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Can You Spot A Trials Rider?


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I was just wondering, if you where walking around in a room full of people and lets say there where 2 other trials riders in there. do they stand out? i'd say the majority of riders just wear normal clothes but does their walk change or their stance etc. personally i walk slightly different now(duck style) :- but apart from that :mellow:

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England Shirt, funny South Yorkshire accent, constantly using the word slag.......I spotted ar Craigy baby from a mile off :blink:

Random funny whaling "COOOOOOCOO DOO DOO BLABAAABABB POOOOOOOOOOOO" trousers too low, pink boxers....Spotted Dale straight away.

P.S. Relentless Energy drinks at a trial price of only 89p BARGAIN!

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he/she (lets not be sexist now) would be wearing 3/4's or jeans that are shreded at the bottom from always catching under the chain :lol:

and you would probably be able to hear their wrists constantly clicking like a cement mixer! or is that just me :unsure:

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If a trials rider looked like me no way would i spot him. I just wear surf clothes like quiksilver, billabong etc. I have got pretty long hair as well, but I suppose the hands are a bit of a give away but what kind of a perve goes around looking at other peoples hands :P .

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Maybe not so common, but since riding trials I seem to walk like a complete tw@t! It's really annoying but cant help it.

Trousers would be gnarled by cogs/chain etc,

Big thighs, shoulders and forearms,

Deep and many shin scars!

Aren't complete idiots to talk to,

Knee back pain when getting up/moving about,

May be riding a trials bike?? :-


Edited by Alun Goch
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P.S. Relentless Energy drinks at a trial price of only 89p BARGAIN!

Only managed a whole can twice out of five attempts ;) Brutal stuff...

I don't know about spotting them. If I was in a pub, I wouldn't just spot someone, I don't think. 'cept for Adam Read, but that's 'cos I noticed his aura of sex :P And the wave?

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Also another point...Would you be able to tell if someone was a trials rider whilst they where riding a mountain bike?Like when moto-trials riders do motocross they always tend to be stood up alot and good in the mud races and stuff.

I bet i could because theyd know what a decent bike is so thats one sign also theyd think that because they can do trials then dirt jumping,xc,downhill would just come natural so theyd be super confident and you probably notice signs like 1 finger over each brake

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