month ago, im 18 this year, the age gap doesent bother me, it bothers her dad though,

I dont rush her in to suff she doesent wanna do cos shes young, i tell her when shes ready blah blah

All is well.

15-21 is a bit wired.

Edited by Davetrials
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just seen this thread, and wanted to add another opinion.

Im actually the reverse of this situation, as i'm 20 and my girlfriend of 6 months turns 27 this year. Bit of a larger age difference but i only notice it when people comment on it.

I dont see why it cant work- its not that uncommon for an age gap like that at your ages, and its not exactly massive! If you really like her that much then you should give it a go as its not like your asking her to marry you or something (Y) if it doesnt work out then you can always calm it down. If you really want her but put it off you run the risk of being really gutted later on and might start asking yourself "what if ?" which will be really really annoying.

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I agree with what bongo says. Most of the girls in my year are going out with older guys anyway, I think this must be because as said before, women mature sooner than men.

I think you shuld just go for it, see how it goes, if it all goes wrong then it doesnt really matter, where as if you wait you might miss your oppertunity and be asking what if you had gone for it before (as said before).

Hope all goes well for you.

Aaron. (Y)

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just seen this thread, and wanted to add another opinion.

Im actually the reverse of this situation, as i'm 20 and my girlfriend of 6 months turns 27 this year. Bit of a larger age difference but i only notice it when people comment on it.

I dont see why it cant work- its not that uncommon for an age gap like that at your ages, and its not exactly massive! If you really like her that much then you should give it a go as its not like your asking her to marry you or something :o if it doesnt work out then you can always calm it down. If you really want her but put it off you run the risk of being really gutted later on and might start asking yourself "what if ?" which will be really really annoying.

For some reason society doesn't frown upon women having younger men, some would say it is common. I think this could all come down to the fact that men TEND to be a lot more pushy in relationships and around 16-19 are apparently in a sex crazed haze in which inhibitions are removed and age gaps mean nothing. I mean to me I'd say "SCORE" to anyone going out with a woman older than them, don't know why but I just like 'em older :lol: admittedly maybe not seven years but at 20-27 the fact that there is an age gap gets less and less important.

James (Y)

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Age differences can be a right pain in the arse sometimes... for example I have loads of fit birds in my Art class ( I'm the only boy in the class lucky me... hehehe :o  ) and I get on really well with nearly all of them and there's this really HOT! one who I've liked since I started High School and I'm now in 5th year ( Scottish Schools ). But there is no way I'll beable to get out with her because she only looks for guys older than her... 18 is her mininum limit and I've just turned 16, it sucks likes :lol:


Cough Whore Cough

Sorry, she jsut sounds it....I'll just stick with me 18 year old, and me being 16 (Y)"

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Age has nothing to do with it, but it does stick at the back of our minds, it up to you if you let it bother you. Mmy ex of 2 years was 18 and im 19, but my currnet girlfriend is 15.

It is a bit strange at first being with a younger person,(especially after being with older women in the past 23 and 25) but it isnt really bothering me, she very mature for her age, and i just dont care about other peoples opinions of us. Its going good so there we go.

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She sounds like a terrrrwat.

Cough Whore Cough

Sorry, she jsut sounds it....I'll just stick with me 18 year old, and me being 16  :o"

Naw... she's sound and all... I just think she wants a guy with loads of cash and a car... she probs wants big cocks too (Y)" She'll be one of those lassies when there older, were all they wont is rich blocks for there money... users!!!! :o ( So yeah I will agree she probs is being selfish :lol: )

Rob you wee toy boy... bet you love it :P


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Its not really that bigger deal is it? there are legalities to consider though, as odds are if you both get really into each other things will progress if you know what I mean . But realisitically alot of girls that age probably are not so 'clean' etc lol as you might like to imagine :lol: thats the way this sad world is goinf these days im afraid.

At the end of the day maybe its better that she might go out with you than you be gutted when she ends up with someone else of a similar age to you, and misss out on a girl who may have been perfect for you.

got to agree with J Mac about the whole 'time of change thing' its not deffers a problem, could just mean that you do become closer as she will change into a girl even more suited to you..... not definately gonna do a U turn in her personality etc. etc. etc.

My gf is nearly 3 1/2 ears older...... this works fine however as we are both mature and get on so well thats its not even an issue, i can go out with her friends and not feel like the young one and so on....

Maybe at 15 she would seem a little young, coun't really take her down the pub for a drink etc. lol

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What Prawn said is right, 15 is very different to 18.  But you'll never know unless you try?  What have you got to lose?  If you're really into her, then give her a try, so to speak ^_^

ditto :lol: but i think you should wait until she is 16 (Y)

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