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Post Your Desktop Background

Dai the Socket

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thought I may as well post mine...Im always changing it though lol. I recently sorted myself out with vista dreamscene even though I dont have vista ultimate :- and its pretty cool having hd videos as your background, but I did notice it slowed my computer down a little bit.


oh please tell me how?

Thanks Gav

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Ehm, I guess I also have OS X on my PC, now :PAnd contrarily to popular belief it runs with only a very few glitches (the dock takes a moment to pop up when in hiding mode and the HDD doesn't always come back from "idle-sleep") and the installation was super easy :).


Edited by paolo
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Ehm, I guess I also have OS X on my PC, now :PAnd contrarily to popular belief it runs with only a very few glitches (the dock takes a moment to pop up when in hiding mode and the HDD doesn't always come back from "idle-sleep") and the installation was super easy :).

What spec computer are you using? I haven/t heard much good stuff about the hackintosh like some (...most) universal apps dont work.

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Ehm, I'm using a stock Compaq Presario SR1519X if you want to look up the full specs but briefly 2.93 Ghz Pentium 4 processor (though os X sees it as a 3.8), 512 mb ram, intel integrated graphic, network and surround sound card. I think the integrated cards helped my cause as the Mac Mini uses some similar stuff.

As for the applications, I didn't get any major problem, I get some temporary freezes when I have lots running, but that doesn't really have to do with the OS. Safari freezes on occasion especially on flash heavy stuff, but I downloaded Firefox and it works mint. iTunes works like a charm, quicktime too, Microsoft Messenger's a bitch compared to other IM clients but it works. Might be worth mentioning that I'm using the unupdated OS X 10.4.6.

But the real test will come when recording stuff with garage band/logic but I can't do that right now as I tested the installation on a 4gig ATA HDD :P and that might be part of the reasons for my small bugs as it's too slow and probably more than 10 years old...

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Agreed. I used to use M. Messenger until it started crashing every time I closed a convo window. Just couldn't explain it. I still hate the fact that nearly all the msn chat clients dont support webcams! Gay!

I use aMSN to watch birds get naked, it's pretty good, bit of a CPU hog though, even on my MBP.

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Here's mine. I just finished setting it up, so I thought it would be nice to :) The swirly picture was the result of a random Google image search.

This is two 22" displays (1680x1050), running Fedora 7 Linux. On the right hand screen you can see I have both Windows XP & Windows Vista running under VMWare. Amarok, FireFox, Thunderbird, aMSN, Azureus, GIMP, Putty, to identify a few of the icons.

It's my first (proper) time fiddling with VMWare and I have to admit, it's one of the coolest things to ever be invented.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Spode: I notice you have steam installed on XP in VMWare. Are any games playable?

Here's a semi-current pic of my setup (not actually running dual monitors at the moment as I completely ran out of desk space on my physical desk.)


Slackware 12 with me in the midst of examining and learning about differences in font rendering!

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