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Czar Ivan Or 06 Pitbull?

Luke Drewery

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Right, as you may have seen from my other topics I am after buying a new frame very soon and considering I can only afford a new frame every year or so which do you think would be ideal for me? I have only seen one Czar bult up (not including the pictures on tartybikes etc) which was Joe Mahers and it looked pretty sweet, but now that loads of pictures of peoples new 06 pitbulls are cropping up I am tempted to get one of those too. I ride a t-rex at the moment and it has 0 bb rise and a 1080mm wheelbase, the Czar has 60mm bb rise and a 1100mm (long) wheelbase and the 06 pitbull has 50mm bb rise and a 1080mm wheelbase (long). I dont know whether the shock of 60mm will hinder my riding so the pitbull seems the best option, but i really cant decide, so I came on here. If you have/are getting the frame please post your opinions/suggestions here. Pics would be good too...

Any advice much appreciated. :lol:

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Czar...all the way.

Note, all people thaT had hifi..( 1085 ) have all gone back to std bb rise bikes.

Go long and go high, czar all the way.

Ask people ive rode with how much my riding has improved since having it.

Truly amazing frame :lol:


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I went from a Levelboss with a 1085 wheelbase to a Czar about a month ago, and i would recommend it all the way.

It is strange to begin with, but within the first 2 days of riding i was already inproving in some areas. Taps stayed about the same not really feeling huge improvement in that area, side hops initially deteriated, but now have improved to better than they were before. My gaps to back wheel also initally deteriated (because of the extra bb height), but soon were back to the level i was at previously, but my gaps to front wheel improved from the word go! Gaining maybe an extra 6 inches on my previous best.

For natural, comp style riding the frame has improved my riding loads! The high bb makes a huge difference and i find sectioning easier. Again to begin with i didnt like it, but after the initial shock of changing it is a great frame.

The 1100 wheel base does sound a bit excessive, but with the bb rise it makes the frame ride like a 1085 (or so) and i am only 5'7", and i am handling it pretty dam well :lol:

All in all i think a bb rise is a risk, you might hate it, but unless you try the bike (and i dont just mean go on a mates) you will never know... and to be honest, if you hate it i bet there are people who would buy a second hand Czar.... :lol: (GO FOR THE CZAR)


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adament, czars look dated.

i know it is not one of the options, but i agree with this man, although you will probably say that i would have say that. I also agree with the guy who rides a czar above, everything deteriorated initially but once i got the hand of the extra flick-i-ness, it was nice. now i am going bigger than before with everything except taps, if your a tapping monstor who loves nothing more than tapping, DO NOT GO HIGH BB, they are not meant for this.

My adamant is awesome, and i have never been a fan of the hole in the headtube craze. i love my adamant, its strong, light and works freaking awesome.

and i can vouch that dw@hulltrials loves his as well.


benny boi

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i know it is not one of the options, but i agree with this man, although you will probably say that i would have say that. I also agree with the guy who rides a czar above, everything deteriorated initially but once i got the hand of the extra flick-i-ness, it was nice. now i am going bigger than before with everything except taps, if your a tapping monstor who loves nothing more than tapping, DO NOT GO HIGH BB, they are not meant for this.

My adamant is awesome, and i have never been a fan of the hole in the headtube craze. i love my adamant, its strong, light and works freaking awesome.

and i can vouch that dw@hulltrials loves his as well.


benny boi

This is something I still dont understand, what is it about high bb frames that makes them hard for tapping, does the wheel hit too low/high, do you not get enough bounce from the tyre when it hits etc?

Cheers for the replies though guys, really helpful. Oh and I like the look of the xtp, hence I like the look of the Czar. >_<

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Anyone who rides a ZOO is clearly gay.


You are celarly a penis ^_^

I got a pitbull frame not long ago (05) and it's ok butas long as the geo is more or less the same you may aswell go for a czar just to be different :huh:

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This is something I still dont understand, what is it about high bb frames that makes them hard for tapping, does the wheel hit too low/high, do you not get enough bounce from the tyre when it hits etc?

Cheers for the replies though guys, really helpful. Oh and I like the look of the xtp, hence I like the look of the Czar. >_<

hmm, it is hard to explain the technicalities of it, but it does seem very hard. I was struggling to get a hold of them, and its hard to keep a tap to the back wheel, i was trying 50ish yesterday and it was v.hard, i made one or two, but i was landing pretty much to both wheels.

the high bb is good for a competition element, but if u only ride street and nothing else, and like tapping, maybe not a wise choice. IMO


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with my adament i have found my taps to go downhill too but i can know tap from short run ups (trackstand half a pedal stroke up styley) which i couldnt do before.

But all of my other areas of riding have gone up espically control, side hops and wheel swapping :huh:

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The term 'gay' originally means to be merry or to be happy. Just like the word 'queer' means something that is odd or strange is now used to describe homosexuals. It just so happened that people started to use the word in a derogatory manner towards homosexuals. The word Nigger was a derogatory word from the very beginning. Just like the words spic, chink, slope etc. To say the someone is gay because they engage in a certain activity or do something odd is rather silly. But to say something like "Anyone who rides a Zoo is a nigger" is just down right stupid. It would be the same thing if I said that anyone who owns a British motorcycle is a 'Limey b*****d.' Which is just as ridiculous and offensive.

Ride on,

Deadly Venom

Edited by deadly venom
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We're allowed to use 'gay' in a derogatory sense, but if I said 'Anyone who rides a ZOO is clearly a nigger' I'd get told off and probably banned for a week.

Why is this? We can use 'homosexual' as an insult, but not 'person of African origin'.

That's very odd.

Interesting fact:

Nigger is in fact short for Nigerian, as Paki is short for Pakistani and Brit is short for British. Only one of those three races does not whinge about the shortened name. Can you guess which?

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Social constructionism resulting in desensitisation to certain terms :)

have u done sociology or social geography by any chance.

back to the topic. i dont ride long bikes (im tempted to try but cant afford) but in terms of looks i would say adamant. but if u like the look of the czar im sure the ride feel of both will be pretty similar??

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Interesting fact:

Nigger is in fact short for Nigerian, as Paki is short for Pakistani and Brit is short for British. Only one of those three races does not whinge about the shortened name. Can you guess which?

yes but can you guess which one of those isn't used an deliberately offesnsive term to describe someone of a particular race, irrespective of which country they come from.

anyhow thought we were talking about bikes, both have fairly similar geometry and both are meant to ride nice, so f**k it get the one you think looks best. Be shallow, live a little :)

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