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Wrist Bands

Michael Hardman

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Damm those things Ive bought a few latelty

Live strong, poverty and bullying as i believe in those things especially the povetry thing.

Anyway does anyone sell the anti racism one which isnt made from nike im not a fan of sports companies jusmping on the bandwagon and taking over, making a mockery of things i the name of profit.

Nike especially seeing as they pay people less than 2p a day to work if i got the figures corect that is, but hey rant over, any info would be nice please.

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well who ever said the livestrong ones arent made by nike im sure ull find your very mistaken, lance is sponsored heavily by nike, as they paid a lot of money towards lances foundation and toward his recovery treatment for his death defying recovery from cancer (brain lung and testicle) (at the same time). so im very positive they are made by nike.

sure it will say on www.laf.com or www.wearyellow.com

these being the two sites they talk about them most



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That doesnt really help anyone then does it? I'd rather give money to nike for some to get to a charity than be proud of getting them for free.

You say up above the subjects such as poverty you feel strongly about... then you say you got them for free... :D

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livestrongs are definately made by nike

i've got an anti bullying one because i got bullied for 4 years in high school and a pale blue cultivepeace one because there is too much hate and war in the world and if everyone was a little more careing the world would be abetter place :D

i plan to get an anti racism one because i believe racism is the basis of most hate in the world and if eveyone treated eveyone else as an indvidual we would all be alot happier.

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i've got an anti bullying one because i got bullied for 4 years in high school and a pale blue cultivepeace one because there is too much hate and war in the world and if everyone was a little more careing the world would be abetter place  :P

Yeah, I hear an elastic band can change all that :D

Anyway Michael, what's the point in being happy that you're trying to show you endorse a charity, yet have never given money to it? Bit sorta...shallow? Your call(s) though...

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Yeah, I hear an elastic band can change all that  :D

no a bit of rubber won't change anything but with an attitude like that nothing will change! its all about awareness and the wrist bands create conversations (like this) that help to raise awareness. awareness and education are the only way to make change, ignorance only shows stupidity and a fear of learning!

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I think you will find nike do make the the livestrong bands or are at least heavily involved in them as has been stated numerous times now.

The Bands are a way of showing your support for something you might believe in, raising awareness etc but also it not as if the bands are given out free (most of them anyway) you pay a few pounds for the band and the money goes to the charity involved.


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IMO they are a load of bollocks...

They have just become a fassion accessory, its like "wow im cool cos I wear this and it shows off I have payed a tiny sum of money to a charity".

If someone is seriously wanting to support a charity they can easily do a sponsored bike ride/bungee jump/sky dive etc... etc... but I spose if they did this it would be too much effort and they wouldnt have the "in fassion accessory" showing off round their wrist...

As for the bands being sold for profit on ebay - Dont even get me started on that!

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Hahah im such a corporate bitch, I have,

Beat Bullying band - Blue

Anti Racism - Black and White

Breast Cancer - Pink

Heart foundation - Red

Live strong - yellow

I think thats it, my mum keeps bringing them home! But hey its money to charity so its all good!

James >_<

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Thats a good thing, as it means all people are buying the livestrong ones, meaning that more money is being given to charity!

Unfortunately though, the f**ktarded nature of people and commercialism means that they're not; in places like TopShop and all those girly accessories shops, they actually sell wrist bands with just random words on them, not to give the money to charity. Which is a little silly :unsure:

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Unfortunately though, the f**ktarded nature of people and commercialism means that they're not; in places like TopShop and all those girly accessories shops, they actually sell wrist bands with just random words on them, not to give the money to charity.  Which is a little silly (Y)

Very true, but if people buy the unofficial ones, people laugh at them and call them 'scruffs' and they feel neglegted, meaning the only way to redeem themselfs, Buy a live strong band :unsure:

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